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Psychotic, vengeful and with an unquenchable blood fetish, Amilia (pronounced A-mile-ia)is the single most deadly "kin" in existance. She kills without hesitation and is the most trained of any assassin in Felina. A 5 Meter Tall Tigerkin beast she is the most skilled feral leads her to eat her victims whilst they still live.

During the Genocidal times of the First Kraggi War, Ith Garne in his obsession to gain the power that Bast had bestowed on the tigerkin. As Ith was the reanimation of a deceased tigerkin, the elimination of the entire species would grant him single possession to all the tigerkins power.

Ith Garne and the entire Gal-Zabor Army designed their intire invasion startegy around the complete destruction of the Tigerkin species. In the end, only one village remained, knowing that Tigerkin fight to the death instead of retreat, Ith wiped out village off the face of the earth.

A single Tigerkin attempted to escape the massicre with her young cub who was no more than 3 months old. It was Amika herself, the Alpha Female of the Tigerkin. She was shot through the heart before she could even get outside of the village. As Gal-Zabor surrounded her, a horn blew in the distance and the catkin counterstrike began. They had come, too late.

The commander, Brylian, approached the dying queen of the Tigerkin. Amika stretched out her paws to reveal a tiny, 2 foot tall tigerkin, her daughter, Amilia. She died as she handed over the child to Brylian.

Brylian raised Amilia and protected her during the FK war.

When the FK war was over, Felina's population had been devatated. Brylian was made Emperor and he raised Amilia as his daughter. He attempted to protect and shelter her from harm when she was young. But during the first 5 years of her existance, she had night terrors and often refused to eat. She would often scream the names of her parents at night, the images of their deaths haunted her mind despite her age at their deaths, the horror of it burnt into her mind. Her condition was worsening, some of the doctors suggested a mind wipe of Amilia's memories, which would erase all memory and allow her to start again with a fresh start. Brylian refused, instead, he attempted a new angle.

To the now 3 meter tall Amilia, he brought in a chained Gal-Zaborian. A man who had killed hundreds of Tigerkin in the Fk war. He unchained the man and let him loose, he told Amilia to hunt him down, and eat him. She did so with pleasure. After the longer than necissary screams ended, Brylian told her to not suppress her anger and fear, but embrace it, become it, let it lose on the world around you. Amilia stopped screaming at night, and let her victims scream in her stead.

Brylian feared that as Amilia was the last of her kind someone might someday hold her as a prize or a rare science experiment. So Amilia was put through a perfect catkin reformation procedure. She was able to transform at will to catkin and back again.

She used her more agile catkin body to train in the ritualised arts of the assassin. Assassins are the only people with enough control over their feral to retain consciousness whilst in feral form, enabling the assassin to kill with instinct and passion but still retain consciousness and restaint if necissary. Amilia quickly learnt total control over her feral side (not that there was much difference between her feral and normal self) and trained herself with the art of 3 sword combat, one sword in each paw, and one via tail. By the age of 15 she was the most skilled and passionate killer in Felina, and earnt the rank of Assassin Lordess.

She has a personal desire to taste the blood of every sentient creature on earth, from mere human to gods. Her favourite food is male human, preferably alive.

Amilia constantly allows her feral self to take over. This has meant that during times of heat her sexual desires are unsuppressed. Many catkin have saught to satisfy her, some have died in the process and most live to regret their desire.

Amilia only desires 3 things: Food, Sex and revenge. Revenge upon the humans who took away her species and her family. Brylian feared the day that Amilia would ask to join the war, he knew he would not deny her revenge for her parents deaths but it still didn't change his almost desperate desire to stop her when she did.

Amilia joined as Brylian's bodyguard and during the initial invasion of Cirtus city she engaged in mortal combat with Brylian against Kraggi himself. She did not return to the great platform as she was instructed, instead she followed Kraggi's scent, she had tasted his blood and she refused to stop until he was dead.

Following the scent into the tunnels she amused herself by killing multiple wandering Gal-Zaborian Yogamancers. When a half-cat Soldier entered into her grasp she hesitated in killing him and instead let her feral take over. The feral did not kill him, but lusted over him instead. Unlike all the others, Vlad was capable of satisfying her, and quite willing. Not long after, Amilia handed over a tigerkin syrum that perfectly replicated a male tigerkins body. Amilia could only use it once and she used it on him.

She then followed the scent of Kraggi into the semple of Sanje itself, where she was beaten for the first time by magical powers. She did not give up however and followed Kraggi once more. She fought a greatly weakened Kraggi and Ann Pertchin, However it was Vlad that saved her life and pulled her out of combat as she gripped Kraggi with her tail.

Amilia did not hesistate in forfilling her promise that she had kept to her parents that she would personally kill Kraggi. She tortured him and ate his head.

Amilia now desires one last thing before she can settle down and remake the species with Vlad, Ann Pertchin. She wants to know that Kraggi's bloodline is removed permanently and that she removes the line of power from Gal-Zabor. She needs only to pick up her scent again.

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