Ilan Ramon AZA

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Chapter History

The Legacy of Ben Greenberg

Ben Greenberg wasn't really sure what to do as the only member. He asked Megibow who responded with: "You have a Shul directory right? Why don't you call up everyone in high school and get them to join?" The next day, Ben called Mark and asked him, "What do I do now?" Mark was confused as to what he meant. Ben informed him that he had called every high school male at Bonai Shalom and had some interested guys. What should he do now? Mark was excited with Ben's enthusiasm for getting the work done and gave him further instructions on how to begin. Ben had recruited the other founders of what would become Ilan Ramon AZA #380: Michael Salzman, Paul Kirschner, Nathan Fox, Aaron Freedman and Simi Adler. Ben took on the role as the first Godol.

Receiving a Charter: Nathan Fox's Work

Ben's term as Godol ended and then came along Michael Salzman's. After Salzman, Nathan Fox took on the position of Godol and made some radical changes. Fox pushed for support from the central part of the region, Denver, attendance at regional events and strong fraternity within the chapter. Nathan and other founding members worked hard to build up membership so that in the Fall of 2004, Rabbi Rose BBYO #5026 would no longer exist and the men would finally have their own chartered AZA chapter. In the Fall term of 2004, Nathan Fox became the first official Godol of the yet-to-be-named Boulder AZA chapter (see Fall '04 board). After long discussions among members who attended regular meetings, the chapter finally received a name, a mascot, a number (recycled from a folded Chicago AZA chapter), a chapter sport (sort of), colors and a theme (Rastafarian/hippie influence).

Members Coming From Everywhere: Amitai Gross' Additions

As the gregorian year came to a close and IRAZA #380 received recognition for it's hard work at the Regional Winter Convention, the founders believed that there work was done and it was time for others to take on the leadership of the chapter. At the next term's board elections, Amitai Gross, a Freshman and the first Chaver of the chapter, was elected as the next Godol. Not only was Amitai young, but the entire second executive board was composed of Freshmen, minus Simi Adler, a Senior and founder. During Gross' term, the chapter had an all-time record membership, through the extensive work of Adler, and a record six programs held that term, with the help of S'gan, Martin Singer, which all had excellent attendance thanks to the boards push for communication. Regional programs had record attendance, especially Kallah with a record twelve members there. At the next elections, thanks to the superior communication of the chapter, there was a strong push for many members to run. Not a single position went unapposed. The next term's attendance and membership was nearly as impressive as the lasts.

Past Boards

Past Boards

(Spring 06)

(Fall 05)

(Spring 05)

(Fall 04)

Home Of

  • Nickname: The Mighty Hebes
  • Mascot: Rastafarian Hooters Owl "Mr. Hebe"
  • Colors: Red, Green, Yellow, Black (Rasta)
  • Advisors: Mark Megibow, David Scully
  • Sister Chapter: Ahavah BBG #331
  • Brother Chapter: Mordechai Analevitch AZA #1387 "The Flying Aces" (No Longer Folded)

Past Advisors

  • Kovi Bessoff
  • Zach Gelman

Items of The Chapter

  • The Godol has a few items passed down:
    • Ilan Ramon has gone through two gavels. The first, as the story is told, was stolen from the Cherry Creek High School Debate Team by Brandon Rattiner, the RAG of RMR at the time and given to Nathan Fox at the chapter's first official elections. This gavel was stolen multiple times, first by Ahavah BBG #331 (we got back at them), then by a few chapter members and then finally by Rocky Mountain Chai BBYO #5179 in Colorado Springs where it now resides. The second and current gavel was, boringly, bought off of [1] by Amitai Gross to hand down to David Weaver.
    • The Godol Pin was bought by Amitai Gross during his first erm as Godol
    • The Godol Files were compiled by Nathan Fox to pass on to Amitai Gross and are an extensive resource on how a Godol should work
    • The S'ganim of IRAZA pass down Owl figurines in honor of our mascot. Each S'gan will add a figure to the collection. This was started by Paul Kirschner.
    • Amitai Gross, in his term as Chaver, bought a Yad to pass down to each Chaver along with a personal teaching he wrote. This Yad is currently in the posession of Simi Adler since he can't remember where it is in his house.

volumes on the limits of rltionaaity of heads of state."George Piro, the FBI agent who interrogated Saddam Hussein over several months, has just revealed what he learned about the Iraqi dictator's mindset leading up to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. It turns out that Saddam did not expect that the U.S. would respond to his WMD posturing with a full-scale ground invasion. Saddam "told me" Piro says, that "he initially miscalculated President Bush's intentions. He thought the United States would retaliate with the same type of attack as we did in 1998 a four-day aerial attack He survived that one and he was willing to accept that type of attack." This was not merely some minor tactical "misunderstanding" or "miscalculation" on Saddam's part; it turned Iraq into an occupied land, caused hundreds of thousands of casualties, a regime change, and, ultimately, his execution. "(One reason Saddam opened up to this rather low-ranking agent was that he believed that the agent was a direct emissary from President Bush. This suggests how gullible even heads of state can be not exactly what we'd consider rational.)"Who are Americans (or in this case a Zionist academic) to call Iranian leaders irrational?The USA maintains a racist Jewish state in the ME despite US best interests.So what if Saddam opened up to Piro? That was Piro's job. If I interrogated Etzioni for a few months under the same conditions Saddam experienced, Etzioni would be convinced by the later sessions that I was a direct emissary from God.

Distinguished Members

  • Ben Greenberg: RMR 49th Regional Mazkir
  • You know more will come eventually. Bound to happen.
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