
From Xinda

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(Central Latagon, Charlia Continent)
(Central Latagon, Charlia Continent)
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The first, in the Western area, is markedly similar to the ethnicity in the South, almost to the point that both groups are often referred to simply as South Western.  This is an error, though, due to the fact that the Western group had a much more slender figure, owing to their diets consisting mainly of fish, and the fact that many green eyes were intermingled through the Westerners.  In modern times, though, it is impossible to tell the Central Westerners from the Southerners except by their eyes, due to the diets of Latagonians becoming standardized through out by modern transport.  Central Westerners are now characterized as a pale group with green eyes, while Southerners are considered pale with blue.  Unfortunately, owing to the popularity of blue eyes, even eyes are not a great indication.  With over 90% of Latagon's population sporting blue eyes a very tiny amount would continue to have the western eye color.  Genealogy is the only way to have conclusive evidence of whether a person is of western or southern heritage and even so the genealogical evidence would need to date back to nearly 500 CE to be totally conclusive, which is why the two groups are usually put into one category.
The first, in the Western area, is markedly similar to the ethnicity in the South, almost to the point that both groups are often referred to simply as South Western.  This is an error, though, due to the fact that the Western group had a much more slender figure, owing to their diets consisting mainly of fish, and the fact that many green eyes were intermingled through the Westerners.  In modern times, though, it is impossible to tell the Central Westerners from the Southerners except by their eyes, due to the diets of Latagonians becoming standardized through out by modern transport.  Central Westerners are now characterized as a pale group with green eyes, while Southerners are considered pale with blue.  Unfortunately, owing to the popularity of blue eyes, even eyes are not a great indication.  With over 90% of Latagon's population sporting blue eyes a very tiny amount would continue to have the western eye color.  Genealogy is the only way to have conclusive evidence of whether a person is of western or southern heritage and even so the genealogical evidence would need to date back to nearly 500 CE to be totally conclusive, which is why the two groups are usually put into one category.
Central Easterners tended to take on more characteristics from their Northern counterparts, having moderately tanned skin, and brown or green eyes.  The continued to have a much fairer hair color, though, with much of the region being blonde.  In modern times, tanned skin and blonder hair tends to be an indication of Central Eastern descent.
Central Easterners tended to take on more characteristics from their Northern counterparts, having moderately tanned skin, and brown or green eyes.  They continued to have a much fairer hair color, though, with much of the region being blonde.  In modern times, tanned skin and blonder hair tends to be an indication of Central Eastern descent.
=====Northern Latagon, Charlia Continent=====
=====Northern Latagon, Charlia Continent=====

Current revision as of 11:34, 29 April 2009

The Grand Republic of Latagon
Flag of the Grand Republic
National motto: Hic Sunt Aquilas
National anthem: Eagles Soaring High
Region New Liberalia
Capital Latagon City
Largest Cities Latagon City, St. Petersburg, Laeto, Sinclair, Manderson,
Spoken Language

Helic Muaroa
Circa 1,000 B.C.E
 • 2009 census
Currency Lata (L)
Constitution The Constitution of The Republic of Latagon


[edit] History

Coming Soon

[edit] The Caldari-Latagonian War

Main Article: Caldari-Latagonian War

[edit] People, Society and Culture

[edit] Latagonian Ethnic Groups

Latagon is a unique country in that it has no single race or ethnicity. Mainland Latagon encompasses a massive and diverse continent, Charlia, while it also has possessions in Therea, Levon, and Saphenia which again help to modify the already ethnically varied continent. In modern times this has meant that no single ethnicity can be pinpointed to a single area, and are referred to as Latagonians collectively. Even in recent history there are no single countries, or even tribes of a single ethnicity that can be pointed out as being the origin of the different ethnicities that Latagon has now. Latagon's ethnicities, while muddled and un-identifiable now, did have a time where sorting by location might have been possible.

[edit] South Latagon, Charlia Continent

Southern Latagon is defined as the 30th Southern Parallel to the Southern most tip of Latagon (including Lombamba). Due to this area's relative distance from the equator, many of it's original inhabitants had a much paler complexion in relation to their northern countrymen. Their notable characteristics, not including pale skin, were blue eyes (which were considered the ultimate beauty mark, leading to the spread of blue eyes through out most of the Republic), a majority of blonde or red hair, stout bodies (neither unfit nor thin, owing to the harsher winters and very mild summers in the south).

[edit] Central Latagon, Charlia Continent

Central Latagon, the area between the 15th and 30th Southern Parallels, and is notable for it's temperate climate, coupled with mountain ranges running through it. Due to the mountains in this area, Central Latagon had two distinct ethnic groups in it's very early history.

