The Forthampton Government

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Government and Politics


Composition And Powers



Legislative Functions

Judicial Functions

Current Government

  • Prime Minister, First Lord Of The Treasury: Rt Hon Nicholas Symonds MP

  • Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman Of The Party: Rt Hon Peter James MP
    • Chief Whip (House Of Commons): Mrs. Charlotte Fortney MP
    • Chief Whip (House Of Lords): Lord Jack Coaker
    • Leader Of The House Of Commons: Rt Hon Sean Asher MP
    • Leader Of The House of Lords & Lord President Of The Council: Lord Richard Straw
    • Secretary Of State For Local Government: Rt Hon Rebecca Callaghan MP

  • Minister For The Home Office: Rt Hon Edward Hanson MP
    • Secretary Of State For The Police Force: Sir Martin Whitehouse MP
    • Secretary Of State For Justice: Baroness Jennifer Ledford MP
    • Secretary Of State For Immigration: Miss Alicia Talbot MP

  • Minister For The Defence: Rt Hon Daniel Chamberlain MP
    • Chief Executive Of Avon House: Sir Luke Bailey
    • Chief Executive Of Newcastle House: Sir Duncan Brown
    • Chief of the Defence Staff: Field Marshal Fredrick Henderson
      • Chief Of The General Staff Field Marshal Thomas Stevenson
      • Chief of the Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Admiral William McAdams
      • Chief of the Air Staff Marshal of the Royal Air Force Charles Goldsberry

  • Chancellor Of The Exchequer: Rt Hon Benjamin Newbury MP
    • Chief Secretary to the Treasury: Rt Hon Lauren Gardener
    • Secretary Of Financial Management: Baroness Jane Kennedy MP
    • Secretary Of Economic Management: Mr. Julian Morgan MP

  • Minister For The Foreign & Commonwealth Office: Rt Hon Lawrence Andrews MP
    • Secretary Of State For The Commonwealth: Mrs. Frances Fletcher MP
    • Secretary Of State For Tiberius: Baroness Elizabeth Radcliff MP
    • Secretary Of State For East Liberalia: Rt Hon Adam Jenkins MP
    • Secretary Of State For North Liberalia: Mrs. Jeannette Sinclair MP
    • Secretary Of State For West Liberalia: Miss. Tanya Howes MP

  • Minister For Trade & Industry: Rt Hon Samual Linely MP
    • Secretary Of State For Energy: Mr. Adrian Ellsworth MP
    • Secretary Of State For Manufacturing: Mr. James Huntington MP
    • Secretary Of State For Employee Relations & Regulatory Reform: Mrs. Cynthia Abbey MP
    • Secretary Of State For Trade: Lord Alexander Lloyd
    • Secretary Of State For Business: Mrs. Amanda McNab MP

  • Minister For Education: Rt Hon Christopher Roberts MP
    • Secretary Of State For Schools: Rt Hon Ryan Littlefield MP
    • Secretary Of State For Higher Education: Baroness Mary Williamson
    • Secretary Of State For Children: Mrs. Sharon Cox MP

  • Minister For Health: Rt Hon Geoffrey Smith MP
    • Secretary Of State For Public Health: Mr. Clark Shipp MP
    • Secretary Of State For Health Services: Mr. Damian Chester

  • Minister For Environmental & Rural Affairs: Rt Hon Jacquelyn Fearnhead MP
    • Secretary Of State For Environment: Miss Yvette Spencer MP
    • Secretary Of State For Rural Affairs: Rt Hon Paul Murphy MP
    • Secretary Of State For Farming: Mrs. Caroline Harman MP

  • Minister For Transport: Rt Hon Vernon Alton MP

  • Minister For Culture, Media, & Sport: Rt Hon Steven Brotherton MP

  • Minister For Science & Technology: Rt Hon Catherine Bendy MP

  • Minister For International Development: Rt Hon Andrea Scott MP

See Also

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