Big Apple Region

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Big Apple Region covers all five boroughs of New York City.  Since 1977(?), our region has been priding itself on our Judaic involvement and community service that we bring to our area.  \
Big Apple Region covers 3 boroughs of New York City.  Since 1977(?), our region has been priding itself on our Judaic involvement and community service that we bring to our area.  It was formed from the joining of three regions: Queens Region, Brooklyn Region Association and part of Empire Region. Currently (2017) there are 5 BBG chapter and 5 AZA chapters.
36th Regional Board:
=='''AZA Chapters''' ==
*'''Exodus AZA #2377''' - Bayside , Queens
*'''Leviticus AZA #2486''' - Flushing , Queens
*'''Maccabees AZA #2424'''  - Bellerose , Queens
*'''Ruach AZA #2388''' - Mill Basin, Brooklyn
=='''BBG Chapters''' ==
*'''Aviv BBG #0315'''- Flushing , Queens
*'''Kallah BBG #2466'''- Bayside , Queens
*'''L'chaim BBG #1802'''- Bellerose , Queens
*'''Rainbow BBG #2069'''- Little Neck , Queens
*'''Ruach BBG #2312'''- Mill Basin , Brooklyn
=='''BBYO Chapters''' ==
*'''Chaverim BBYO'''- Rego Park , Queens
*'''Neshama BBYO'''- Staten Island
=='''Regional Events'''==
* Kickoff- usually a dance
* Fall / Winter Convention
* LTI - leadership training
* Sisterhood / Brotherhood Overnights
* Spring Convention
* RLTI - regional leadership training
=='''Current Regional Board for 2023-2024 Programming Year'''==
45th Regional Board:
Godol- Vlad Khodik (Leviticus AZA)
*Godol- Jared Miller (Ruach AZA)
S'gan- Steven Schuster (Leviticus AZA)
*S'gan- Sefir Olevsky (Ruach AZA)
Moreh- Sam Weprin (Leviticus AZA)
*Moreh - Sam Maresca  (Ruach AZA)
Mazkir- Sammy Ditchek (Ruach AZA)
*MazGiz - Isaac Silberman (Yalla BBYO)
Shaliach- Jacob Fertig (Leviticus AZA)
*Shaliach - Aaron Romero (Maccabees AZA)
Gizbor- Cody Palumbo (Leviticus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Matty Benjamin (Sagiv BBYO)
Kohen Godol- Dan Widawsky (Leviticus AZA)
N'siah- Dani Weingarten (Kallah BBG)
*N'siah- Sarah Nassir (Rainbow BBG)
S'ganit- Chelsea Fertig (Aviv BBG)
*S'ganit - Ella Rosenblatt (Rainbow BBG)
Morah- Melissa Charney (Aviv BBG)
*Morah - Izzy Erhlich (Rainbow BBG)
MazGiz- Sarah Spiel (Kallah BBG)
*MazGiz - Jolie Wasserman (Ruach BBG)
Sh'licha- Maxine Gross (Ruach BBG)
*Sh'licha - Rebecca Solomon (Kallah BBG)
Madricha- Emily Nassir (Rainbow BBG)
*Madricha - Julia Weinreich (Rainbow BBG)
=='''Past Regional Boards'''==
45th Regional Board:
*Godol- Matthew Benjamin (Sagiv BBYO)
*S'gan- Jared Miller (Ruach AZA)
*Moreh - Sam Maresca  (Ruach AZA)
*Mazkir - Benny Gedanke (Yalla BBYO)
*Gizbor - Jake Wasserman (Ruach AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Jake Wasserman (Ruach AZA)
*N'siah- Julia Weinrich (Rainbow BBG)
*S'ganit - Amanda Putter (Rainbow BBG)
*Morah - Izzy Erhlich (Rainbow BBG)
*Gizborit - Melanie Ranieri (Rainbow BBG)
*Madricha -  Mia Graybow (Kallah BBG)
44th Regional Board:
*Godol- Jake Wasserman (Ruach AZA)
*S'gan - Jared Miller (Ruach AZA)
*Mazkir- Sam Maresca (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach - Trevor Boshnack (Leviticus AZA)
*Gizbor - Ben Rahykmen (Kings Bay BBYO)
*Kohen Godol- Jackson Benjamin (Maccabees AZA)
*N'siah- Mia Graybow (Kallah BBG)
*S'ganit - Sophie Haber (Ruach BBG)
*Morah - Scarlett Feurstein (Sagiv BBYO)
*Mazkirah - Julia Weinrich (Rainbow BBG)
*Sh'licha - Dannielle Gandelmen (Aviv BBYO)
*Gizborit - Rachel Wolk (Sagiv BBYO)
*Madricha - Sarah Weinrich (Rainbow BBG)
43rd Regional Board
*Godol- Jackson Benjamin (Maccabees AZA)
*S'gan- Elias Cohen (Yallah BBYO)
*Moreh - Ashtin Reich (Exodus AZA)
*Mazkir - Ethan Brod (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach- Jake Wasserman (Ruach AZA)
*Gizbor - Zach Cytren (Exodus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Tyler Winter (Leviticus AZA)
*N'siah- Sarah Weinrich (Rainbow BBG)
*S'ganit- Mia Graybow (Kallah BBG)
*Morah- Sierra Kaplan (Kallah BBG)
*Mazkirah - Julianna Wasserman (Ruach BBG)
*Sh'licha - Rachel Wolk (Sagiv BBYO)
*Gizborit - Veronica Flug (Rainbow BBG)
*Madricha- Farrah Fuld (Aviv BBG)
42nd Regional Board
*Godol- Tyler Winter (Leviticus AZA)
*S'gan- Ethan Brod (Ruach AZA)
*Moreh- Joshua Raziyev (Maccabees AZA) [Resigned]/Jackson Benjamin (Maccabees AZA)
*Mazkir - Daniel Nahoom (Leviticus AZA)
*Shaliach - Daniel Yellnick (Leviticus AZA)
*Gizbor - Ashtin Reich (Exodus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Jarrett Glickman (Leviticus AZA)
*N'siah - Farrah Fuld (Aviv BBG)
*S'ganit - Zoe Pasetsky (Ruach BBG)
*Morah - Evan Kaplow-Healy (Mellech BBYO)
*Mazkirah - Sierra Kaplan (Kallah BBG)
*Sh'licha - Erin Seidmen (Kallah BBG)
*Gizborit - Taylor Rosenblatt (Aviv BBG)
*Madricha - Ava Spielman (Rainbow BBG)
41st Regional Board
*Godol - Jarrett Glickman (Leviticus AZA)
*S'gan - Dylan Assil (Exodus AZA)
*Moreh - Jared Adler (Ruach AZA)
*MazGiz -  Ray Winters (Exodus AZA)
*Shaliach - Tyler Winter (Leviticus AZA)
*MazGiz Chair - Troy Ahmed (Leviticus AZA)
*Kohen Godol - Logan Leeds (Leviticus AZA)
*N'siah- Ava Speilman (Rainbow BBG)
*S'ganit- Niolce Edmond (L'Chaim BBG)
*Morah- Farrah Fuld (Aviv BBG)
*Sh'licha- Madelyne Greenberg (Kallah BBG)
*MazGiz- Talia Fuld (Aviv BBG)
*MazGiz Chair- Melanie Kaye (Kallah BBG)
*Madricha- Julia Senise (Aviv BBG)
40th Regional Board
*Godol- Logan Leeds (Leviticus AZA)
