Grant Correl

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A 6'3 male human with brown eyes and hair, Grant Correl is a heavyset man who is very robust. He has a weathered face and a clear, thin, horizontal scar spanning over his right cheek, almost reaching his ear. Has a tatoo of the map of england in the back of his head. Grant is usually in uniform, but when in civilian clothes can usually be found in a mechanic's uniform or a red and white striped tee shirt and bluejeans.

Early life

Born in a small town in England, Grant was raised with a poor education and an even poorer respect for authority. Even as a child Grant was rebellious, doing things how he saw the needed to be done. Clever, but uneducated, he managed few successes to his risky choices. His auto mechanic buisness kept him busy during the week, and payed for food, house, and later at night, drinks. He hung out with a roudy bunch of friends that would hop towns looking for a good drinks or a barfight. He lived in England until the age of 22, where the lackluster life in the small town no longer appealed him, and he said goodbye to his friends and packed up to find a new life. After roaming around from place to place for two years, he caught word of Gal-Zabor, a nation who's economic backbone was completely sustained by controlled undead. Seeing as free assistants could be handy if he opened another autoshop, he moved into the country and reopened his store with the zombies he purchased from the government. Grants business grew thoughout the years. Unfortunately for him the zombies did all of the work, which made him resort to perminately working on his hobbies, working out and drinking.

Military life

Grant joined the Gal-Zaborian army when the first war between Gal-Zabor and Felina broke out. His risky tactics and aggressive attitude pulled him up the ranks quickly, where he landed a position as a sergeant at the end of the war. By the start of the second war, Grant had worked his way to Captain through simple means; socalizing with the higher-ups and staying out of most trouble. Since his promotion, however, it is recognized that Captain Correl is a bit of a loose cannon whom has been incarcerated on serveral occassions for insubordination, mischief, intoxication in public, and assault. Even with all of these taints on his reputation, he is still trusted by the higher ranking officers due to his persistance, effective tactics, and willing to help where he can for what he knows is right.

Skills and abilities

  • Grant has a strong build, high stamina, and a noteworthy amount of endurance. He can be difficult to even rander unconscious.
  • Grant was a car mechanic before joining the war, and therefore knows how to repair most civilian vehicles and vehicles with similiar parts.
  • He can also handle his booze.


Other notes

  • Grant is rather reckless when it comes to tactics, usually preferring to get up close and personal in a fight.
  • He is sent to the stockhold regularily.
  • Grant was slain when a small fort collapsed on him. He was defending the Gal-Zabor camp in Citrus from a catkin assault at the time.
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