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Revision as of 20:09, 2 August 2006 by FerretBob (Talk | contribs)

FerretBob is a calm individual most of the time, he doesn't have much of a grip on reality, but that doesn't bother him. Normally he'll appear amiable and easy-going, friend to all the world. One of the key parts of his personality is his loyalty to those he deems have earned it, Sarah Azrael Jones, DA, Broud and Brylian are just some of those. Despite his calm and amiable nature FerretBob has been known to get angry. Tilus can do it just by being in the same room, Brask managed by threatening Sarah but he retained his control to avoid any harm coming to her. Karena is one of the only people to push him far enough for him to lose control and lash out, by insinuating he was disloyal to Sarah.

On the Mad-Science Line he occupies the Mad end quite firmly, his inventions often seem insane to the normal minds of the world. he is also known for his love of toasters.


Basic History: Elled

Robert Horatio Ferret is a 32 year old were-mustelid (Sub-Species:ferret) born in Elled to one of the two remaining original lines of the Elled council. His early life is largely undocumented, although it is known that his grasp of Mad Science showed itself very early on. He was apprenticed to DA when he was 10 and worked hard in his mentor's service. His most (in)famous inventions are his toasters which he has worked on obsessively since he was twelve. When he was 14 he met Sarah, a young lady with whom he instantly hit it off. Unbeknownst to FB at the time, Sarah is also a were-mustelid, of the skunk sub-species. He was in fact engaged to Sarah's sister (Arranged marriages being a part of life in Elled) but their parents met and discussed the matter when it became clear that he and Sarah obviously were better suited to each other.

When FB was fifteen the Prime Minister of Elled, Justin Darke, was stripped of power when it emerged that he was secretly a blood sorceror. In a plea for stability a large portion of the coucil nominated FB for the position much to his chagrin. DA challenged his running and FB has never been sure whether he did it out of concern for the state of an FB run Elled or for FB's sake. After a long campaign in which FB, Sarah and DA worked hard to sabotage his running FB was only granted reprieve when Major Saral cast his votes for DA, the first time his family had voted for generations. After DA was made PM he and FB arranged a small social group of close friends for a celebratory meal during which FB proposed to Sarah. They were married shortly after his 16th birthday.

Basic History: Felina

With the Gal-Zabor invasion of Felina starting what became known as The First Kraggi War Elled made the decision to send some troops to aid Felina's fight. FerretBob and Major Saral were chosen to be the leaders of the two contingents sent. On the way FB's unit was attacked by zombies, leaving him the only survivor. He hadn't read his orders thouroughly so he did what seemed most sensible to him and attempted to find Felinan troops. When he was rescued by them he was taken to the high command and immediately began aiding their war effort against Gal-Zabor. He saw active combat against them but his main role was as R&D. He was one of the chief designers of the Great Floating Platform, and also developed a range of sonic weaponry.

After the FKW ended and FB had witnessed firsthand the genocide of the catkin, he immediately began his work on the recovery attempts. He adopted a young catkin named Broud as his assistant and set up his labs in the newly founded cat city of Kuching. Over the time there he has forged few friendships, most notably his almost father-son relationship with Broud, and his respect and admiration for Brylian. He has however made a few firm enemies there, Tilus, Brylian's pet sorceror frustrates him to anger, Brask's sheer intolerance for him has made any respect hard to gain and a young female ocelotkin named Karena has an infatuation with him which brought out the worst of his personality.

Most recently he has been called back into the war effort. He was summoned to the fight in Citrus City where he saved Brylian from one of Mr Big's Dragons and joined the battle. During this battle he was approached by DA, Joiddar/Jodi and a couple of guards. DA explained that Elled had been at War with Felina for the 16 years he had been away, and tried to inspire Ferret to return to Elled. However FB is nothing if not loyal, and while remaining true to DA as best he can in the situation he elected to remain in Felina to help the situation and, if need be, attempt to act as a go-between for Elled and Felina in hopes to unite the two states he loves. After Brylian decided that destroying Elled was necessary FB left Citrus in a blind rage fueled by sadness. On his journey back to Kuching he encountered two weres who seemed to be waiting for him. FB found that he knew both of them. One was William, the son of a member of the coucil who had voted for and respected Rob when he was still in Elled and the other was Commander Azrael, a were skunk he had gone on a feral-were hunt with before leaving. This was the first time he put two and two together and realised that Sarah was a were skunk.

Since returning to Felina FB and Sarah have been catching up on the years they've missed, as well as trying to work on a way to supress FB's pheromones. Their life has, however been put on the line again with the reappearance of Karena from FB's past, now in the employ of Brask, who has decided that FB's wife is proof of his treachery to Felina's cause. Even now FB and Sarah are on a plane headed to the Great Floating Platform to be forced into slavery by the insane Brask.

FB's Personality

FB is a calm individual most of the time, he doesn't have much of a grip on reality, but that doesn't bother him. Normally he'll appear amiable and easy-going, friend to all the world. One of the key parts of his personality is his loyalty to those he deems have earned it, Sarah, DA, Broud and Brylian are just some of those. Despite his calm and amiable nature FB has been known to get angry. Tilus can do it just by being in the same room, Brask managed by threatening Sarah but he retained his control to avoid any harm coming to her. Karena is one of the only people to push him far enough for him to lose control and lash out, by insinuating he was disloyal to Sarah.

On the Mad-Science Line he occupies the Mad end quite firmly, his inventions often seem insane to the normal minds of the world.

FB and Were-Skunks

Since he hit puberty FB has had problems with anthro-skunks. Whenever he was around them they would lose their sense of self-control, become amorous and protective. No-one in Elled ever seemed to understand why he had this unique effect on them, and it became a source of amusement for everyone but FB and Sarah. FB because he developed a fear of skunks, their constant attentions always providing a risk to going outside during the day. Sarah, on the other hand, worried about what would happen when FB found out about her, she knew about his fear which had led to prejudice against to them.

While in Felina, after FB had learnt about Sarah, they have both been working on ways to suppress the reaction from her, so she can spend more than three minutes without getting distracted by him. They reached the conclusion that he had some strange pheromones, not uncommon in mustelids although usually not to the scale in FB, which only seem to effect the anthro-skunks.

There is a school of thought that seems to think that ocelotkin and tigerkin may also be subsceptable to them, given both Karena and Amilia's reaction to the ferret.

FB's Mad Science

FB's unique grasp on mad-science is very advanced, DA believes he may be a natural junker without knowing it. Despite his reputation for insane creations, the toasters foremost, FB is perfectly capable of creating other, more practical, inventions. His sonic-gun is a triumph of modern technology and he built most of the machines for the paediatrics wing of the main hospital in Kuching which has been named after him. Having a penchant for music he has created a number of amplification and speaker systems, but these are, sadly eclipsed, by his creations for the War.

He was one of the chief designers of Felina's incredible flying fortress, the Great Floating Platform, a task he may soon live to regret.

See Also

Mad Scientists Toasters Sarah Azrael Ferret Elled Felina Broud Brylian DA

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