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The Empire of Trodenhiem
Flag of Trodenhiem
National motto: Upon the Earth and Among the Stars
National anthem: Through the Fire and the Flames
Map of Trodenhiem
Region Liberalia
Capital Trodenhiem
Largest Cities Geddon, Sparta, Novgorod, Ligonza
Spoken Languages

Cadian, Aramath, Atholonian, Promethiun, Cassiun
High Chancellor
Unitary Constitutional Monarchy
Don Elric Voltaire
Heads Of State

Konstantin I
Kathryne I
Trodonian Empire
circa 5000 BC
112 BC
 • 2008 census
Currency 1 Universal Credit (C) = 100 Drok (d)
Constitution Written Document, 2003 - Present

The Empire of Trodenhiem, also known as the Imperial Union of Trodenhiem, the Trodonian Union or simply Trodenhiem (Pron: Trod-en-he-em) is a sovereign state located south of the Laothinian Landmass, East of Forthampton and West of the Caldari State. It is a nation encompassing a large continental landmass known as the Trodonian Continent or simply Trodonia, which is a collection of large continental islands with a vast number of smaller islands dispersed around. Trodenhiem has no land borders, however shares a maritime border with Prasser and Etombia. The Trodonian Continent is surrounded by the Cadian Ocean (also known as the Forthamptonian Ocean) to the west, the Straits of Tzen to the north, the Atholonian Sea to the east and the Trodonian Arctic Passage to the south. The Trodonian Sea seperates the landmasses of Trodenhiem and surround Jakocz, Trodenhiem's central landmass. The landmasses, with exception to Jakocz, which is now a high security military base, are linked to one another by a series of vast tunnels known as the Pan-Trodonian Maglev Tunnels.

The Empire is Unitary State with a constitutional Monarchy which possesses huge Executive, judicial and legislative power, though it usually restricts itself to a purely executive role. The elected government headed by Don Elric Voltaire oversees the day to day running of the nation as well as being the body the sees to the running of the conomy and civil service. The current head of State is Emperor Konstantin I. Trodonian influences, both cultural and technological are widespread, especially in the Caldari State and more recently Forthampton and Armoria.

Trodenhiem is an economically developed nation with the Third Largest economy in Paradisia, after the Corporate Union and Latagon, having recently overtaken the Caldari State, Loslakia and Forthampton. This is partly due to the fact that Trodenhiem was the world's first and still is the most dominant industrialised country on the planet, despite recent cut backs in the industrial sectors in favour of more commercial and financial markets. The Empire has been one of the world's foremost superpowers since 1948, after the Trodonian Civil War when the industrial capacity of the nation boomed. Trodenhiem is now one of the world's foremost nations and is in the top 5 most powerful nations, with the second highest defence spend and highest percentile defence spend. A former member of the Union, Trodenhiem has since opted out and continues to be an independant nation. The marraige of the Emperor Konstantin I to Forthamptonian Princess Kathryne (Katherine in Forthamptonian) has formed an unooficial alliance and diplomatic union between Trodenhiem and Forthampton.

Traditionally Trodenhiem has been close allies with The Caldari State, the traditional rival of Latagon, and for a long time enjoyed close bonds with Northern Sushi and Loslakia among others. While not Latagon's traditional rival Trodenhiem has become the main rival to the Grand Republic, especially during the rule of Viktor Stomalkov in the 1990s. However recent ties with Forthampton combined with a political and social revolution in Trodenhiem have cause Trodenhiem to shift out of the Caldari circle of influence and into its own which is on the verge of becoming closely linked to Latagon.



Main article History of Trodenhiem

On August 8th 2002 Trodenhiem as we now know it was born. Following a ten year period as a Commonwealth, Trodenhiem became an Empire once more with the ascension of Konstantin I, the nephew of Silas II. Before then Trodenhiem hadn't been an Empire since 1979 with the fall of the Second Imperium, and even then it wasn't a true Empire but rather a dictatorship ruled by a self proclaimed Emperor.

Trodenhiem has played a vital role in industrial and technological developement and in the revolutionising of modern warfare from the old pitched battle scenario, however despite this it has remained largely rigid in a feudal style society which has only been abolished under the reign of Konstantin I.

