Solitaire 4 - Twins
From Xinda
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The final installment of the first Season of The Solitaire Series, Konstantin and Khaine finally face off and Jarrick reveals his true colours once again!
Part 1
It was a bright sunny day in Geddon, the city was alive with activity. Crowds of bankers and businessmen rushing about thier business, oblivious still to the events of nearly a year ago. The attack on the Empress had been kept a secret by the Palace, so too had the emmergence of Khaine and the return of Jarrick. Fletch and Daphne had of course entered the limelight. Fletch was now Commander Fletcher Reise of His Imperial Majesty's personal security and Daphne had been recognised formally as Konstantin's estranged sister and was now Princess Daphne.
Prince Matthius was crying his eyes out, while Princess Elyse lay giggling next to him as her father changed her nappy. Matthius was a noisy one that was for sure, took after Konstantin, or so Jarrick said, Elyse certainly took after Kathryne, although seemed to have inheritted Konstantin's tendancy to generally be happy for no good reason. Kathryne was tired out and resting so Konstantin was looking after them for the while. Once he'd changed Elyse he put her in the playpen where she played with a little ragdoll, while he picked up Matthius and shushed him gently trying to get him to sleep.
There'd been no sign of Khaine for over a month. He'd last popped up in Sparta, destroying a secret facility that Jarrick had been running in Trodenhiem under Konstantin's nose. Over the last year he'd left a trail of destruction up and down the Empire, all secret facilities or scientists, veterens or civilians that had assisted Jarrick in his various schemes, plots and projects. General Karrvik, who had overseen the Dead Zone Massacres had been brutally murdered and dismembered, Itzak Zhukov who'd run the original Project was missing, though a lot of blood had been found in his apartment...
Khaine tore the old war veteran in two and discarded the legs, he hung the torso on the doorhook by impaling the old man's neck on it. His blood gouted everywhere, leaving a terrible mess. Khaine gently and carefully licked the blood from his flesh, savouring its bitter salty tang and its stench in his nostrils, his pupils dilated. Suddenly he stopped dead and jerked around to look at the little ragdoll that say on the toilet cistern where he had placed it carefully before killing the old man.
"Another murderer dead! That's what this is!" Khaine told the doll as if replying to a rather demanding question, "Well if you'd tell me where the man who killed you is, maybe I'd go and deal with him instead of running around and killing as many as I can in the hope that one is the right man!"
Khaine took the doll from the cistern and gentle cradled it in his arms before tucking it in his red sash and washing the blood from his skin. The sash had originally been white, not that you could tell now. The doll seemed to like it and Khaine liked the doll to be happy, it was his friend. His dear Molly, the poor girl who had died at school because she, like the rest of the children and teachers there, were ethnic Latagonians.
"No child should have suffered as you suffered Molly," Said Khaine, again as if replying to some conversation, "That's why I am doing this, so that you can find peace...So who is the next one and where are they?"
He cocked his head as if he'd just heard a satisfactory answer and left the apartment heading outside. His bare torso showed off his tattoos. A few people turned, recognising his face as that of the Emperor's but dismissed it. Khaine walked down the street and got on a bus. A few blocks down the driver's body fell from it into a drain. So lucky there was no-one on the bus...
Part 2
Another damned murder, this time some poor old veteran bought it. Khaine's doing once again. It seemed like his motives had changed completely, the recent string of murders had all been men involved in the genocides or slaughters of Trodenhiem's history. Not just the officers but troopers too. Where on earth was Khaine getting his information from. Konstantin was so close to sending people to protect them but he knew only he or Daphne were strong enough to take Khaine and he wasn't willing to risk Daphne, and he had a family to consider.