*S'gan- Matthew Fertig (Leviticus AZA)
*Moreh - Ryan Cahn (Maccabees AZA)
*Mazgiz - Matt Broner (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach- Jake Weingarten (Exodus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Max Brandell (Exodus AZA)
*N'siah- Julia Senise (Aviv BBG)
*S'ganit- Ava Spielman (Rainbow BBG)
*Morah- Emma Damato (Kallah BBG)
*Sh'licha- Sydney Hoffman (Kallah BBG)
*MazGiz- Darya Assil (Kallah BBG)
*Madricha- Lily Winter (Kallah BBG)
39th Regional Board:
*Godol- Max Brandell (Exodus AZA)
*S'gan - Zachary Herz (Leviticus AZA)
*Moreh- Keith Kalinsky (Leviticus AZA)
*MazGiz- Logan Leeds (Leviticus AZA)
*Shaliach - Ben Weindling (Exodus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Jeremy Siegelstein (Maccabees AZA)
*N'siah- Lily Winter (Kallah BBG)
*S'ganit - Marisa Nives ( L'chaim BBG)
*Morah - Sarah Reichek ( Aviv BBG)
*Sh'licha - Yuval Guetta ( Kallah BBG)
*MazGiz - Kayla Ambery ( Kallah BBG)
*Madricha -  Alyssa Karfinkel (Kallah BBG)
38th Regional Board:
*Godol- Jeremy Siegelstein (Maccabees AZA)
*S'gan- Max Brandell (Exodus AZA)
*Moreh- Natan Nassir (Leviticus AZA)
*MazGiz- Keith Kalinsky (Leviticus AZA)
*Shaliach- Jospeh Gandelman (Leviticus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Sammy Ditchek (Ruach AZA)
*N'siah- Alyssa Karfinkel (Kallah BBG)
*S'ganit- Lily Winter (Kallah BBG)
*Morah- Allie Glickman (Kallah BBG)
*Sh'licha- Naomi Stein (Ruach BBG)
*MazGiz- Lisa Strumpf (Kallah BBG)
*Madricha- Lexi Kenis (L'chaim BBG)
37th Regional Board:
*Godol- Sammy Ditchek (Ruach AZA)
*S'gan- Jacob Fertig (Leviticus AZA)
*Moreh- Michael Lopez (Exodus AZA)
*MazGiz- Jacob Kaye (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach- David Feintoosh (Ruach AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Vlad Khodik (Leviticus AZA)
*N'siah- Lexi Kenis (L'chaim BBG)
*S'ganit- Dana Sokolov (Aviv BBG)
*Morah- Juliana Flint (Kallah BBG)
*MazGiz- Jenna Kahn (Kallah BBG)
*Sh'licha- Julia Rossiello (Rainbow BBG)
*Madricha- Dani Weingarten (Kallah BBG)
36th Regional Board:
*Godol- Vlad Khodik (Leviticus AZA)
*S'gan- Steven Schuster (Leviticus AZA)
*Moreh- Sam Weprin (Leviticus AZA)
*Mazkir- Sammy Ditchek (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach- Jacob Fertig (Leviticus AZA)
*Gizbor- Cody Palumbo (Leviticus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Dan Widawsky (Leviticus AZA)
*N'siah- Dani Weingarten (Kallah BBG)
*S'ganit- Chelsea Fertig (Aviv BBG)
*Morah- Melissa Charney (Aviv BBG)
*MazGiz- Sarah Spiel (Kallah BBG)
*Sh'licha - Maxine Gross (Ruach BBG)
*Madricha- Emily Nassir (Rainbow BBG)
35th Regional Board:
35th Regional Board:
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*MazGiz- Lawrence Rudenberg (Maccabees AZA)
*MazGiz- Lawrence Rudenberg (Maccabees AZA)
*Shaliach- Phillip Waknin (Leviticus AZA)
*Shaliach- Phillip Waknin (Leviticus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Aaron Shepard/Josh Schulman (Meshuganahs AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Aaron Shepard (Meshuganahs AZA)
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*Godol- Aaron Shepard (Meshuganahs AZA) RESIGNED
*Godol- Aaron Shepard (Meshuganahs AZA)[Resigned]/ Josh Schulman (Meshuganahs AZA)
*S'gan- Josh Schulman (Meshuganahs AZA)
*S'gan- Josh Schulman (Meshuganahs AZA)
*Moreh- Andrew Bodnar (Exodus AZA) RESIGNED
*Moreh- Andrew Bodnar (Exodus AZA)[Resigned]
*MazGiz- Dylan Weinberger (Ruach AZA)
*MazGiz- Dylan Weinberger (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach- Jason Brillon (Meshuganahs AZA)
*Shaliach- Jason Brillon (Meshuganahs AZA)
Line 99: Line 313:
*Godol- Ben Klein (Maccabees AZA)
*Godol- Ben Klein (Maccabees AZA)
*S'gan- Harris Rosado (Ruach AZA)
*S'gan- Harris Rosado (Ruach AZA)
*Moreh- Steven Tartaglia (Empire BBYO)
*Moreh- Steven Tartaglia (Ruach AZA)
*Mazkir- Jeremy Goldberg (Maccabees AZA)
*Mazkir- Jeremy Goldberg (Maccabees AZA)
*Shaliach- Harrison Goldspiel (Maccabees AZA)
*Shaliach- Harrison Goldspiel (Maccabees AZA)
Line 140: Line 354:
*Gizborit- Mina Hirsch (Shalom BBG)
*Gizborit- Mina Hirsch (Shalom BBG)
*QBA Yoshevet Rosh- Rachel Santiago (L'chaim BBG)
*QBA Yoshevet Rosh- Rachel Santiago (L'chaim BBG)
*BMA Yoshevet Rosh- Arielle Berneman
*BMA Yoshevet Rosh- Arielle Berneman (Ruach BBG)
*SIA Yoshevet Rosh- Alexis Glickman (Tzamerit BBG)
*SIA Yoshevet Rosh- Alexis Glickman (Tzamerit BBG)
*Madricha- Sarah Strum (Kallah BBG)
*Madricha- Sarah Strum (Kallah BBG)
Line 148: Line 362:
*Godol- Brandon Patterson (Chaverim AZA)
*Godol- Brandon Patterson (Chaverim AZA)
*S'gan - Andrew Wiktor (Maccabees AZA)
*Moreh- Andrew Liss (Chaverim AZA)
*Moreh- Andrew Liss (Chaverim AZA)
*Mazkir- Alex Saltzman (Ruach AZA)
*Mazkir- Alex Saltzman (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach- Michael Solomon (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach- Michael Solomon (Ruach AZA)
*Gizbor- Ben Herman (Maccabees AZA)
*Gizbor- Ben Herman (Maccabees AZA)
*QBA Yoshevet Rosh- Adam Zwibel (Leviticus AZA)
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshev Rosh- Adam Zwibel (Leviticus AZA)
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshev Rosh -Jacob Laurenti (Ruach AZA)
*Kohane Godol - Stephen Snyder (Empire BBYO)
Line 158: Line 375:
*N'siah- Sarah Strum (Kallah BBG)
*N'siah- Sarah Strum (Kallah BBG)
