From Xdw

MW LAND is a rival forum of XF. It was originally created out of jealousy and is managed by mw9999.



[edit] The First Forum War

The First Forum War is estimated to have lasted about an hour. Very soon after the war started, a treaty was proposed and signed, ending the war. There was no damage as a result of this war.

[edit] The Second Forum War

Main article: Second Forum War

The Second Forum War is the most well known as it was started by The Wipe. After being elected as Global Moderator of XF, the user jhn mass-deleted all the threads of XF as an act of war. Although MW Land's administrator, mw9999, claimed to not be part of this, he gave jhn Global Moderator status and a private board at MW LAND. It was later found out that mw9999 had plans do gain XIIIidiots trust and then do a similar wipe. MW Land was considered hostile and was attacked several times by XF members through spam threads.

[edit] The Story Dispute

The Story Dispute eventually became a primary factor during the Second Forum War. A long time ago, mw9999 of MW Land stole several popular story threads from XF. This action did not become an issue until the start of the Second Forum War. After a spamming raid conducted by several XF members, XIIIidiots stated a warning to MW LAND, claiming that it is pointless to bother fighting back. This warning became known as the Letter to MW Land. After the accounts were all banned, XIIIidiots used a proxy to post an ultimatum to the forum. He demanded that MW LAND deleted the stolen threads, or their accounts at XF would face consequences.

Long after the war was considered to be over, leppp wiped MW LAND, removing the stories in the process.

[edit] See Also

Second Forum War


Letter to MW Land

The Wipe

[edit] External Links


Personal tools