Matthius was crying once more but this time his mother came to deal with him. It was time to feed the babies, something Konstantin was secretly glad he couldn't do at this stage. His children had inheritted his peculiar eye colouration, though Elyse was the only one to get his hair colour, Matthius sported a fair brown mop. Both had been baptised into a Temple of Ilvenn as tradition demanded. Matthius entered the Temple of Valkiron, the Goddess of Winter, and Elyse had been put intot he Temple of Mato, the God of Innocence, Romance and Beauty. Konstantin was of the Temple of Sylas and Kathryne was technically of the Temple of Atos though she didn't believe in the Ilvenni faith.
Konstantin entered the Imperial Shrine. The subtle aroma of incense reached his nostrils and he lit a slow burning stick of aromatic coalwood that set out the cozy smell of burnt wood. He knelt before the statuete of Ilvenn and dropped to his knees bowing his head.
"Ilvenn in your wisdom help me to find a way to stop Khaine," He whispered, "Give me strength, and give me courage, and help me to understand what he is doing. Please I pray to you for help, any help you can send and I pray also for the favour of the Gods. I am ever your humble servant."
Cold footsteps slapped off the polished marble behind him and he turned to see who had entered, only to come face to face with Jarrick, no longer in his black Commissar's uniform but now in a black greatcoat. He had a look of regret on his face.
"My son...would you...would you forgive me for what I have done?" Jarrick asked, his voice trembling, "Its my fault these poor men are dying, its my fault they did what they did! Can you forgive me Konstantin, because I know the Gods never will?"
With that Jarrick fell to his knees before Konstantin and dropped his head to the floor at Konstantin's feet sobbing heavily. Despite his imposing figure and attire he looked like a man wracked with guilt and pained with regret.
"I never should have done what I did! I never should have made those men do that, they are innocent! I take all the blame, for all those people...all those children!" He cried sobbing at Konstantin's feet still as the Emperor stood shocked, "Please my son, fogive me! Khaine never will he'll kill every last one and leave me to feel the pain of what I've caused, you must accept this, I want to help you stop him."
"Jarrick...f-father, is the will of Ilvenn I think..." Stammered Konstantin taking Jarrick by the shoulders and bringing him to his feet, "I cannot forgive what you have done, but I will help you to atone for it. Come on, we have a psychopath to catch!"
"Oh they are are they? Thank you for telling me Molly, it wouldn't do now that they've teamed up if they caught me off guard!" Said Khaine to the ragdoll that sat before him, "You know it is about time I dealt with them...yes I know I must be prepared...oh really...well then that is some news."
Part 3
"Konstantin don't you dare! You have two young children to look out for, you can't go off trying to deal with these things yourself!" Yelled Kathryne frustrated, "What if you fail? What happens then? I can't cope without you! How am I supposed to shoulder the burden of looking after to babies and run the country in your stead? You can't do this!"
"I have to, Khaine has killed too many people to simply let him walk free to do as he pleases. It has to stop," Roared Konstantin slamming his fist on the desk causing it to splinter, "I will not fail. There is too much between Khaine and myself, it has to be resolved!"
"Why not send Sedt or Fletch? Why do you have to go?"
"Because I need them to look after you and the children if I do fail. Besides they're not strong enough to take Khaine!" Replied Konstantin calming slightly, "Nor is it thier destiny."
"Don't give me that destiny crap! You know I don't believe in Gods of fate or anything like that!" Yelled Kathryne her temper still up, "So don't try using that reasoning on me it won't work."
"I'm sorry Kathryne. My mind is made up."
Kathryne screamed incoherantly and ran from the room sobbing.
"We'll see what your Gods say to ME about this!"
The night had drawn in and Khaine stood once more on that rooftop, where he had fought Fletch and been taken by the cyborg-thing-woman. The rooftop where everything had changed. The wind wipped about his red sash, and would have chilled any other man right to the bone but not Khaine. He'd used what he found in the Dead Zone a year ago to alter himself further, with the help of string of doctors and scientists he'd forced into helping him, he was no implanted with cybernetics that made him stronger and faster than ever. Konstantin of course wouldn't know o this until they met face to face, and then it'd already be too late.