*S'ganit- Jamie Feldman (Rainbow BBG)
*S'ganit- Jamie Feldman (Rainbow BBG)
*Morah- Sivan Ben-Aderet (Kallah BBG)[Resigned]
*Morah- Sivan Ben-Aderet (Kallah BBG)
*Mazkirah- Rae Rae Weishoff (Tzamerit BBG?)
*Mazkirah- Rachel "Rae Rae" Weishoff (Tzamerit BBG)
*Shlicha- Marissa Green (L'chaim BBG)
*Shlicha- Marissa Green (L'chaim BBG)
*Gizborit- Bari Nadworny (Rainbow BBG)
*Gizborit- Bari Nadworny (Rainbow BBG)
*QBA Yoshevet Rosh- Amanda Katz (Rainbow BBG)
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Amanda Katz (Rainbow BBG)
*SIA Yoshevet Rosh- Brianna Kessler (Shalom BBG)
*Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Brianna Kessler (Shalom BBG)
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Amber Weinberger (Ruach BBG)
*Madricha - Melissa Finger (L'Chaim BBG)
28th Regional Board:
*Godol- Stephen Snyder (Empire BBYO)
*S'gan - Joshua Goldman (Maccabees AZA)
*Moreh- Brandon Patterson (Chaverim AZA)
*Mazkir- Evan Karol (Maccabees AZA)
*Shaliach- Zachary Silver (Meshuganas AZA)
*Gizbor- Reuben Ingbar (Empire BBYO)
*QBA Yoshev Rosh- Ian Freed (Exodus AZA)
*BMA Yoshev Rosh- Bret Copeland (Ruach AZA)
*SIA Yoshev Rosh- Andrew Liss (Chaverim AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Jason Singer (Leviticus AZA)
*N'siah- Melissa Finger (L'chaim BBG)
*S'ganit- Allison Siminovsky (L'chaim BBG)
*Morah- Cara Friedman (Empire BBYO)
*Mazkir - Amy Wiktor (L'chaim BBG)
*Sh'licha- Sarah Strum (Kallah BBG)
*Gizborit- Jamie Feldman (Rainbow BBG)
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Jessica Denkberg
*Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Rachel Weishoff (Tzamerit BBG)
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Tamara O'Flaherty (Empire BBYO)
*Madricha - Shana Fisher (Shalom BBG)
27th Regional Board:
*Godol- Jason Singer (Leviticus AZA)
*S'gan - Eric Feuer (Chaverim AZA)
*Moreh- Ilan Stern (Ruach AZA)
*Mazkir- Adam Fier (Exodus AZA)
*Shaliach- Nicky Kolios (Leviticus AZA)
*Gizbor- Bryan Velez (Leviticus AZA)
*QBA Yoshev Rosh- Josh Goldman (Maccabees AZA)
*BMA Yoshev Rosh- Stephen Snyder (Empire BBYO)
*SIA Yoshev Rosh- Brandon Patterson (Chaverim AZA)
*Kohen Godol- David Belsky (Leviticus AZA)
*N'siah- Shana Fisher (Shalom BBG)
*S'ganit- Tracy Soren (Kallah BBG)
*Morah- Lauren Suss (Shalom BBG)
*Mazkir - Julia Kaplan-Toce (Empire BBYO)
*Sh'licha- Arielle Weisberg (Rainbow BBG)
*Gizborit- Melissa Finger (L'chaim BBG)
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Allison Siminovsky (L'chaim BBG)
*Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Jackie DeLeo
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Dani Ward (Empire BBYO)
*Madricha - Marissa Costa (L'Chaim BBG)
26th Regional Board:
*Godol - David Belsky (Leviticus AZA)
*S'gan - Matthew Kirschner (Leviticus AZA)
*Moreh - Eric Buxbaum (Chaverim AZA)
*MazGiz - Craig Buxbaum (Chaverim AZA)
*Shaliach - Ron Strum (Meshuganas AZA)
*QBA Yoshev Rosh- Douglas Halsbond (Maccabees AZA)
*BMA Yoshev Rosh- Ilan Stern (Ruach AZA)
*SIA Yoshev Rosh- Michael Buxbaum (Chaverim AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Matthew Birnbaum (Leviticus AZA)
*N'siah- Marissa Costa (L'chaim BBG)
*S'ganit- Sharon Klein (L'chaim BBG)
*Morah- Merav Fine (Rainbow BBG)
*Mazkir - Rachel Bass (Rainbow BBG)
*Sh'licha- Esty Rajwan (L'chaim BBG)
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Jessica Denkberg
*Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Rachel Weishoff (Tzamerit BBG)
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Megan Brown (Empire BBYO)
*Madricha - Allison Siminovsky (L'Chaim BBG)
25th Regional Board:
*Godol - Matthew Birnbaum (Leviticus AZA)
*S'gan - Gideon Raz (Exodus AZA)
*Moreh - Devon Stoll (Leviticus AZA)
*MazGiz - Alex Dyzenhaus
*Shaliach - Jonathan Silver (Exodus AZA)
*QBA Yoshev Rosh- Daniel Hubschman
*BMA Yoshev Rosh- Jonathan Schwartz (Chohavim BBYO)
*SIA Yoshev Rosh- Craig Buxbaum (Chaverim AZA)
*Kohen Godol- Lawrence Nadel (Haganah AZA)
*N'siah- Lani Levine (Tzamerit BBG)
*S'ganit- Marissa Costa (L'chaim BBG)
*Morah- Stacey Fingerman (Rainbow BBG)
*Mazkir - Kirsten Ennis
*Sh'licha- Elana Laurenti (Ruach BBG)
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Meredyth Weintraub
*Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Robin Herbst
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Samantha Bochbot
*Madricha - Jessica Costa (L'Chaim BBG)
24th Regional Board:
*Godol - Lawrence Nadel (Haganah AZA)
*S'gan - Jonathan Schwartz (Chohavim BBYO)
*Moreh - William Bochbot (Chaverim AZA)
*MazGiz - Daniel Hubschman
*Shaliach - Gideon Raz (Exodus AZA)
*QBA Yoshev Rosh- Matthew Birnbaum (Leviticus AZA)
*BMA Yoshev Rosh- Jonathan Schwartz (Chohavim BBYO)
*SIA Yoshev Rosh- Steve Deutsch
*Kohen Godol- Barak Raz (Exodus AZA)
*N'siah- Jessica Costa (L'chaim BBG)
*S'ganit- Jamie Lebovic
*Morah- Lani Levine (Tzamerit BBG)
*Mazkir - Jesse Kraus (Rainbow BBG)
*Sh'licha- Sivan Somekh
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Marisa Cosa (L'chaim)
*Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Samantha Striar
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Elena Laurenti (Ruach AZA)
*Madricha - Hannah Kaplan-Toce
22nd Regional Board:
*Godol - Jordan Levine (Exodus AZA)
*S'gan - Barak Raz (Exodus AZA)
*Moreh - Lee Peretz (Leviticus AZA)
*MazGiz - Dan Sperling
*Shaliach - Mark Fayne (Leviticus AZA)
