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The Holy Constitutional Monarchy of Tzen
The Royal Flag of Tzen
National motto: Unity and Faith
National anthem: The Hymn of Julianos
Region New Liberalia
Capital Jacinto
Largest Cities Balamb, Port Sinclair
Spoken Languages

English, Caldanese
Magnate (Head of State)
Chancellor (Head of Gov't)
Holy Constitutional Monarchy
Loric the Mad
Ronald Walker
Circa 1100 C.E.
 • 2008 census
Currency 1 Tenge (T) = 100 coins (c)
Constitution The Compact

Tzen is a small, independent Constitutional Monarchy in the Eastern Territories of Liberalia. It was during the Golden Age of Tzen (before the 1st Gevon War and the end of the 2nd Gevon War) that the nation had unparalleled growth in the economy and the military; all due to the wise and somewhat insane rule of King Almasy (who died shortly before the 3rd Gevon War). And then the Age of Strife came. Four decades prior to the reemergence of the Tzen, the nation was consumed by chaos consisting civil strife, warlordism, internal conflict within the Royal Family and a deadly Plague which killed over a third of the entire population of the former nation. After surviving over three decades of utter anarchy, the remaining citizenry (those who hadn't died in the plague, fled to Ignathkar or the Caldari State, or just went back to tribalism) boarded ships bound for the unknown, never to return.

Upon the arrival in the New World (New Liberalia), an Emergency Council was formed to administer the weary citizenry as they settled along the Gold Coast - considered Holy Land by the Wisdom of the Nine Divines. Lucien Cass, the 'leader' of the Council, who was also the heir of the Almasy line was soon undisputed leader of the young nation however he didn't live long enough to see his own agenda reach fruition. After a short period of confusion and scapegoating, another council was formed to declare Loric the Mad who was an illegitimate child twice removed, to be the new Magnate. There was no dispute given the circumstances.

Under Loric's rule, Tzen has rapidly bounced back from its period of instability of the prior forty years, with the population growing, new industries blossoming and new allies in a fragile and unstable world, Tzen is expected to continue its unprecedented reemergence due to its hardworking, determined people and their faith in the Nine Divines.

The nation forty years ago at the end of the 2nd Gevon War had heavy manufacturing as its main industry and with it, was the backbone of the Tzen economy. Today, Tzen's primary economy is based upon the emerging and growing biotechnology and High-Tech sectors with a slowly-developing higher-education sector. Tzen, while small, thanks its ability to compete globally with other nations, even larger ones due to the Sciences Incentive Act approved by the Magnate weeks after the Trans-Tzen Railway between Jacinto (the capital) and Port Sinclair (the first settlement of Tzen) was completed. Even now, the railway has been expanded to Balamb and rails are being placed for a branch off to Tierijev, a mining town on the Fringe.

Jacinto is the 'traditional' capital of the nation; it is the seat of power for the Royal Family, home to the beautiful Niche Gardens; and it is the location of the Mount, which upon the plateau lies the Grand Cathedral of the Nine Divines where millions make the pilgrimage from across the Gold Coast to pay their respects to the gods for giving them their livelihoods and pray for continued blessings. Also ontop of the Mount is the Golden Palace of Kings. Due to strict government policies, there can be no foreign buildings in Jacinto nor government buildings for that matter since Jacinto has been decreed by the Magnate to be a place of religious importance and not of political chaos. Therefore, all official government business, headed by the Chancellor, Ronald Walker, is administered out of Balamb, the nation's largest and most vibrant city.

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