
From War Thread

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Current revision as of 03:30, 17 August 2006

Scotty is a male human of average height and medium build, with short reddish-brown hair. He is the commander of the 5th Miscellaneous Armour of Svensylsquatostan. He is universally known as an easy-going person, and commands his men with a degree of respect that they return to him. Although he can overestimate their abilities when he is exceptionally happy, he very rarely oversteps his bounds and never abuses his power. Scotty insists on treating all prisoners with dignity and respect.

Commander Scotty, as he is known to almost everyone, was born in the capital of Svensylvania. His mother was an office manager for a funeral parlour. His father was a career criminal who was finally indicted on 326 counts of fraud, 164 counts of grand larceny, and 1 count of treason, and sentenced to life in Whippleston Penitentiary. Both parents are now deceased.

After joining the military on his 18th birthday, Scotty spent six years in an artillery unit, eventually rising to the rank of Major before being transferred to a minor tank command role in the 8th Armour. He excelled in this role, showing the battlefield awareness and target-sighting abilities that most tank leaders take years to develop.

After only one year with the 8th Armour, the command of the 5th Miscellaneous Armour became available, and there was a very short list of candidates. Commander Scotty was officially sworn in at the unprecedented age of 25, only 3 weeks before the war with Squatostan began.

Soon after the beginning of the war, Scotty's mother passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning, caused by a leaking furnace outlet in her home. Although he received the news while on assignment, Scotty completed all his combat and strategic objectives, and was awarded the Sorrow's Cross for performance of duties in the face of adversity. It is unknown if he has ever worn this medal.

Following the war, Scotty was among the first commanders to freely and happily allow former Squatostan soldiers to serve in his division. Resentment from both sides was ignored with equally deaf ears, but significant problems were very swiftly dealt with. Records indicate a lot of the Squatostan additions were taught everything they knew by Scotty himself, or by a reluctant subordinate with his insistance.

This attitude towards his former enemies was noted as a character flaw at first, but was later amended when morale and unity in the 5th Miscellaneous Armour ranked highest in the Svensylsquatostan military in the year following the end of the war. This ranking was unofficial, but its significance was noted by several high-ranking officers, who would later take his considerations more seriously than those from other commanders with more experience.

After attaining the rank of Commander, Scotty steadfastly refused further advancement. The motivation behind his decisions has never been explored, but he has stated his contentment with his rank and a reluctance to become one of "the idiots in charge".

Commander Scotty has recently been romantically linked with General May of Isstara.

Several alarming patterns have been observed in Commander Scotty's consumption of alcohol, but it has not significantly hindered his performance yet. This issue has been assigned a yellow flag. Care must be taken to not push him towards addiction, and over-consumption should be discouraged as much as possible. Scotty has exhibited angry tendencies when intoxicated, and has been implicated in several drunken brawls across the country. Although no serious damage has been caused in any of these, many people feel it is only a matter of time.

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