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In 1971, then Lt. (j.g.) John Kerry testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and represented American troops as murderers, rapists and torturers who ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam. . . [and] razed villages in a manner similar to Genghis Khan. I dont know in regards to the rape and pain aspect, but I do know that each time I shot to popularity on a vision in Vietnam I m...
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I'm a war criminal. Yes, you heard correctlya war prison! I want to describe why.
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In 1971, then Lt. (j.g.) John Kerry claimed before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and portrayed American troops as murderers, rapists and torturers who ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam. . . [and] razed villages in a manner similar to Genghis Khan. I dont know concerning the rape and pain component, but I do know that every time I shot to popularity on a goal in Vietnam I made a holy claim that any Viet Cong or North Vietnam Army gift I found approaching or attempting to wait our troops on the bottom would endure plenty of pain and probably drop his life. Is that any unique of razing a town where insurgents put during the day and introduced attacks at night? I dont think therefore. As I see it, if the Americans who struggled so valiantly on the floor throughout the Vietnam War are war criminals, then so am I.
Without question, John Kerrys characterization of American troops terrorists, and the enemy as patients of a barbaric U.S. military which tortures and murders helpless civilians was quite common with the likes of Jane Fonda and other people of the anti-war motion, and at the same time, released a lengthy and successful political career which culminated with his failed bet for the presidency.
But 1971 was quite a long time ago. Can it be really important that people examine this matter today? For a particular band of American heroes it's more important than ever, because they need to set the report straight. I'm discussing those that were caught and used as criminals of war. In 1971, a number of our POWs were residing in problems of incredible depravation in camps with euphemistic names just Like The Hanoi Hilton, and The Zoo. It was a life of anguish, where pain and beatings were daily fare and many died of starvation and illness.
Many POWs never anticipated to be freedespecially since their captors told them that they could sooner or later be tried and executed due to their war crimes. Imagine their despair when among their particular told the planet that they were war criminals. The North Vietnamese government could not have asked for a much better coverage adviser than John Kerry!
I thought I'd never say this, but here goesthank God we are now living in a litigious society! A small grouping of POWs, experts, and other like-minded people have created a company named Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation (VVLF).
The foundation recently recorded a lawsuit on behalf of Carlton A. Sherwood, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, against Kenneth J. Campbell and Jon Bjornson, two contacts and helps of Kerrys throughout the 2004 presidential plan, both of whom are Vietnam Veterans and longtime anti-war activists. The cornerstone of the match is too difficult to describe here, however, you could read every detail on the VVLF website, that will be The bottom line is, Mister Sherwood made a documentary entitled Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal. The movie was never seen because Sinclair Broadcasting Companythe only network courageous enough to air the documentarywas force to withdraw after Kerry contacts threatened them with libel matches and even lack of their broadcasting license. If what the law states suit proceeds as in the offing, facts of this energy, plus Kerrys action in 1971 is going to be mentioned in available judge and become a issue of public report. And when that occurs, a lot of liberals and antiwar activists are likely to be really sad.
I am no activist, significantly less a philanthropist. As a subject of fact, I'm just about a political independent. But fair is fair, and when I learned that the VVLF is struggling to finance this very important and historic litigation I achieved for my billfold and set my profit the container. You can do as you want, but I believe that as a, every American should go to the VVLF website and tune in to their part of the story. Their the right move to make. Once more, their web site is In 1971, then Lt. (j.g.) John Kerry testified prior to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and represented American troops as murderers, rapists and torturers who ravaged the country of South Vietnam. . . [and] razed communities in a manner similar to Genghis Khan. I dont know concerning the rape and torture part, but I do know that each time I became popular on a goal in Vietnam I m...
I'm a war prison. Yes, you heard correctlya war offender! I would like to describe why.
In 1971, then Lt. (j.g.) John Kerry claimed before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and portrayed American soldiers as murderers, rapists and torturers who ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam. . . [and] razed towns in a trend similar to Genghis Khan. I dont know about the rape and torture element, but I do know that every time I shot to popularity on a goal in Vietnam I made a holy claim that any Viet Cong or North Vietnam Army soldier I found attacking or trying to ambush our soldiers on the bottom would experience a lot of pain and probably drop his life. Is that any different than razing a village where insurgents put through the day and launched problems through the night? I dont think therefore. As I notice it, if the Americans who fought so valiantly on the ground throughout the Vietnam War are war criminals, then so am I.
Without question, John Kerrys depiction of American soldiers terrorists, and the opponent as subjects of a barbaric U.S. military which tortures and killings helpless civilians was wildly common with the likes of Jane Fonda and other members of the anti-war motion, and at the same time, released an extended and successful political career which culminated with his failed bet for the presidency.
But 1971 was a long time ago. Is it vital that people examine this matter today? For a particular band of American heroes it's more important than ever, since they have to set the history immediately. I'm discussing those who were caught and held as criminals of war. In 1971, many of our POWs were residing in problems of amazing depravation in camps with euphemistic names such As The Hanoi Hilton, and The Zoo. It had been a life of anguish, where pain and beatings were daily cost and many died of misery and condition.
Many POWs never likely to be freedespecially since their captors told them which they would fundamentally be tried and performed because of their war violations. Imagine their despair when one of their very own told the world they were war criminals. The North Vietnamese government couldn't have asked for a much better press agent than John Kerry!
I thought I would never say this, but here goesthank God we reside in a litigious culture! A group of POWs, veterans, and other like-minded citizens have established an organization called Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation (VVLF).
The building blocks recently filed case with respect to Carlton A. Sherwood, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, against Kenneth T. Campbell and Jon Bjornson, two associates and aides of Kerrys throughout the 2004 presidential plan, both of whom are Vietnam Veterans and original anti-war activists. The cornerstone of the suit is too difficult to spell it out here, however you may read everything on the VVLF website, which is In a nutshell, Mister Sherwood created a documentary titled Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal. The picture was never seen since Sinclair Broadcasting Companythe only network bold enough to air the documentarywas force to withdraw after Kerry colleagues threatened them with libel suits and also lack of their transmission permit. If the law match earnings as in the pipeline, facts of this energy, plus Kerrys action in 1971 is likely to be mentioned in available court and develop into a issue of public report. And when that takes place, plenty of liberals and antiwar activists are going to be really unhappy.
I'm not an activist, much less a philanthropist. As an issue of fact, I am more or less a political independent. But fair is fair, and when I discovered that the VVLF is struggling to fund this very important and traditional suit I reached for my billfold and put my profit the container. You may do as you want, but I think that as a, every American should go to the VVLF internet site and listen to their area of the history. Its the best thing to do. Once more, their internet site is
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Current revision as of 10:51, 23 July 2015

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