Government and Politics


  • Government Income (% of GDP): 62.3%
  • Government Budget: $85,784 billion
  • Administration (1%): $729 billion
  • Welfare (14%): $10,208 billion
  • Healthcare (16%): $11,667 billion
  • Education (9%): $6,562 billion
  • Religion and Spirituality (0%): $0 billion
  • Defence (33%): $24,062 billion
  • Law and Order (4%): $2,917 billion
  • Commerce (15%): $10,937 billion
  • Public Transport (3%): $2,187 billion
  • Environment (0%): $0 billion
  • Social Equality (4%): $2,917 billion
  • Government Waste (15%): $12,868 billion


  • Government Type: Constitutional Monarch
  • Head of State: Emperor Konstantin I (Empress Katheryn I)
  • Head of Government: High Chancellor Don Elric Voltaire
  • Political Freedoms: Many
  • Civil Rights: Many
  • Economic Rights: Many
  • Political Stance: Political and Democratic Progression
  • Civil/Domestic Stance: The Freedoms of the Individual must be held Sacrosanct
  • Economic Stance: Regulation Only For the Wellbeing of the People
  • Minimum Wage: C4.20 per hour
  • Suffrage: 16 (Universal)
  • Compulsory Education: 4-16
  • Further Education: 16-21
  • Private Further Education: 18-21
  • Healthcare: Subsidised Dependant on Income
  • Literacy: 99%
  • Voting System: Plurality (Preference)
  • Legislative Branch: Congress (Lower House), Council of Scholars (Upper House)
  • Executive Branch: The Chancellry, The Imperial Offices
  • Judicial Branch: The Council of Judges (Legal Review), The Lower Court (Lesser Crimes), The High Court (Serious Crimes), The Supreme Court (Corporate/Organisational Disputes)

The High Chancellor is the joint leader of the nation allong with the reigning Emperor. The High Chancellor is elected every 5 years by a Preferencial Plurality system. The same votes are used to work out representation in the Lower House (Congress) where only first preferences are used and the percentage that each candidate gets determines what percentage of seats in Congress thier party gets.

The Upper House is elected every 8 years (one half every 4 years) using a simple plurality system. There are a total of 7000 Congressmen and 700 Scholars. All people running for election in the House of Scholars must hold a University Degree from a recognised institution in a recognised subject. Though there is no qualification required to sit in Congress.

The Council of Judges is elected every 10 years by appointment between the High Chancellor and Emperor and then the approval of the majority in Congress and the House of Scholars. The other Judges are either appointed or promoted to position by the presiding Council of Judges, who must in turn be judges in one of the other Judicial bodies.

Devolved Provincial Power

As Trodenhiem is still technically a Union of States ruled by the same Head of State, each Province maintains its own government of the same design as that described above. Except Federalia which is ruled directly by the Emperor. These governments decide on minor law as well as oversee the implimentation of the central government's policy.

Foreign Relations and Armed Forces

Military Technology

Main article: Trodonian Military Technology

Military Structure


  • Oberstkommandant
  • Oberwehrmachtkommandant
  • Wehrmachtkommandant
  • UnterWehrmachtKomandant
  • Teilungskommandant
  • Unterteilungkommandant
  • Abschnittkommandant
  • Unterabschnittkommandant
  • Kommandant
  • Unterkommandant
  • Gruppenleiter
  • Untergruppenleiter
  • Gruppenmitglied
  • Soldat


Army (Imperial Army)

  • Armeengruppe (100,000) [e.g. Army Group A]
  • Teilung (10,000) [e.g. 12th Geddon Rifles]
  • Abschnitt (1,000) [e.g. 3rd Section]
  • Firma (100) [e.g. B Company]
  • Gruppe (10) [Squad 2 'Molatovs']

So a member of the examples shown about who was a Gruppenleiter (Group Leader) would be Gruppenleiter *name*, 12th Geddon Rifles, 3rd Section, B Company, Squad 2 'Molatovs'.


  • Marinengruppe
  • Flotte
  • Kriegflotte
  • Schiff


  • Lüften Sie Flotte
  • Befehl
  • Gruppe
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