"...yes I can sense them too," Khaine whispered to the doll in his sash, "Finally Molly, finally I can kill the man that caused your death! Finally you can have your peace!"
"Khaine!" Shouted Konstantin from the other side of the rooftop, "You and I have bad blood to resolve."
"Ah brother, yes, we do. When its spilt all over me I shall take strength and nourishment from you, as I have from all those I have killed before!" Said Khaine a sinister grin playing on his lips, "Its too late for father, but perhaps not for you though! If you leave and don't interfere maybe I'll spare you and your family."
"Hah! You and I both know that'll never happen!" Konstantin Retorted, "You've killed too many! Now enough talk!"
With that Konstantin darted forward zigzagging across the rooftop towards Khaine. But Khaine was too quick, he darted to the side and grabbed Konstantin's neck tossing him aside. Instantly he was on top of the Emperor pouinding him with a strength Konstantin had not imagined Khaine possessed. Suddenly Khaine lifted his right fist to deliver the killing blow when a hand gripped his arm and Khaine shook in pain, sparks flickered from his skin and a look of absolute shock struck his face. Konstantin saw his opening and drove his fist into Khaine's face sending him flying back.
Konstantin staggered to his feet and charged into Khaine as he tried to stand. The force of the blow cause blood to spray from Khaine's mouthas Konstantin slammed his forehead into Khaine's face again and again. Finally Konstantin stopped, Khaine fell limp. Konstantin was knelt overhim covered in blood breathing heavily. Jarrick pulled him away and drawing his pistol fired three shots into Khaine's chest. The sound of splintering bone mingled with the smell of Khaine's blood and innards and made Konstantin feel strange.
"Come on, leave him Konstantin. We should go, I should go." Said Jarrick as he lifted Konstantin to his feet, he then punched Konstantin with his prosthetic knocking the Emperor clean out, "But I'm sorry son, you can never know where!"
With that he turned away and dissappeared into the darkness.
Part 4
Clara sat waiting for Jarrick, hidden from the others she sat in a sort of daze. Completely under the command of Jarrick, as she had been since Jarrick had found her, not long after his exile. She had done his bidding followed his every command without question. Why she did it was beyond her, she couldn't think on it, she had no will of her own anymore. Jarrick had done something to her, but what she couldn't remember and she didn't think on it, because Jarrick told her not to.
Konstantin woke slowly, pain wracked his body, causing him to shudder as he got to his feet. He looked about himself for Khaine, but there was no sign of his brother. There was blood everywhere but no signs as to where Jarrick or Khaine had gone. He staggered towards the edge of the rooftop and collapsed. Before he could hit the ground he was caught in the firm grip of a giant, who lifted him and gently carried him down the side of the building. The world turned black and Konstantin remembered nothing else.
"He was staggering about the rooftop when I found him. Blood everywhere, no sign of Khaine or Jarrick." Said Fletch dissapprovingly, "Judging from Konstantin's wounds he won, Khaine wouldn't have left him alive, but that means Jarrick must have double crossed him and fled."
"I don't like this at all." Muttered Daphne, "What happened to Khaine?"
"The whereabouts of Jarrick concern me more," Sedt's firm voice cut in, "I don't like to think what that old man can do now. I hardly think he'll go back to Caldari, no I have a feeling he'll go into a hiding for a long time yet."
"What about the Project Investigation? Surely Jarrick wouldn't leave..."
"The investigation is over," Sedt interupted, "Konstantin's orders before he left."
"How's Kathryne?" Asked Daphne.
"She's been by Konstantin's bedside since he got back," Replied Sedt, "I think she forgives him, but only time will tell."
The Series
Main Story
- Solitaire - Trodenhiem
- Solitaire 2 - Jarrick
- Solitaire 3 - Khaine
- Solitaire 4 - Twins
Side Stories
Solitaire Series Extras