Central Region West

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Revision as of 04:35, 21 January 2012 by (Talk)

Central Region West BBYO #45 is located in Northern California. All of its chapters are currently in the San Francisco bay area. It stretches from the Oregon border in the north to San Luis Obispo in the south, as well as to Hawaii.

This region is best described as "hella legit". At IC 2010, CRW won the spirit gavel, proving the greatness described on this page.

Central Region West BBG #45 is home to the first two BBG chapters in the order, San Francisco BBG #1 and Oakland BBG #2. Central Region West AZA #45 is home to:.....



House of David AZA #1488
David Ben Gurion AZA #2143
Dreidel AZA #2525
Machar AZA #1887
Morris Adler AZA #1855
Peninsula AZA #545
Ramon (previously known as Dr. Seuss) AZA #195
Sam Beber AZA #42
Simon Wiesenthal AZA #2524[1]


Atz' Chaim BBG #2043
Chai BBG #1728 [2]
El Al BBG #1863 [3]
Jerusalem Shel Zahav BBG #1516[4]
L'Hadash Ahava BBG #2120
Josephine Esther Mentzer BBG #2540
Neshikot BBG #2536
Oakland BBG #2
Sabra BBG #1465
San Francisco BBG #1


Marika Winheld #5224
Marin #?

Regional Board


  • Godol - Alex Finkelstein (Dreidel AZA)
  • S'gan - Guy Singer (SiWi AZA)
  • Moreh - Adam Silverman (MoAd AZA)
  • Mazkir- Aaron Cahen (MAchar AZA)
  • Shaliach -Spencer Kinsey (MAchar AZA)
  • Gizbor - Dan Meade (Dreidel AZA)
  • Kohen Godol - Jason Finkelstein (Dreidel AZA)


  • N'siah - Kelly Szteinbaum (El Al BBG)
  • S'ganit - Noy Shaked (Neshikot BBG)
  • Morah - Alana Levine-Gorelick (Oakland BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Hayley Hirsh (El Al BBG)
  • Mazkirah - Andrea Resnick (Marika Winheld BBYO)
  • Gizborit - Elyse Berlinberg (Neshikot BBG)
  • Madricha - Nirit Revzin (Atz Chaim BBG)

Represent the Nor*Cal.

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