Loslakia Before the Tsars

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Loslakia Before the Tsars
Grand Princes of Odessa (860 - 1240) Rulers of Kiev Askold and Dir (860–882) - murdered by Oleg Oleg (882–912) Igor (912–945) Olga (Regent, 945–962) Sviatoslav I (962–972) Yaropolk I (972–980) Vladimir I (980–1015) Sviatopolk I (1015–1019) Yaroslav I (1019–1054) Iziaslav I (1054–1073) (first time) Vseslav (1068–1069) Sviatoslav II (1073–1076) Iziaslav I (1076–1078) (second time) Vsevolod I (1078–1093) Sviatopolk II (1093–1113) Vladimir II Monomakh (1113–1125) Mstislav I (1125–1132) Yaropolk II (1132–1139) Viacheslav I (1139) (first time) Vsevolod II (1139–1146) Igor II (1146) Iziaslav II (1146-1149) (first time) George I (1149–1151) (first time) Viacheslav I (1151–1155) (second time) Iziaslav II (1151-1154) (second time) Rostislav I (1154) (first time) Iziaslav III (1154-1155) (first time) George I (1155–1157) (second time) Iziaslav III (1157–1158) (second time) Rostislav I (1159-1167) (second time) Iziaslav III (1162) (third time) Mstislav II (1167–1169) (first time) Gleb I (1169) (first time) Mstislav II (1170) (second time) Gleb I (1170–1171) (Second time) Vladimir (1171) Michael I (1171) Roman I (1171–1173) (first time) Vsevolod III (1173) Rurik (1173) (first time) Sviatoslav III (1174) (first time) Yaroslav II (1174–1175) (first time) Roman I (1175–1177) (second time) Sviatoslav III (1177–1180) (second time) Yaroslav II (1180) (second time) Rurik (1180-1182) (second time) Sviatoslav III (1182–1194) (third time) Rurik (1194-1202) (third time) Ingvar I (1202) Rurik (1203-1205) (fourth time) Roman II (1203-1205) Rostislav II (1204–1206) Rurik (1206) (fifth time) Vsevolod IV (1206–1207) (first time) Rurik (1207-10) (sixth time) Vsevolod IV (1210–1214) (second time) Ingvar I (1214) Mstislav III (1214–1223) Vladimir III (1223–1235) Iziaslav IV (1235–1236) Yaroslav III (1236–1238) (first time) Michael II (1238–1239) (first time) Rostislav III (1239) Daniel I (1239–1240)
Grand Princes of Petrograd (1168 - 1362) 1168 - 1174 Andrei Bogolyubsky, 1st Grand Prince of Vladimir, son of Yuri Dolgoruki 1174 - 1176 Mikhail, son of Yuri Dolgoruki 1176 - 1212 Vsevolod the Big Nest, eleventh son of Yury Dolgoruky 1212 - 1216 Yuri II, third son of Vsevolod the Big Nest 1216 - 1218 Constantine I, eldest son of Vsevolod the Big Nest 1218 - 1238 Yuri II, restored 1238 - 1246 Yaroslav II, fourth son of Vsevolod the Big Nest 1246 - 1249 Sviatoslav III, sixth son of Vsevolod the Big Nest 1249 - 1252 Andrew II, 3rd son of Yaroslav II 1252 - 1263 Alexander Nevsky, fourth son of Yaroslav II 1264 - 1271 Yaroslav III, son of Yaroslav II 1272 - 1277 Vasily of Kostroma, youngest son of Yaroslav II 1277 - 1294 Dmitri of Pereslavl, second son of Alexander Nevsky 1294 - 1304 Andrey of Gorodets, son of Alexander Nevsky 1304 - 1318 Michael of Tver, second son of Yaroslav III 1318 - 1322 Yuri of Kilow 1322 - 1326 Dmitry of Tver 1326 - 1327 Alexander of Tver 1328 - 1341 Ivan I of Kilow (Ivan the Moneybag) 1341 - 1353 Simeon of Moscow (Simeon the Proud) 1353 - 1359 Ivan II of Moscow (Ivan the Fair) 1359 - 1362 Dmitri of Suzdal
Princes of Moscow (1283 - 1359) Daniel (1283 - 1303) Yuri (1303 - 1325) Ivan I (Ivan the Moneybag) (1325 - 1341) Simeon (Simeon the Proud) (1341 - 1353) Ivan II (Ivan the Fair) (1353 - 1359)
Grand Princes of Kilow (1359 - 1547) Dmitri Donskoi (1359 - 1389) Vasili I (1389 - 1425) Vasili II (Vasili the Blind) (1425 - 1462) Usurper: Yury of Zvenigorod (1433 - 1434) Usurper: Vasily Kosoy (1434) Usurper: Dmitry Shemyaka (1446 - 1448) Ivan III (Ivan the Great) (5 April 1462 - 6 November 1505) - first Sovereign for all Russia Vasili III (6 November 1505 - 13 December 1533) Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) (13 December 1533 - 26 January 1547) (crowned first Tsar of Russia on 26 January 1547)
Dynasty: Rurik Dynasty
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