Fala Reaver
From War Thread
Fala is a short Vulpkin with a patch over one eye. She is well known throughout Chilargentina as the proprietor of Reaver Vines Company. She is also fairly well known among wine connoisseurs around the world as the producer of many fine wines.
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Basic History
Chilargentina: Rise to power
Fala grew up on a small vineyard in Chile Austral. Raised by her mother, an Urockin named Jenna, while her father traded with the larger towns of the region, she was trained to act as a supervisor and wine-maker for the three workers that her parents employed. When she came of age however, she began to take an interest in the financial oversight of the farm and studied the logs and pay books that her father managed.
As she did this her parents began to notice a talent in her for seeing how to save money and earn more. Originally her father was against this, as he believed that as a woman Fala should not be invoved in the business side of the farm. His mind was soon changed when she pointed out that if they let her manage the books then they could buy their farm off of their landlord in just two months of good profit. Her father, Jard, began to take her out on the trading trips with him and she continued her flair for business on them, occasionally getting double the original offer from her trading partners. After a meteoric rise the newly founded Reaver Vines Company owned three different farms and, for the first time, Jard began to trade outside Chile Austral. In the space of three years they were the second largest provider of wine in the entire south of Chilargentina.
Chilargentina: At the height
Five years after Fala started managing the books for the company Jard died on a trading trip to Nova Europa. The whole of Chilargentina thought that this was going to be the end of the company as Fala had never put herself forward as the main brains of the operation, instead claiming to convey her father's requests. However the company ownership was shifted into Jenna's name and Fala took the position of spokeswoman for the first time. Although saddened by her father's death she rapidly began negotiations to expand her company even further. She now owned the largest supplier of wine in Chilargentina, with vineyards across all of the regions producing more than 20 distinct types of wine. She left breathing room in the market because she knew the value of competition.
Recently she has been approaching some of the smaller vineyards in Australia and Nova Europa trying to expand the varieties Reaver Vines supplies even more. Other than trading she has stayed out of North America's wine industry, considering New World wines rather inferior to European and Australian.
Fair Haven: Back to Earth
Recently the trades in Svensylsquatostan have been dropping rather rapidly. Fala decided to head out there to see if she could do to get the sales back on track. After a long sea voyage she arrived in Fair Haven, chief port of the country and began her negotiations. Things were going well until suddenly a civil war and an invasion started up. The first Fala knew about this however was when a shell hit the room in which her negotiations were taking place and killed almost everybody but her. Having just come to, she's found herself lying on a pile of rubble, her dress tattered and her colleagues killed. All that has survived is a case containing 6 bottles... wait 5 now... of wine she brought over from her newest farms to see if they would be interested in trading some of the newer products.
She is not very happy and is trying to find out where she will be getting compensation for this debacle.