Scotty (Elsewhere)

From War Thread

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Current revision as of 02:59, 17 August 2006

Scotty (Elsewhere) is a reddish-brown catkin of average height and medium build. He never looks fully comfortable, and is often surprised by his own movements. Although his body is catkin, his mind is human, and he remains loyal to Svensylsquatostan. He always wears his old artillery jacket, the only thing he has left from his former life as an armour division commander.

After combat in the former Squatostani capital of Fair Haven took a turn for the worse, Commander Scotty was taken prisoner by Felinian forces after a gas grenade disabled the entire crew of his tank. The capture failed to obtain the other members of the tank crew, as the tank was destroyed by a Svensylsquatostanian grenade as Scotty was pulled out. The explosion killed driver Joe Thumbo and gunner William "Quiet Bill" Krazicek; and lodged a large piece of shrapnel in Scotty's left eye.

Scotty was sent to Kuching with the other humans captured during the battle of Fair Haven, where he was slated for conversion to catkin. He resisted the Felinian brainwashing attempts, until convinced by a technician that he could retain his memories in his new form. Soon afterward he underwent the conversion therapy, and was released to a Kuching hospital for reunion with his "family".

During his stay in the hospital, the shrapnel in his head was cut and ground to make it all but unnoticable, but not removed. This had the effect of turning his left eye into a metallic circle surrounded by blood-red tissue. He can not see out of this eye, even though the optic nerve is relatively undamaged.

Soon after release for the hospital, Scotty was contacted by a member of a resistance movement opposed to Brylian's tyrannical rule over Felina. During this meeting he learned that he had been recruited in the brainwashing facility, and had agreed to join with the rebellion to help prevent any more humans from being converted to catkin, followed immediately by his conversion to catkin. Despite his desire to see the catkin despot overthrown, Scotty did not join with the rebels because of the hypocritical way in which they had recruited him, and he fled the city that night.

After commandeering a transport and driving it to the Isstaran border, Scotty disappeared into the forest. He was taken into custody after being identified as a Felinian spy, and thrown in jail to await an audience with Queen Samantha to prove that he really was who he claimed to be. This audience never came, as Scotty escaped from the prison a few nights later.

Scotty was last seen running through the forest, but is rumoured to have joined up with a group to fight against the Felinian rule of the former Svensylsquatostan.

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