*QBA Yoshev Rosh- Josh Vinitz (Exodus AZA)
*BMA Yoshev Rosh- Brant Levine
*SIA Yoshev Rosh- Corey Eiss
*Kohen Godol- Sean Stozki
*N'siah- Lauren Marcus
*S'ganit- Hannah Kaplan-Toce
*Morah- Mya Goldberg (Ruach BBG)
*Mazkir - Jilian Gross (Rainbow BBG)
*Sh'licha- Gail Hoffer (Rainbow BBG)
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Lauren Abrams
*Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Heather Ascher
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Eileen Chorowski
*Madricha - Karen Somekh
21st Regional Board:
*Godol - Sean Stozki
*S'gan - Coby Coriat
*Moreh - Jordan Levine (Exodus AZA)
*MazGiz - Scott Stein (Ruach AZA)
*Shaliach - Barak Raz (Exodus AZA)
*SIA Yoshev Rosh- Matthew Edelman
*QBA Yoshev Rosh- Mark Fayne (Leviticus AZA)
*Kohen Godol- David Cortijo (Haganah AZA)
*N'siah- Karen Somekh
*S'ganit- Rebecca Jacobs
*Morah- Tara Sloman
*Mazkir - Felicia Feinerman
*Sh'licha- Danielle Stoll (Rainbow BBG)
*Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Erin Schneiderman
*Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Michelle Oberfeld
*Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Hannah Kaplan-Toce
20th Regional Board:
*Godol - David Cortijo (Haganah AZA)
*S'gan - Brian Levine (Exodus AZA)
*Moreh - Brian Cortijo (Haganah AZA)
*MazGiz - Alex Levine (Jake Drescher AZA)
*Shaliach - Coby Coriat
*QBA Yoshev Rosh- Michael Bauer (Exodus AZA)
*BMA Yoshev Rosh- Jason Newman (Ruach AZA)
*SIA Yoshev Rosh- Sean Stozki
*[[Chaverim AZA (BAR)|Chaverim AZA #2466]]: Staten Island (Folded)
*[[Chaverim AZA (BAR)|Chaverim AZA #2466]]: Staten Island (Folded)
*[[Exodus AZA (BAR)|Exodus AZA #2377]]: Bay Terrace, Queens
*[[Exodus AZA (BAR)|Exodus AZA #2377]]: Bay Terrace, Queens (folded)
*[[Leviticus AZA (BAR)|Leviticus AZA #2486]]: Flushing, Queens
*[[Maccabees AZA #2424]]: Bellerose, Queens
*[[Maccabees AZA #2424]]: Bellerose, Queens
*[[Meshuganahs AZA #2172]]: Little Neck, Queens
*[[Meshuganahs AZA #2172]]: Little Neck, Queens (Folded)
*[[Ruach AZA (BAR)|Ruach AZA #2388]]: Mill Basin, Brooklyn
*[[Ruach AZA (BAR)|Ruach AZA #2388]]: Mill Basin, Brooklyn
*[[Leviticus AZA #2486]]: Flushing, Queens
*[[Park Slope AZA]]: Park Slope, Brooklyn
*[[Haganah AZA (BAR)]]: Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn (Folded)
*[[Aviv BBG (BAR)|Aviv BBG #0315]]: Flushing, Queens
*[[Aviv BBG (BAR)|Aviv BBG #0315]]: Flushing, Queens (folded)
*[[Kallah BBG (BAR)|Kallah BBG #2466]]: Bay Terrace, Queens
*[[Kallah BBG (BAR)|Kallah BBG #2466]]: Hollis Hills, Queens
*[[Rainbow BBG #2069]]: Little Neck, Queens
*[[Rainbow BBG #2069]]: Little Neck, Queens
*[[Ruach BBG (BAR)|Ruach BBG #2312]]: Brooklyn
*[[Ruach BBG (BAR)|Ruach BBG #2312]]: Mill Basin, Brooklyn
*[[Shalom BBG (BAR)|Shalom BBG]] #2333: Staten Island (Folded)
*[[Shalom BBG (BAR)|Shalom BBG]] #2333: Staten Island (Folded)
*[[Tzamerit BBG]]: Staten Island (Folded)
*[[Tzamerit BBG]]: Staten Island (Folded)
*[[L'Chaim BBG #1802]]: Bellrose, Queens
*[[L'Chaim BBG #1802]]: Bellerose, Queens (folded)
*[[Shemesh BBG]]: Rockaway, Queens
*[[Shemesh BBG]]: Rockaway, Queens (Folded)
*[[Empire BBYO #5210]]: Manhattan
*[[Empire BBYO #5210]]: Manhattan (Folded)
*[[G'vaot BBYO]]: Forest Hills, Queens (Folded)
*[[G'vaot BBYO]]: Forest Hills, Queens (Folded)
*[[Staten Island BBYO]]: Staten Island (Folded)
*[[Tikvah BBYO]]: Brooklyn Heights (Folded)
*[[Neshama BBYO]]: Staten Island (Folded)
*[[Chaverim BBYO]]: Rego Park, Queens (Folded)
*[[Sagiv BBYO]]: Park Slope, Queens
*[[Yallah BBYO]]: Brooklyn, New York
*[[Mellech BBYO #5037]]: Brooklyn, New York
*[[Kings Bay BBYO]]: Brooklyn, New York
List of past N'siot and G'dolim:
List of past N'siot and G'dolim:
45- Matty Benjamin and Julia Weinreich
44- Jake Wasserman and Mia Graybow
43- Jackson Benjamin and Sarah Weinrich
42- Tyler Winter and Farrah Fuld
41- Jarrett Glickmen and Ava Spielman
40- Logan Leeds and Julia Senise
39- Lily Winter and Max Brandell
38- Alyssa Karfinkel and Jeremy Siegelstein
37- Lexi Kenis and Sammy Ditchek
36- Dani Weingarten and Vlad Khodik
36- Dani Weingarten and Vlad Khodik
Line 198: Line 630:
35- Emily Nassir and Daniel Widawsky
35- Emily Nassir and Daniel Widawsky
34- Danielle Kahn and Aaron Shepard  
34- Danielle Kahn and Aaron Shepard (Resigned), Josh Schulman
33- Sharon Kahn and Reid Packer  
33- Sharon Kahn and Reid Packer  
Line 218: Line 650:
25- Lani Levine and Matthew Birnbaum
25- Lani Levine and Matthew Birnbaum
24- Jessica Costa and Lawrece Nadel
24- Jessica Costa and Lawrence Nadel
23- Hannah Kaplan Toce and Barak Raz
23- Hannah Kaplan Toce and Barak Raz
22- Lauren Marcus and Jordan Levine
21- Karen Somekh and Sean Stozki
20- Sabrina Sand and David Cortijo
19- Lisa Seri and Lee Horen
18- Tamara Kryshka and Jon Goldberg
17- Wendy Snyder and Eric Monaco
16- Shira Seri Mitch Schwartz
15- Ami Kantor and Lee Maschler
14- Allison Edwards and Alex Goldman
13- Bonnie Bernstein and Seth Deitchman
12- Caryn Gerst and Seth Barcus
11- Robin Rosenfeld and Tal Marnin
10- Rachel Gartner and Andy Kaufman
9- Sharon Getlen and Brett Kessler
8- Elyse Held and Andrew Keats
7- Jodi Rosoff and Michael Herman
6- Helene Drobenare and Sean Julius
5- Adrienne Pollack and Robert Scharf
4- Helene Packard and Ken Goldstein
3- Robyn Braunstein and Greg Kessloff
2- Bari Pollack and Lowell Siegel
1- Sheryl Smith and Jeff Bushkin
0- Marcus Lieberman

