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Elled is a country in North America run by Mad Scientists. They are located north of Svensylsquatostan and Gal-Zabor, west of The Great Waste and south of Canada.


General History

Elled is a haven to mad-scientists, people who's affinity for science creates near magical effects. Created by the Mad Scientists Union as a way of eluding state-sponsored restrictions on what they do best, the technology development is pretty much anything-goes, so you could find anything there. Until the alliance of Svensylvania and Squatostan, it had only one minor problem, Gal-Zabor, and could afford to ignore it. Unfortunately now it has several problems. The one it considers the biggest is the Felinan's/cat-kin. In fact, cats are the only anthromorph that aren't welcome there. Elled has a high-level of technology and is skilled at using holography for illusions. They believe that they are fighting for survival against the cat-kin.


Goverment Workings

Weres and Anthros

A wide range of weres and anthros exist in Elled. While cat-anthros are not accepted in Elled anynmore, were-cats are allowed though they have some rather strong restrictions upon what they can do.

There are several types of weres, but ironically no were-rats have been found. They seem to have been replaced completely by were-squirrels, who seem to be mostly male. No-one has worked out why this happened.

While Elled can create anthros, even to one that looks like a catkin, they have a problem when magic gets involved, especially when the magic is central to the "race" in question. As a result they cannot TF zombies, catkin nor weres.

Were background

Main Characters


Captain Saral

FerretBob (Robert Horatio Ferret)

Sarah Azrael Ferret

Jodi Darien Darelis (Joiddar/Jodi NOT Jo)

|Diana Middleton

Jane Stewart

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