
From Xinda

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The Caldari race was forged in war, a fact that shapes its society a great deal. They are determined and military minded, living their lives like they were on constant brink of armed conflict. The result is a volatile combination of aggressiveness and paranoia. The Caldari are widely regarded as fearsome fighters, be it in space or on the ground, and their high quality military hardware is much admired and imitated by other empires, bar only the Jovians. They are a rather closed race in the very Far East of the world, but some pockets of the Caldari are seen to live in Sushiia, Iyen and Saba. Very few people know of the three major subgroups of the Caldari Race and they are: the Deteis, the Civire and the Achura. All three groups share the same basic ideals: duty, disciple and determination.

  • Deteis: Symbolizes Caldari in every way. They're efficient, hard working and duty filled. The Deteis are commonly found in positions of authority, both in administration and the military, something that suits their temperament very well. They are rather tall, slightly on the thinner side and not completely muscular like the Civire; they still are very agile and quick minded. With their natural ability to persuade other people, they are very cunning and sly. They are also expert traders and diplomats.
  • Civire: Provides the backbone to the Caldari State. They're cool, level-headed and relentless in their approach to either trading or fighting. Civire can handle pressure extremely well, an invaluable aid in combat or other stressful situations. Many of the best bounty hunters around are Civire. They make up a rather high majority of the population as they are most likely found in the State's military. They are shorter than the Deteis but they have a lot more muscle power. They are not as agile but they are quite ruthless but if you get to know them long enough, they are quite sly.
  • Achura: Intensely spiritual, the average Achur has little interest in the material world's transitory doodads. They are a minority in the State but none the less one of the dominant groups. They lack any muscle but they have very good hearing and eyesight which make them very good spies. Their devotion to the Supreme Overlord has elevated Tovil-Toba into a cult of personality which has been seen in numerous other cultures and races.
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