Greater Atlanta Region

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Revision as of 05:47, 3 March 2013 by (Talk)

Atlanta Council BBYO, also known as The Council, is a division of BBYO inc. located in Atlanta, GA. One of the largest councils in the order, Atlanta Council is home to 6 AZA chapters and 5 BBG chapters.


AZA Chapters

BBG Chapters

i certainly miss joel. bronlwee too, for that matter, though it's been a while on that note. looking forward to things picking up a bit!more on-topic: this seems sort of like the lexus that parallel-parks itself. i don't want it or need it, but my boss's wife is gonna go nuts about it. anything that makes driving less like a responsibility and more like being chaufeurred.

2010 Atlanta Council Executive Board

Effectively we're look at the death of the traditional copllhene, or at least the merging of the idea of a copllhene and PDA. In some ways I find that a pity. I'm a copllhene luddite. I want no more than the ability to make/receive calls, and very occasionally text message.It's great to have an extended user-friendly functionality as a general principle. In terms of mobile technology I do wonder how often its used. I'd love to see some statistics of how much iPhone users utilise the functions of their handset beyond phone/text/music.I'm curious as to how much of that is down to the user experience which does need a rethink as you suggest and how much is down to the fact that the majority of cell phone users generally aren't that interest in functionality beyond a phone ( and possibly looking cool').


Past Atlanta Council BBG Executive Boards

2009 Atlanta Council Executive Board


Past Atlanta Council AZA Executive Boards


Past Atlanta Council BBG Executive Boards

2008-2009 Atlanta Council Executive Board


Past Atlanta Council AZA Executive Boards


Past Atlanta Council BBG Executive Boards

2007-2008 Atlanta Council Executive Board


Past Atlanta Council AZA Executive Boards


Past Atlanta Council BBG Executive Boards

2006-2007 Atlanta Council Executive Board


Past Atlanta Council AZA Executive Boards


Past Atlanta Council BBG Executive Boards

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