
From Xinda

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Current revision as of 22:45, 30 June 2007

The Trodonian race is a widespread race that is vaster and more diverse than many realise. Few quite understand Trodonian ethnic seperation, nor the reason for many similarities in the culture of the nations of Trodonia nor why a country with the very different nations it has on it is named so similarly to only one of the countries.

Their are four different Sub-Groups of the Trodonian race, each is different to the others, however all of the races are linked by one thing, the slightly tan skin, the dark complection, hair and eyes, and the way that even the eldest of their race never look any older than fifty.


[edit] High Trodonians

[edit] Distribution

High Trodonians are undoubtably the most widespread of the sub-groups, they are the prodominent race of Trodenhiem and make up approximately one third of the continent's total population. The reason for this is their strong physical build, they have often been stylised by dictators as the ideal race.

[edit] Appearance

High Trodonians are moderate in height, with a very average build, they are very much the generic race, not too tall nor too short, not to broad but nor are they skinny. They have a powerful physique that is naturally sinewy, meaning they are often mistaken for certain Kradi sub-groups, however their distinctly dark complections and average height is an obvious give away to an observant person.

[edit] Mentality

High Trodonians are not naturally warlike, however have an ingrained sense of honour and justice, this makes them very quick to anger at minor offences, and supreme in vengeance and retribution. Other than this they are quite a conservative bunch, they tend to favour more right wing views, and have the need of a solid infallable leadership.

[edit] Low Trodonians

[edit] Distribution

The terms 'Low' and 'High' are really misnomers, in terms of the top and bottom of the atlas Low Trodonians are actually mainly found further north, and make up one quarter of the population of Trodonia mostly found in Gevon and Atholon indeed they are often known as Gevonian or Atholonian rather than 'Low Trodonian' owing to their history of mistrust of the nation that bears the name of their race Trodenhiem.

[edit] Appearance

Low Trodonians are shorter and stronger than High Trodonians and more built for manual labour. They are slightly lighter in complection than other Trodonian races and have more distinctive eyes. They are more muscular than sinewy making them not so much endurance as short bursts of energy, sprinters and such.

[edit] Mentality

They share a fierce ingrained desire for independance with the rest of the Trodonian sub-groups. They lack the strong need of infallable leadership that High Trodonians have, however they do desire self determination free of 'foreign' influence. It is believed one of the reasons for Gevon's willingness to heal the wounds with Trodenhiem is because of a natural racial feeling of brotherhood that is felt most strongly by Low Trodonian people.

[edit] Inner Trodonians

[edit] Distribution

Undoubtably the rarest of the Trodonian groups. There are only maybe at most one million such people in existance, they are imeasurably rare however there are a number of known Inner Trodonians in the heirarchy of Trodenhiem namely [[Sigur Juss], Monte Guerro and [[Monte Guerro] also famously Farden Jarrick and Lorenz Alfonse. They are the family fo the ancient Emperor's of Trodenhiem.

[edit] Appearance

They are the physical and mental superiors of all other Trodonian groups. They are tall, broad powerfully built, ith an equal mix of muscle and sinew allowing them a strange and to the peasants of the Dark Ages, god-like level of strength and intellect. That is why the ascended the throne of Trodenhiem so easily.

[edit] Mentality

They are born leaders and lack the desire for infallable leadership as they are the infallable leadership. They are more fiercely vengeful and strictly honour bound, and often suffer bowts of severe insanity.

[edit] Outer Trodonians

[edit] Distribution

These make up the remainder of the Trodonian populace, they dwell as nomads in Eastern Trodonia and are very backwards, they are sparse and rarely seen in civilised society.

[edit] Appearance

A farmer's build, they are nomadic herders by trade, they are weak in the lower body as a result of years of horseriding, and are bow-legged. They are very unattractive, but they have powerful voices and a fickle mind, making them powerful diplomats and orators. They speak a slightly more soffisticated version of the High Trodonian language.

[edit] Mentailty

They are very much the people with a bark much worse than their bite, they are considered lesser by other races for their blatent lack of honour, however honour exists, it is merely more liberal and flexible for Outer Trodonians.

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