Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA
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Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA #2538 (also referred to simply as "Zelman") started in 2007, as a branch of Carl S. Erbesfield AZA in Atlanta Council. As CSE faded away, Zelman became the most prominent (and first) AZA chapter in Atlanta Council for the North Metro area.
Zelman is home of the Zelman chain (RIP), Zelman gum, sharknado, Garfield, Tiger Baum, the greatest sofer committee of all time, kahoot, the nae nae, the 19th Atlanta Council Shaliach, the 88th Atlanta Council S'gan, the 88th Atlanta Council Moreh, the 23rd Atlanta Council Shaliach, the 2nd Atlanta Council Mekasher, and the 93rd Grand Aleph S'gan.
Zelman was once the proud home of the Nesquik Bunny, the mascot of the glorious chapter. In 2013, Zelman voted to officially change its mascot to Bender, the robot from the TV show Futurama who was notorious for having a nihilistic outlook on life and being constantly inebriated. In 2014, Zelman changed its mascot via popular vote to Garfield the Cat, a symbol nominated by Jason Rothfarb, who viewed the celebrated cat as iconic to the chapter as his story was extremely pertinent to the story of Zelman's growth. A strong correlation was observed between Garfield's story of being picked up from the street by Jon, his eventual owner, while he was a skinny stray cat living on the street and the chapter's bildungsromaneque narrative of being a tiny chapter struggling with underrepresentation in its council before the arrival of eager, Zelman-loving AITs.
Zelman has had a harsh past, for it never had the "prestige" that the other chapters had. That, combined with poor leadership and lack of recruitment up until 2010 put Zelman on a path of folding. However, things have been going uphill since David Bernstein became Godol. The board size has tripled, and active membership has tripled as well.
An update on membership, Zelman had the most recruits of Atlanta Council to start off the 2014-15 school year, taking in well over a dozen new AITs. Zelman ended the year with over 25 AITs, which was the most for any chapter in Atlanta council.
At IC 2015, Zelman won the Henry Monsky chapter excellence award. For the 2014-2015 year, Zelman won Atlanta Council's most improved chapter award. In addition, Zelman's gizbor, Garret Colvin won his second straight Gizbor of the year award, while S'gan Jason Rothfarb won Atlanta Council's S'gan of the year award.
In August of 2015, Zelman appointed their first ever mekasher. This position will be used to more intensely recruit eight graders in bbyo connect on a chapter level.
New Member Convention 2015, was very successful for Zelman. The Chapter had three members on steering, and had over 15 AITs attend. AIT Jason Frey won AIT representative as well.
At SRC 2015, Abraham Zelmanowitz really showed how much the chapter has grown in both size, and in prestige. Not only did Zelman have the most members attending, with a staggering 33 members, the most in the chapter's history; They also won their second straight runoffs.
Zelman had a massive attendance at ACSC 2016, at which they had 22 alephs attend, and had three seniors (Jacob Penn, Joel Pozin, and Simon Miller) give senior life. In addition, Zelman had four members run for the 88th Atlanta Council Board, all of which won. Jacob Lewis was elected to serve as the 88th Atlanta Council S'gan, Jason Rothfarb was elected to serve as the 88th Atlanta Council Aleph Moreh, Zack Cohen was elected to serve as Atlanta Council Aleph Shaliach, and Jonah Weinbach was elected to serve as the 2nd Atlanta Council Aleph Mekasher. This is the first time since 2012 that Zelman has had a chapter member on council board, and they now have four. From almost folding just five short years ago, Zelman has shown their strength as they are now the biggest and strongest chapter in Atlanta Council.
At Atlanta Council States, Awards, & Installations 2016, Zelman's hard work and success was finally awarded. Zelman had four members win individual awards, as Josh Gurin won the Atlanta Council Mazkir of the Year Award, Zack Cohen won the Atlanta Council Shaliach of the Year Award, Jonah Weinbach won the Atlanta Council Mekasher of the Year Award, and Zack Vexler won the Atlanta Council Distinguished Sophomore of the Year Award. In addition to these individual awards, Jason Rothfarb led Zelman to win the Atlanta Council AZA Chapter of the Year Award, as well as winning the Atlanta Council Program of the Year Award for their Mother-Son Shabbat program with Frank Fierman AZA. In addition to all of this, Zelman also had four of its member installed onto the 88th Atlanta Council Board.
At LTI 2016, Zelman's own Aleph Jacob Max Lewis was the coordinator. The convention was a huge success and a proud weekend for Zelman.