Current revision as of 22:43, 20 January 2025

Big Apple Region covers 3 boroughs of New York City. Since 1977(?), our region has been priding itself on our Judaic involvement and community service that we bring to our area. It was formed from the joining of three regions: Queens Region, Brooklyn Region Association and part of Empire Region. Currently (2017) there are 5 BBG chapter and 5 AZA chapters.


[edit] AZA Chapters

  • Exodus AZA #2377 - Bayside , Queens
  • Leviticus AZA #2486 - Flushing , Queens
  • Maccabees AZA #2424 - Bellerose , Queens
  • Ruach AZA #2388 - Mill Basin, Brooklyn

[edit] BBG Chapters

  • Aviv BBG #0315- Flushing , Queens
  • Kallah BBG #2466- Bayside , Queens
  • L'chaim BBG #1802- Bellerose , Queens
  • Rainbow BBG #2069- Little Neck , Queens
  • Ruach BBG #2312- Mill Basin , Brooklyn

[edit] BBYO Chapters

  • Chaverim BBYO- Rego Park , Queens
  • Neshama BBYO- Staten Island

[edit] Regional Events

  • Kickoff- usually a dance
  • Fall / Winter Convention
  • LTI - leadership training
  • Sisterhood / Brotherhood Overnights
  • Spring Convention
  • RLTI - regional leadership training

[edit] Current Regional Board for 2023-2024 Programming Year

45th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Jared Miller (Ruach AZA)
  • S'gan- Sefir Olevsky (Ruach AZA)
  • Moreh - Sam Maresca (Ruach AZA)
  • MazGiz - Isaac Silberman (Yalla BBYO)
  • Shaliach - Aaron Romero (Maccabees AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Matty Benjamin (Sagiv BBYO)


  • N'siah- Sarah Nassir (Rainbow BBG)
  • S'ganit - Ella Rosenblatt (Rainbow BBG)
  • Morah - Izzy Erhlich (Rainbow BBG)
  • MazGiz - Jolie Wasserman (Ruach BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Rebecca Solomon (Kallah BBG)
  • Madricha - Julia Weinreich (Rainbow BBG)

[edit] Past Regional Boards

45th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Matthew Benjamin (Sagiv BBYO)
  • S'gan- Jared Miller (Ruach AZA)
  • Moreh - Sam Maresca (Ruach AZA)
  • Mazkir - Benny Gedanke (Yalla BBYO)
  • Gizbor - Jake Wasserman (Ruach AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Jake Wasserman (Ruach AZA)


  • N'siah- Julia Weinrich (Rainbow BBG)
  • S'ganit - Amanda Putter (Rainbow BBG)
  • Morah - Izzy Erhlich (Rainbow BBG)
  • Gizborit - Melanie Ranieri (Rainbow BBG)
  • Madricha - Mia Graybow (Kallah BBG)

44th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Jake Wasserman (Ruach AZA)
  • S'gan - Jared Miller (Ruach AZA)
  • Mazkir- Sam Maresca (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach - Trevor Boshnack (Leviticus AZA)
  • Gizbor - Ben Rahykmen (Kings Bay BBYO)
  • Kohen Godol- Jackson Benjamin (Maccabees AZA)


  • N'siah- Mia Graybow (Kallah BBG)
  • S'ganit - Sophie Haber (Ruach BBG)
  • Morah - Scarlett Feurstein (Sagiv BBYO)
  • Mazkirah - Julia Weinrich (Rainbow BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Dannielle Gandelmen (Aviv BBYO)
  • Gizborit - Rachel Wolk (Sagiv BBYO)
  • Madricha - Sarah Weinrich (Rainbow BBG)

43rd Regional Board


  • Godol- Jackson Benjamin (Maccabees AZA)
  • S'gan- Elias Cohen (Yallah BBYO)
  • Moreh - Ashtin Reich (Exodus AZA)
  • Mazkir - Ethan Brod (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach- Jake Wasserman (Ruach AZA)
  • Gizbor - Zach Cytren (Exodus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Tyler Winter (Leviticus AZA)


  • N'siah- Sarah Weinrich (Rainbow BBG)
  • S'ganit- Mia Graybow (Kallah BBG)
  • Morah- Sierra Kaplan (Kallah BBG)
  • Mazkirah - Julianna Wasserman (Ruach BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Rachel Wolk (Sagiv BBYO)
  • Gizborit - Veronica Flug (Rainbow BBG)
  • Madricha- Farrah Fuld (Aviv BBG)

42nd Regional Board


  • Godol- Tyler Winter (Leviticus AZA)
  • S'gan- Ethan Brod (Ruach AZA)
  • Moreh- Joshua Raziyev (Maccabees AZA) [Resigned]/Jackson Benjamin (Maccabees AZA)
  • Mazkir - Daniel Nahoom (Leviticus AZA)
  • Shaliach - Daniel Yellnick (Leviticus AZA)
  • Gizbor - Ashtin Reich (Exodus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Jarrett Glickman (Leviticus AZA)


  • N'siah - Farrah Fuld (Aviv BBG)
  • S'ganit - Zoe Pasetsky (Ruach BBG)
  • Morah - Evan Kaplow-Healy (Mellech BBYO)
  • Mazkirah - Sierra Kaplan (Kallah BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Erin Seidmen (Kallah BBG)
  • Gizborit - Taylor Rosenblatt (Aviv BBG)
  • Madricha - Ava Spielman (Rainbow BBG)

41st Regional Board


  • Godol - Jarrett Glickman (Leviticus AZA)
  • S'gan - Dylan Assil (Exodus AZA)
  • Moreh - Jared Adler (Ruach AZA)
  • MazGiz - Ray Winters (Exodus AZA)
  • Shaliach - Tyler Winter (Leviticus AZA)
  • MazGiz Chair - Troy Ahmed (Leviticus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol - Logan Leeds (Leviticus AZA)