The first, in the Western area, is markedly similar to the ethnicity in the South, almost to the point that both groups are often referred to simply as South Western. This is an error, though, due to the fact that the Western group had a much more slender figure, owing to their diets consisting mainly of fish, and the fact that many green eyes were intermingled through the Westerners. In modern times, though, it is impossible to tell the Central Westerners from the Southerners except by their eyes, due to the diets of Latagonians becoming standardized through out by modern transport. Central Westerners are now characterized as a pale group with green eyes, while Southerners are considered pale with blue. Unfortunately, owing to the popularity of blue eyes, even eyes are not a great indication. With over 90% of Latagon's population sporting blue eyes a very tiny amount would continue to have the western eye color. Genealogy is the only way to have conclusive evidence of whether a person is of western or southern heritage and even so the genealogical evidence would need to date back to nearly 500 CE to be totally conclusive, which is why the two groups are usually put into one category.

Central Easterners tended to take on more characteristics from their Northern counterparts, having moderately tanned skin, and brown or green eyes. They continued to have a much fairer hair color, though, with much of the region being blonde. In modern times, tanned skin and blonder hair tends to be an indication of Central Eastern descent.

[edit] Northern Latagon, Charlia Continent

The people of this area show a drastic difference from their fair skinned Southern countrymen. From the 15th Southern Parallel to the Northern most tip of the country, there are three distinct ethnicities.

The first ethnicity was in the southern most area, inhabiting the desert area of the continent. Their skin color tends to vary in places, and the only true defining feature of this area is the flat nose that is unique to the Desert Dwellers. They also tend to have varying hair and eye colors, but another distinct feature is the lack of redheads in this ethnicity, though this is shared by the other Northern ethnicities.

The second and third ethnicities were co-mingled throughout the Mustang region, but were distinct enough to have warranted two different groups. The first group is very dark skinned (sometimes considered nearly jet black), while the second has a milder skin tone (much more akin to a brownish tint). A majority of the first group's original eye color was brown, being replaced by blue as the majority in the early 1200s. The second group's original eye colors varied from green to brown, but was also replaced by blue around the same time. Black or dark brown is the first group's hair color in an overwhelming majority, while the second group is more varied by adding blondes into the mix.

[edit] Modern Latagonian Culture

[edit] Government

Latagon is a Federal Republic, meaning that it's different localities and provinces tend to run themselves in the manner they see fit, complying with the National Government only where it is absolutely demanded. The Latagonian Constitution covers the basic rights for all Latagonian citizens; speech, press, assembly, religion, and voting; and lays out a simplistic, but effective system of government. It sets up a four tiered system, allowing for self rule in as much as possible. The Constitution has been amended four times; once to explicitly outlaw a national sales tax, instead reserving that right for the regions; once to remove the limit on Head of Government terms; once to establish the current government economic system; and once to give the national government the ability to claim, purchase, or add land to official Latagonian territory, and to relinquish said claims if deemed necessary.

[edit] The National Government

The National Government, while the upper most tier, is arguably the weakest of all the tiers. It includes three branches; Executive, Legislative, and Kritocrative.

The Executive Branch is easily the most well known of the three branches, and is the quickest to respond to any given crisis. The Executive Branch is unhampered by the legislative process, and is led by only the Head of Government, though often times the head chooses a subordinate, colloquially known as the Subordinate of Government. The Head of Government's job is to enforce the laws of the country, maintain order in Parliament (though this is often delegated to the Subordinate) and the Senate, and protect Latagonian interests both domestically and abroad. The Head of Government is allowed to pick his cabinet at his leisure, and has the power to deploy, but not lead, troops with or without the Senate or Parliament's approval. It is also interesting to note that the Head of Government is not given a specific title, and may choose to be called Prime Minister, President, or Consul, though the latter most has not been used in well over a century.

The Legislative Branch is the law making body in Latagon, and thus has the most true power, even though the Executives are often credited with their accomplishments and discredited by their mistakes. The Legislative body is broken into two houses, the Senate and the Parliament. Senators are chosen from each of the regions in Latagon, depending on population, which means the Senate continually fluctuates in size, but currently resides somewhere around 11,000 members, with a 1-1,000,000 senator to individual ratio. Senators are elected to three year terms, but may run as many or as few times as they desire. 10 Members of Parliament are chosen from each of the provinces. With twenty provinces, and a single territory (which has discontinued sending delegates), the official number of Parliamentarians is 210, but is, in reality, much closer to 200 due to the Hasadonian region's recent statements. The Legislative branches' abilities lie solely in security, international, and inter-provincial trade.

The Final Branch is the Kritocrative branch, which consists of thirty seven Kritocrats. The Kritocrats are the keepers and interpretors of the law, and have the final say on all laws that are passed in both legislative houses. They are also the keepers of the court systems, and try all cases that make to the national level, as well as passing judgment on all cases regarding national security, and in very rare cases, treason.

[edit] Military Structure

[edit] Military Breakdown

[edit] Current Generals in Latagon's Armed Forces

General Arthur Wellesely

General Thomas Brady

General Huey Long

General Florence Reyes

Lieutenant General Charlotte Yeager

Lieutenant General John Forswythe

Wings General Vincent Peterson

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