At NMC 2016, coordinated by Zelman's own Aleph Jason Dylan Rothfarb, Zelman had an amazing weekend. Zelman had a fantastic showing of AIT's, and the convention's administrative assistant was Zelman's own Aleph Jonah Hayden Weinbach.
At SRC 2016, Zelman completed their three-peat, winning their third consecutive SRC runoffs. What a time to be alive.
Kallah 2017 was coordinated by Zelman's own Aleph Zack Cohen.
At International Convention 2017, Zelman had a very large delegation. In addition, Aleph Jacob Lewis was elected the 93rd Grand Aleph S'gan of the International Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph.
2016 SRC Runnoff Champions, 2015-2016 Atlanta Council AZA Chapter of the Year Award, 2015-2016 Atlanta Council AZA Program of the Year Award, 2015-2016 Atlanta Council Mazkir of the Year Award, 2015-2016 Atlanta Council Shaliach of the Year Award, 2015-2016 Atlanta Council Mekasher of the Year Award, 2015-2016 Atlanta Council AZA Distinguished Sophomore of the Year Award, 2015 SRC Runoffs Champion, 2014-2015 Henry Monsky Chapter Excellence Award, 2014-2015 Atlanta Council AZA Most Improved Chapter Award, 2014-2015 Atlanta Council S'gan of the Year Award, 2014-2015 Atlanta Council Gizbor of the Year Award, 2014 SRC Runoffs Campion, 2013-2014 Atlanta Council Gizbor of the Year Award
2016-2017 Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA Executive Board (aka "Elite 8 Board")
- Godol - Zach Nozick
- S'gan - Jason Frey
- Moreh - Zack Miller
- Mazkir - Ryan Danz
- Shaliach - Jared Flax
- Gizbor - Daniel Abramow
- Mekasher - Alex Borsuk
- Sofer - Jake Peljovich
- Kohen Godol - Jason Rothfarb
2015-2016 Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA Executive Board (aka "Ice Board")
- Godol - Jason "Jewcy J" Rothfarb
- S'gan - Jacob "Chef" Lewis
- Moreh - Zach "Noz" Nozick
- Mazkir - Josh "Indian J-Cole" Gurin
- Shaliach - Zack "Pillsbury Doughboy" Cohen
- Gizbor - Garrett "Looks Like a Carrot" Colvin
- Mekasher - Jonah "Frat-God" Weinbach
- Sofer - Jake "Peachy-Ice" Peljovich
- Kohen Godol - Jacob Pennis
2014-2015 Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA AIT Board
- S'gan - Jacob Lewis
- Moreh - Jonah Weinbach
- Mazkir - Brad Freedman
- Shaliach - Zack Cohen
- Gizbor - Jake Peljovich
2014-2015 Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA Executive Board
- Godol - Mike Goldstein
- S'gan - Jason Rothfarb
- Moreh - Jacob Penn
- Mazkir - Stephen Hahn
- Shaliach - Joel Pozin
- Gizbor - Garrett Colvin
- Sofer - Jared Naide
- Kohen Godol - Chase Barron
2013-2014 Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA Executive Board
- Godol - Chase Barron
- S'gan - Jacob Penn
- Moreh - Mike Goldstein
- Mazkir - Alex Peljovich
- Shaliach - Joel Pozin
- Gizbor - Garrett Colvin
- Sofer - Simon Miller
- Kohen Godol - Ben Walters
2012-2013 Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA Executive Board
- Godol - Ben Walters
- S'gan - Chase Barron
- Moreh - Chase Barron
- Mazkir - Alex Peljovich
- Shaliach - Andrew Gottleib
- Gizbor - Mike Goldstein
- Kohen Godol - David Bernstein
2011-2012 (aka "Part Dos") Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA Executive Board
2011-2012 (aka "Part Uno") Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA Executive Board
2009-2010 Abraham Zelmanowitz AZA Executive Board
- Godol - Alan Gerlich
- S'gan - David Bernstein
- S'gan - Adam Schweber
Liaison History
2013-2014: Adam Turry
2014-2015: Michael Cohen
2015-2016: Cole Sonshien
2016-2017: Kenny Janis
Mascot History
Before 2013: Nesquik Bunny
2013-2014: Bender from Futurama
2014-Present: Garfield the Cat
Sweetheart History
2013-2014: Amanda Abes
2014-2015: Megan Danz
2015-2016: Abby Elster
2016-2017: Anna Jackson
*Note that not all executive board positions were filled during Zelman's formative years.