  • N'siah- Ava Speilman (Rainbow BBG)
  • S'ganit- Niolce Edmond (L'Chaim BBG)
  • Morah- Farrah Fuld (Aviv BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Madelyne Greenberg (Kallah BBG)
  • MazGiz- Talia Fuld (Aviv BBG)
  • MazGiz Chair- Melanie Kaye (Kallah BBG)
  • Madricha- Julia Senise (Aviv BBG)

40th Regional Board


  • Godol- Logan Leeds (Leviticus AZA)
  • S'gan- Matthew Fertig (Leviticus AZA)
  • Moreh - Ryan Cahn (Maccabees AZA)
  • Mazgiz - Matt Broner (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach- Jake Weingarten (Exodus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Max Brandell (Exodus AZA)


  • N'siah- Julia Senise (Aviv BBG)
  • S'ganit- Ava Spielman (Rainbow BBG)
  • Morah- Emma Damato (Kallah BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Sydney Hoffman (Kallah BBG)
  • MazGiz- Darya Assil (Kallah BBG)
  • Madricha- Lily Winter (Kallah BBG)

39th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Max Brandell (Exodus AZA)
  • S'gan - Zachary Herz (Leviticus AZA)
  • Moreh- Keith Kalinsky (Leviticus AZA)
  • MazGiz- Logan Leeds (Leviticus AZA)
  • Shaliach - Ben Weindling (Exodus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Jeremy Siegelstein (Maccabees AZA)


  • N'siah- Lily Winter (Kallah BBG)
  • S'ganit - Marisa Nives ( L'chaim BBG)
  • Morah - Sarah Reichek ( Aviv BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Yuval Guetta ( Kallah BBG)
  • MazGiz - Kayla Ambery ( Kallah BBG)
  • Madricha - Alyssa Karfinkel (Kallah BBG)

38th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Jeremy Siegelstein (Maccabees AZA)
  • S'gan- Max Brandell (Exodus AZA)
  • Moreh- Natan Nassir (Leviticus AZA)
  • MazGiz- Keith Kalinsky (Leviticus AZA)
  • Shaliach- Jospeh Gandelman (Leviticus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Sammy Ditchek (Ruach AZA)


  • N'siah- Alyssa Karfinkel (Kallah BBG)
  • S'ganit- Lily Winter (Kallah BBG)
  • Morah- Allie Glickman (Kallah BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Naomi Stein (Ruach BBG)
  • MazGiz- Lisa Strumpf (Kallah BBG)
  • Madricha- Lexi Kenis (L'chaim BBG)

37th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Sammy Ditchek (Ruach AZA)
  • S'gan- Jacob Fertig (Leviticus AZA)
  • Moreh- Michael Lopez (Exodus AZA)
  • MazGiz- Jacob Kaye (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach- David Feintoosh (Ruach AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Vlad Khodik (Leviticus AZA)


  • N'siah- Lexi Kenis (L'chaim BBG)
  • S'ganit- Dana Sokolov (Aviv BBG)
  • Morah- Juliana Flint (Kallah BBG)
  • MazGiz- Jenna Kahn (Kallah BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Julia Rossiello (Rainbow BBG)
  • Madricha- Dani Weingarten (Kallah BBG)

36th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Vlad Khodik (Leviticus AZA)
  • S'gan- Steven Schuster (Leviticus AZA)
  • Moreh- Sam Weprin (Leviticus AZA)
  • Mazkir- Sammy Ditchek (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach- Jacob Fertig (Leviticus AZA)
  • Gizbor- Cody Palumbo (Leviticus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Dan Widawsky (Leviticus AZA)


  • N'siah- Dani Weingarten (Kallah BBG)
  • S'ganit- Chelsea Fertig (Aviv BBG)
  • Morah- Melissa Charney (Aviv BBG)
  • MazGiz- Sarah Spiel (Kallah BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Maxine Gross (Ruach BBG)
  • Madricha- Emily Nassir (Rainbow BBG)

35th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Dan Widawsky (Leviticus AZA)
  • S'gan- Michael Levin (Maccabees AZA)
  • Moreh- Sam Weprin (Leviticus AZA)
  • MazGiz- Lawrence Rudenberg (Maccabees AZA)
  • Shaliach- Phillip Waknin (Leviticus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Aaron Shepard (Meshuganahs AZA)


  • N'siah- Emily Nassir (Rainbow BBG)
  • S'ganit- Brooke Rutman (Rainbow BBG)
  • Morah- Jackie Gabler (Rainbow BBG)
  • MazGiz- Leah Koffler (L'Chaim BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Samantha Hupart (Ruach BBG)
  • Madricha- Dani Kahn (Kallah BBG)

34th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Aaron Shepard (Meshuganahs AZA)[Resigned]/ Josh Schulman (Meshuganahs AZA)
  • S'gan- Josh Schulman (Meshuganahs AZA)
  • Moreh- Andrew Bodnar (Exodus AZA)[Resigned]
  • MazGiz- Dylan Weinberger (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach- Jason Brillon (Meshuganahs AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Reid Packer (Ruach AZA)


  • N'siah- Dani Kahn (Kallah BBG)
  • S'ganit- Rhiana Drexler (Aviv BBG)
  • Morah- Stephanie Aronson (Kallah BBG)
  • MazGiz- Janna Babad (L'chaim BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Emily Nassir (Rainbow BBG)
  • Madricha- Sharon Kahn (Kallah BBG)

33rd Regional Board:


  • Godol- Reid Packer (Ruach AZA)
  • S'gan- Logan Miller (Meshuganahs AZA)
  • Moreh- Walt Bonné (Exodus AZA)
  • MazGiz- Jared Fertig (Leviticus AZA)
  • Shaliach- Joey Wilner (Exodus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Reid Packer (Ruach AZA)


  • N'siah - Sharon Kahn (Kallah BBG)
  • S'ganit - Abigail Koffler (L'chaim BBG)
  • Morah - Leah Markowitz (L'chaim BBG)
  • MazGiz- Molly Karow (Kallah BBG)
  • Sh'licha - Laura Weisbord (L'chaim BBG)
  • Madricha- Ari Kovics (L'chaim BBG)

32nd Regional Board:


  • Godol- Reid Packer (Ruach AZA)
  • S'gan- Danny Randell (Exodus AZA) [Resigned]/Logan Miller (Meshuganahs AZA)
  • Moreh- Brandon Dittmar (Leviticus AZA) [Resigned]/Jason Brillon (Meshuganahs AZA)
  • Mazkir- Daniel Greene (Meshuganahs AZA)
  • Shaliach- Matt Blittner (Ruach AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Ben Klein (Maccabees AZA)


