Moonbeam Windchimes

From Xinda

Moonbeam Windchimes is the leader of the National Hippy Party and current Prime Minister of Random Textbox Inputs.

[edit] Early life

Windchimes, born Maria Peros, was the daughter of a prominent businessman and a university lecturer. Graduating from the esteemed University of RTIopia with a PhD in Political Science, she initially started writing political tracts advocating a form of government dubbed "pseudo-communistic" by the conservative regime at the time, and became famous in her field, becoming advisor to the Really Quite Large Left-Wing Coalition. After a period of travel around Liberalia, she was introduced to Rain Fog, then-leader of the National Hippy Party, and she adopted Hippyism as a political philosophy. At the age of 33, she won a seat in the Parliament sitting for the constituency of Nordchestershire, and quickly rose through the ranks of the NHP.

[edit] Political Career

Windchimes was praised for her superb oratorial skills, getting the better of many of her parliamentary opponents. Her talent spotted by the party, she was appointed Shadow Under-Foreign Secretary, rising to Shadow Foreign Secretary. She was one of the principal authors of the NHP's manifesto in 1999, where they lost out to the Massive Left-Wing Collectorate, headed by Bernard LeBlanc. She was elected as party leader after the retirement of Rain Fog. After the name of LeBlanc was leaked to the press, and his previous public record uncovered, the NHP came to power, and have been ever since.

Miss Windchimes has been criticised as not being a strong leader since the leak of Operation Greensloth, and is frequently referred to as being a "lame duck" or a "weak and feeble Prime Minister", among other things. However, it is probably a testament to her talent that she has managed to survive this long in RTIian politics.

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