Simon Atlas AZA

From Wikibbyo

Revision as of 00:59, 23 March 2012 by (Talk)

Chapter Colors: Black & Yellow

Chapter Song: Jungle Boogie (Kool And The Gang)

Chapter Movie: Half Baked

Manly Men in Tights Tights Tights. Worst Tradtion Ever. This is getting ridiculous. Boo this man, BOOOOOOO and youre fat! Is this for real? AYYYYYYYY Your name is Towbin! Koontekinteh. Yeah yeah yeah WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGS! Ow my eye! Westward HO! Really? (It's Kruglak B****)

To get an idea of what Simon Atlas is like today, that is in 2010, click on the following link:

Simon Atlas also has a website (, a twitter feed (, and an apparel website (

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