Orion Gleeron

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Orion Gleeron is a character of the fictional world of Kronthor. He was one of the earliest known Arch Red Mages, and was certainly one of the most powerful. He has since arisen to Godhood.
= History =
Not much is known about Orion's youth. It has been speculated that he is a bastard child of the Goddess of Demons, Greetje, and the powerful and primal force of Limbo. Or perhaps a being of law and good, and one of chaos and evil spawned him through their union. No one can say for sure. What is known however, is that he had a very short boyhood but stopped aging almost at all, going at a very slow crawl, by the time he was 28 years old. Time continues to slow for him, and some suspect that at one point he will reach permanent stasis.
==Early Career==
Orion was first seen in the Kliceet Market, in one of the first Eras of Kronthor. At that time he offered his spells to anyone who could afford his prices. They were very high, and often he wasn't payed to cast more than one spell at a time. At one point, he lost his interest in money and began asking for sacrifices, magical tomes, or slaves. Frequently his customers were godlings like Wiellam, or Oweth. Some of his more popular spells included time stop, reincarnation, resurrection, and plane shift. His spells usually had severe drawbacks, and he was careful to warn people of them before casting his spells. For example, time stop had a short time period. Only, at the end of this time period, time didn't revert to normal. It became irreversible. the amulet on his stall desk had to be activated before then. On the same note, reincarnation could result in the splitting of the soul. There would be 2 copies of the reincarnation, neither of which liked each other, to say the least. Resurrection could plunge a soul deeper into Death, or plane shift might carry you to the most...unexpected places.
= Apprenticeship =
Orion does not like to talk about his apprenticeship. He claims he was the first Arch Red Mage, and that he was self taught. Perhaps he didn't like the idea of needing someone else. Apparently, some time after he first arrived in the Kliceet Market, Akakios Channing arrived on a ferry boat. He was going to buy some groceries, but when he learned more about Orion, all thoughts of bread and cheese had left his mind. He immediately took him to his tower. That day was called "ARM Day". It is used as a standard way of measuring time with Arch Red Mages. During his apprenticeship, Orion learned to master his skills and bend magic to his will.
==The Construction==
The Construction was an era of time about 20 years after ARM Day. Orion viewed Akakios as a good friend and mentor. Together, they built the Labyrinth and filled it with goblins. This was when they put the spell upon it that made it constantly grow and change. The Construction lasted 5 years.
==The Relocation==
The Relocation took place 30 years after ARM Day. During this time, Orion and Akak built a new tower and moved the Labyrinth. This was the tower used by Orion and Kip. The Relocation is also the time when most of the alternate towers were created across the planes. The Relocation lasted 20 years.

Current revision as of 21:22, 31 January 2009

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