Wikivinaya:Who edits the WikiVinaya

From Wikivinaya

Revision as of 07:17, 29 June 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

If WikiVinaya is to be a dependable source, it may be preferrable to have a group of monks or laypeople who are very knowledgeable about Vinaya to do most of the editing. Newcomers to Vinaya are bound to make more mistakes when writing texts, especially in an area like the Vinaya, in which actually practicing the (Dhamma-)Vinaya (as a monk) make the Vinaya very relevant to your life, and thus contibutes significantly to your understanding of Vinaya. This is something which needs to be addressed rather soon, while the premises of WikiVinaya are still being set up. Also the stated purpose of WikiVinaya is not a fixed thing, certainly in the current (beginning) stage of the WikiVinaya. DJti 21:43, 28 June 2006 (EDT)

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