  • N'siah- Ari Kovics (L'chaim BBG)
  • S'ganit- Keren Baruch (Kallah BBG)
  • Morah- Maya Siegel (Rainbow BBG)
  • Mazkirah- Katie Rosoff (Kallah BBG)
  • Shlicha- Ellie Posner (Ruach BBG)
  • Gizborit- Rachel Mayo (Rainbow BBG)
  • Madricha- Julia Greene (L'chaim BBG)

31st Regional Board:


  • Godol- Ben Klein (Maccabees AZA)
  • S'gan- Harris Rosado (Ruach AZA)
  • Moreh- Steven Tartaglia (Ruach AZA)
  • Mazkir- Jeremy Goldberg (Maccabees AZA)
  • Shaliach- Harrison Goldspiel (Maccabees AZA)
  • Gizbor- Reid Packer (Ruach AZA)
  • Yoshev Rosh QBA- Phil Weisbord (Maccabees AZA)
  • Yoshev Rosh BMA- Jordan Shatz (Ruach AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Spence Packer (Ruach AZA)


  • N'siah- Julia Greene (L'chaim BBG)
  • S'ganit- Alyssa Garfinkel (Rainbow BBG)
  • Morah- Michelle Winters (Ruach BBG)
  • Mazkirah- Kirsten Fine (L'chaim BBG)
  • Shlicha- Leor Azizian (L'chaim BBG)
  • Gizborit- Rachel Mayo (Rainbow BBG)
  • Yoshevet Rosh QBA- Ari Kovics (L'chaim BBG)
  • Yoshevet Rosh BMA- Ashley Mandlowitz (Ruach BBG)
  • Madricha- Bari Nadworny (Rainbow BBG)

30th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Spence Packer (Ruach AZA)
  • S'gan- Michael Solomon (Ruach AZA)
  • Moreh- Ben Klein (Maccabees AZA)
  • Mazkir- Harry Fidler (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach- Jeremy Goldberg (Maccabees AZA)
  • Gizbor- Greg Sobel (Exodus AZA)
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Sam Hoffman (Maccabees AZA)
  • BMA Yoshev Rosh- Steven Tartaglia (Ruach AZA)
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Adam Horrowitz (Chaverim AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Brandon Patterson (Chaverim AZA)


  • N'siah- Bari Nadworny (Rainbow BBG)
  • S'ganit- Amanda Katz (Rainbow BBG)
  • Morah- Alyssa Dreifus (Ruach BBG)
  • Mazkirah- Brianna Kessler (Shalom BBG)
  • Shlicha- Jennie Marciano (Ruach BBG)
  • Gizborit- Mina Hirsch (Shalom BBG)
  • QBA Yoshevet Rosh- Rachel Santiago (L'chaim BBG)
  • BMA Yoshevet Rosh- Arielle Berneman (Ruach BBG)
  • SIA Yoshevet Rosh- Alexis Glickman (Tzamerit BBG)
  • Madricha- Sarah Strum (Kallah BBG)

29th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Brandon Patterson (Chaverim AZA)
  • S'gan - Andrew Wiktor (Maccabees AZA)
  • Moreh- Andrew Liss (Chaverim AZA)
  • Mazkir- Alex Saltzman (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach- Michael Solomon (Ruach AZA)
  • Gizbor- Ben Herman (Maccabees AZA)
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshev Rosh- Adam Zwibel (Leviticus AZA)
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshev Rosh -Jacob Laurenti (Ruach AZA)
  • Kohane Godol - Stephen Snyder (Empire BBYO)


  • N'siah- Sarah Strum (Kallah BBG)
  • S'ganit- Jamie Feldman (Rainbow BBG)
  • Morah- Sivan Ben-Aderet (Kallah BBG)
  • Mazkirah- Rachel "Rae Rae" Weishoff (Tzamerit BBG)
  • Shlicha- Marissa Green (L'chaim BBG)
  • Gizborit- Bari Nadworny (Rainbow BBG)
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Amanda Katz (Rainbow BBG)
  • Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Brianna Kessler (Shalom BBG)
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Amber Weinberger (Ruach BBG)
  • Madricha - Melissa Finger (L'Chaim BBG)

28th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Stephen Snyder (Empire BBYO)
  • S'gan - Joshua Goldman (Maccabees AZA)
  • Moreh- Brandon Patterson (Chaverim AZA)
  • Mazkir- Evan Karol (Maccabees AZA)
  • Shaliach- Zachary Silver (Meshuganas AZA)
  • Gizbor- Reuben Ingbar (Empire BBYO)
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Ian Freed (Exodus AZA)
  • BMA Yoshev Rosh- Bret Copeland (Ruach AZA)
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Andrew Liss (Chaverim AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Jason Singer (Leviticus AZA)


  • N'siah- Melissa Finger (L'chaim BBG)
  • S'ganit- Allison Siminovsky (L'chaim BBG)
  • Morah- Cara Friedman (Empire BBYO)
  • Mazkir - Amy Wiktor (L'chaim BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Sarah Strum (Kallah BBG)
  • Gizborit- Jamie Feldman (Rainbow BBG)
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Jessica Denkberg
  • Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Rachel Weishoff (Tzamerit BBG)
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Tamara O'Flaherty (Empire BBYO)
  • Madricha - Shana Fisher (Shalom BBG)

27th Regional Board:


  • Godol- Jason Singer (Leviticus AZA)
  • S'gan - Eric Feuer (Chaverim AZA)
  • Moreh- Ilan Stern (Ruach AZA)
  • Mazkir- Adam Fier (Exodus AZA)
  • Shaliach- Nicky Kolios (Leviticus AZA)
  • Gizbor- Bryan Velez (Leviticus AZA)
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Josh Goldman (Maccabees AZA)
  • BMA Yoshev Rosh- Stephen Snyder (Empire BBYO)
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Brandon Patterson (Chaverim AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- David Belsky (Leviticus AZA)


  • N'siah- Shana Fisher (Shalom BBG)
  • S'ganit- Tracy Soren (Kallah BBG)
  • Morah- Lauren Suss (Shalom BBG)
  • Mazkir - Julia Kaplan-Toce (Empire BBYO)
  • Sh'licha- Arielle Weisberg (Rainbow BBG)
  • Gizborit- Melissa Finger (L'chaim BBG)
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Allison Siminovsky (L'chaim BBG)
  • Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Jackie DeLeo
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Dani Ward (Empire BBYO)
  • Madricha - Marissa Costa (L'Chaim BBG)

26th Regional Board:


  • Godol - David Belsky (Leviticus AZA)
  • S'gan - Matthew Kirschner (Leviticus AZA)
  • Moreh - Eric Buxbaum (Chaverim AZA)
  • MazGiz - Craig Buxbaum (Chaverim AZA)
  • Shaliach - Ron Strum (Meshuganas AZA)
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Douglas Halsbond (Maccabees AZA)
  • BMA Yoshev Rosh- Ilan Stern (Ruach AZA)
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Michael Buxbaum (Chaverim AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Matthew Birnbaum (Leviticus AZA)


