
From War Thread

Revision as of 21:10, 2 August 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

The Sonic-Gun is FerretBob's primary combat weapon. IT works by focusing sound into a concentrated beam of waves which are launched at the target causing anything from a mild headache to massive trauma.

Into the housing of the gun is built a targeting device with a cloak detector, small mini-map technology and a water cooler. It evolved from an early creation of FB's, vibration grenades, and is the only one of it's kind. On board the Great Floating Platformare batteries of smaller sonic-based weaponry and FB's primary tool for his work is a sonic screwdriver [1].

Settings on the Sonic-Gun

From least to most dangerous

  • Jane Siberry
  • Very Quiet
  • Quiet
  • Medium
  • Loud
  • Very Loud
  • Dangerously Loud
  • Guns N' Roses

See Also

FerretBob Great Floating Platform Toasters

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