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Logged in as Lucas | Get Support | Logout Partner Program Blast #2924389 xBlast #2815043 xBlast #2815028 xBlast #2814280 xBlast #2814222 xBlast #2814206 xBlast #2814204 xBlast #2814199 xBlast #2814154 xBlast #2814142 xBlast #2814132 xBlast #2814091 xBlast #2814076 xBlast #2923539 xBlast #2814020 xBlast #2814012 xBlast #2922372 xBlast #2814003 xBlast #2813830 xBlast #2813079 xBlast #2812906 xBlast #2812360 xBlast #2812277 xBlast #2812082 xBlast #2811904 xBlast #2811650 xBlast #2811552 xBlast #2811453 xBlast #2811406 xBlast #2922095 xBlast #2811241 xBlast #2810959 xBlast #2921109 xBlast #2810212 xBlast #2810078 xBlast #2920876 xBlast #2809782 xBlast #2809528 xBlast #2920317 xBlast #2809257 xBlast #2808744 xBlast #2919376 xBlast #2808738 xBlast #2808546 xBlast #2918494 xBlast #2808191 xBlast #2806999 xBlast #2917659 xBlast #2806867 xBlast #2806841 xBlast #2916834 xBlast #2806528 xBlast #2805908 xBlast #2805904 xBlast #2805903 xBlast #2805899 xBlast #2805642 xBlast #2914740 xBlast #2805621 xBlast #2805548 xBlast #2914015 xBlast #2805517 xBlast #2805489 xBlast #2805477 xBlast #2805075 xBlast #2804830 xBlast #2804602 xBlast #2804601 xBlast #2804600 xBlast #2804570 xBlast #2804559 xBlast #2913803 xBlast #2804556 xBlast #2804549 xBlast #2912982 xWiki Submission x Services > Link Building Service: Wiki Submission Blasts Reliability Marketplace Rank Currently, this service is ranked #2 out of 12 services in the Wiki Submission category. We calculate a Marketplace Rank for every service and we use it to determine how much business to send to each service.
With our current levels of supply and demand, given your service's Marketplace Rank, we expect this service to earn approximately $246 per week, on average.
Here are some suggestions for how to improve your Marketplace Rank relative to the other services in the Wiki Submission category:
During the last 7 days, you had some blasts have to be redelivered because you did not return enough correct URLs one the first attempt. Partial failures really bad to our customers, so we treat these almost as badly as full failures. Please make sure you deliver blasts correctly the first time. After accounting for C-Class diversity, IP diversity, Domain Diversity, mozRank, and successful placement of Anchor Text, we think your cost per successful link is worse than 1 other service(s) in the category. Can you increase the mozRank of the domains where you post links? Or post to more URLs per blast without sacrificing overall domain diversity or delivery time? If so, you should. Otherwise, consider lowering your price. Either one of these will help your Marketplace Rank. Your domain diversity is worse than 2 other service(s) in this category. See if you can find more domains where you can post links. Your average delivery time for a blast is 2.7 days. See if you can improve delivery times. (Note: Some suggestions are updated approximately once every 24 hours and do not reflect changes you've made since the last update. So if you make a change, such as lowering your price, please come back tomrrow to see the impact on your Marketplace rank.)
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