Internet Slang

From Wikislippy

Revision as of 17:29, 22 July 2009 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Internet Slang is they way people talk... err... type on the internet.



A common occurrence is using acronyms for anything possible.

"OMG! It's SMG! I'm just her WBF! Can I HWY? Maybe I should AYB!"

"Oh My God! It's Sarah Michelle Gellar! I'm just her World's Biggest Fan! Can I Hang With You? Maybe I should Ask Your Brother!"


One Way People Type On The Internet Is By Capitalizing Every Word.


A c0mm0n w/\\y p30p|3 7yp3 1$ ca||3d l33t. 1t'5 4 v4r14t10n 0f t3h w0rd 3l1t3 u53d by 14m3r5 wh0 th1nk th3y 4r3 3l1t3... 0ft3n us3d w1th 4r3 v4r1at10n 0f d1g1t5 1n5t34d 0f l3tt3r5.

A common way people type is called leet. It's a variation of the word Elite, used by lamers who think they are Elite... often used with are variation of digits instead of letters.

StiCkiNG ShiFT kEy

AnOtHER CoMmON ProBlEm Is PeOplE'S ShiFT kEY OR cAP LOckS KeY RanDOMly StiCkinG mAKinG ThE TeXT VarY FRoM UppEr caASe aND LoWEr CaSE LettErS.


1 of teh newest ways 2 tlk on the intarwebz iz 2 tipe in lolspeak. Lolspeak began on teh intarwebz site lolcats. Since then, lolspeak haz evolvd widespred over the Intarnet. It is usually usd w/ cat pickturez, az well az other animals, with txt captions in this stile of riting.

I can haz cheezburgr?

The style became popular with people who often couldn't spell words properly, and now has turned into a "cool" method of social communication between people. It has now lost it's true meaning of pure sarcasm and people actually talk in this as if it's "cool". It is a pure usage of letters and manipulation of words to how it sounds when spoken through "speech".

Guide to Internet-Speak

  • Misspell, abbreviate and substitute words with numbers to try to save time as often as possible, even if you must stop and spend time figuring out how to shorten the amount of time you spend typing. Grammatically the sentence makes no sense but you are to assume the addressee of teh sentence will instantly decipher and appreciate your more confusing version of talking.
  • Never, ever spell things correctly. Failure to comply to this rule could lead to being branded a huge square as well as being blocked by 95% of your contact list.

See Also

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