  • N'siah- Marissa Costa (L'chaim BBG)
  • S'ganit- Sharon Klein (L'chaim BBG)
  • Morah- Merav Fine (Rainbow BBG)
  • Mazkir - Rachel Bass (Rainbow BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Esty Rajwan (L'chaim BBG)
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Jessica Denkberg
  • Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Rachel Weishoff (Tzamerit BBG)
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Megan Brown (Empire BBYO)
  • Madricha - Allison Siminovsky (L'Chaim BBG)

25th Regional Board:


  • Godol - Matthew Birnbaum (Leviticus AZA)
  • S'gan - Gideon Raz (Exodus AZA)
  • Moreh - Devon Stoll (Leviticus AZA)
  • MazGiz - Alex Dyzenhaus
  • Shaliach - Jonathan Silver (Exodus AZA)
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Daniel Hubschman
  • BMA Yoshev Rosh- Jonathan Schwartz (Chohavim BBYO)
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Craig Buxbaum (Chaverim AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- Lawrence Nadel (Haganah AZA)


  • N'siah- Lani Levine (Tzamerit BBG)
  • S'ganit- Marissa Costa (L'chaim BBG)
  • Morah- Stacey Fingerman (Rainbow BBG)
  • Mazkir - Kirsten Ennis
  • Sh'licha- Elana Laurenti (Ruach BBG)
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Meredyth Weintraub
  • Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Robin Herbst
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Samantha Bochbot
  • Madricha - Jessica Costa (L'Chaim BBG)

24th Regional Board:


  • Godol - Lawrence Nadel (Haganah AZA)
  • S'gan - Jonathan Schwartz (Chohavim BBYO)
  • Moreh - William Bochbot (Chaverim AZA)
  • MazGiz - Daniel Hubschman
  • Shaliach - Gideon Raz (Exodus AZA)
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Matthew Birnbaum (Leviticus AZA)
  • BMA Yoshev Rosh- Jonathan Schwartz (Chohavim BBYO)
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Steve Deutsch
  • Kohen Godol- Barak Raz (Exodus AZA)


  • N'siah- Jessica Costa (L'chaim BBG)
  • S'ganit- Jamie Lebovic
  • Morah- Lani Levine (Tzamerit BBG)
  • Mazkir - Jesse Kraus (Rainbow BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Sivan Somekh
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Marisa Cosa (L'chaim)
  • Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Samantha Striar
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Elena Laurenti (Ruach AZA)
  • Madricha - Hannah Kaplan-Toce

22nd Regional Board:


  • Godol - Jordan Levine (Exodus AZA)
  • S'gan - Barak Raz (Exodus AZA)
  • Moreh - Lee Peretz (Leviticus AZA)
  • MazGiz - Dan Sperling
  • Shaliach - Mark Fayne (Leviticus AZA)
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Josh Vinitz (Exodus AZA)
  • BMA Yoshev Rosh- Brant Levine
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Corey Eiss
  • Kohen Godol- Sean Stozki


  • N'siah- Lauren Marcus
  • S'ganit- Hannah Kaplan-Toce
  • Morah- Mya Goldberg (Ruach BBG)
  • Mazkir - Jilian Gross (Rainbow BBG)
  • Sh'licha- Gail Hoffer (Rainbow BBG)
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Lauren Abrams
  • Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Heather Ascher
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Eileen Chorowski
  • Madricha - Karen Somekh

21st Regional Board:


  • Godol - Sean Stozki
  • S'gan - Coby Coriat
  • Moreh - Jordan Levine (Exodus AZA)
  • MazGiz - Scott Stein (Ruach AZA)
  • Shaliach - Barak Raz (Exodus AZA)
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Matthew Edelman
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Mark Fayne (Leviticus AZA)
  • Kohen Godol- David Cortijo (Haganah AZA)


  • N'siah- Karen Somekh
  • S'ganit- Rebecca Jacobs
  • Morah- Tara Sloman
  • Mazkir - Felicia Feinerman
  • Sh'licha- Danielle Stoll (Rainbow BBG)
  • Queens/Bronx Area Yoshevet Rosh- Erin Schneiderman
  • Staten Island Area Yoshevet Rosh- Michelle Oberfeld
  • Brooklyn/Manhattan Area Yoshevet Rosh - Hannah Kaplan-Toce

20th Regional Board:


  • Godol - David Cortijo (Haganah AZA)
  • S'gan - Brian Levine (Exodus AZA)
  • Moreh - Brian Cortijo (Haganah AZA)
  • MazGiz - Alex Levine (Jake Drescher AZA)
  • Shaliach - Coby Coriat
  • QBA Yoshev Rosh- Michael Bauer (Exodus AZA)
  • BMA Yoshev Rosh- Jason Newman (Ruach AZA)
  • SIA Yoshev Rosh- Sean Stozki

[edit] Chapters

[edit] AZA

[edit] BBG

[edit] BBYO

List of past N'siot and G'dolim:

45- Matty Benjamin and Julia Weinreich

44- Jake Wasserman and Mia Graybow

43- Jackson Benjamin and Sarah Weinrich

42- Tyler Winter and Farrah Fuld

41- Jarrett Glickmen and Ava Spielman

40- Logan Leeds and Julia Senise

39- Lily Winter and Max Brandell

38- Alyssa Karfinkel and Jeremy Siegelstein

37- Lexi Kenis and Sammy Ditchek

36- Dani Weingarten and Vlad Khodik

35- Emily Nassir and Daniel Widawsky

34- Danielle Kahn and Aaron Shepard (Resigned), Josh Schulman

33- Sharon Kahn and Reid Packer

32- Arielle Kovics and Reid Packer

31- Julia Green and Benjamin Klein

30- Bari Nadworney and Spence Packer

29- Sarah Strum and Brandon Patterson

28- Melissa Finger and Stephen Snyder

27- Shana Fisher and Jason Singer

26- Marisa Costa and David Belsky

25- Lani Levine and Matthew Birnbaum

24- Jessica Costa and Lawrence Nadel

23- Hannah Kaplan Toce and Barak Raz

22- Lauren Marcus and Jordan Levine

21- Karen Somekh and Sean Stozki

20- Sabrina Sand and David Cortijo

19- Lisa Seri and Lee Horen

18- Tamara Kryshka and Jon Goldberg

17- Wendy Snyder and Eric Monaco

16- Shira Seri Mitch Schwartz

15- Ami Kantor and Lee Maschler

14- Allison Edwards and Alex Goldman

13- Bonnie Bernstein and Seth Deitchman

12- Caryn Gerst and Seth Barcus

11- Robin Rosenfeld and Tal Marnin

10- Rachel Gartner and Andy Kaufman

9- Sharon Getlen and Brett Kessler

8- Elyse Held and Andrew Keats

7- Jodi Rosoff and Michael Herman

6- Helene Drobenare and Sean Julius

5- Adrienne Pollack and Robert Scharf

4- Helene Packard and Ken Goldstein

3- Robyn Braunstein and Greg Kessloff

2- Bari Pollack and Lowell Siegel

1- Sheryl Smith and Jeff Bushkin

0- Marcus Lieberman

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