Story:Bassium/1st story

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Author Notes - Table of Contents / List of Chapters - Appendix

  • Author  : Spincer
  • Status  : In Progress
  • Published: 03/13/06
  • Rating  : PG
  • Short Descripition: Dirk & Jimmy meet a strange stranger

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Dirk and Jimmy are just little country kids that love to go on adventures. Dirk speaks in Purple and Jimmy speaks in Green, there Mother speaks in Blue and there Dad speaks in Orange Regular people speak in Bollded black letters.

Chapter 1


As Dirk walked out of his house his little brother Jimmy, "Hello brother, may I go on a walk with you?" Said Jimmy. "Fine whatever brother, you may but if something happenes, don't tell mommy. Ok?" Said Dirk, "Yes brother." Said Jimmy. They started on there walk and they walked, and walked, and walked. Until they reached a forest of great amount, "Brother why hast you taken us to the forest?" Said Jimmy, "Because brother, the forest is a great place to meet people." Said Dirk. Just as Dirk said what he said a great big diesel truck pulled up, a man of 7.2 hieght stepped out smileing revealing his yellow teeth. "Say children might one of you want to come with me? If so there is no room in the front so you will have to sit in the back." Said Lenny. "Why yes sir I might like to go for a drive." Said Dirk, Dirk started for the back of the truck right when Jimmy said "But brother this man scares me, please might we go back to the house? Please Dirk!" "No! You might but I am going," Dirk turned to the driver, "Please excuse my brother he his quite dumb." Said Dirk as he got on the back. As they drove off Jimmy ran back to the house to fetch his Mother.

As Jimmy neared his house he heard tires screeching and he hoped he wouldn't be to late to save his brother Dirk, he finnaly made it inside the house and he said "Mommy Dirk and a man by the name of Lenny got Dirk and they drove off. Then I came to get you."

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