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Tom Okeefe April 6th, 2009 7:05 am After looking thugorh the examples again a few that kinda bug me Good/BadBarry I would think that SEO will like to re name GoodBarry to BADBarry. Having text be a graphic is BAD. It's fine to a point to have headlines if you want to control the look but you should stay away from making that much copy a graphic. Sykpe that example shown would be nice if that was the complete site. It's not. You click on one link in the header it changes to that example. You click on another it changes it's visual design AGAIN. As for having CTAs used I would agree YES it's on point. It's just that it falls apart after the user clicks a link. Silverback Seems like a lot of wasted space. Also no clear direction or action that will make me want to scroll to view content and some important content. It has no navigation and a bad example to show since yes it hits some of your points but breaks the others.Reinvigorate As much as I do love the use of blue and imagery that captures my attention the one problem I have with this is maybe more of a UX problem. When I click Apply Now a drop down appears upper right. that seems odd to me. Apply Now or Beta Registration? Which is it? Then again I do like this example. :) As for Visual Design (off topic) all these sites are in the same family of Web 2.0 trendy jump on the bandwagon designs. Hey as long as it works for these products that's all that matters. Right? Still a good article and it would make the web more enjoyable if people would follow these tips.

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