Story:Renmiri/FFX3 A sequel

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Final Fantasy X3 A possible sequel for FFX, FFX2



Author: Renmiri

Fiction Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure - Published: 02-08-06 - Updated: 02-08-06

Chapter 1 Spira's glorious past

Note: This is a repost of my original story that got erased by mistake. If you reviewed it before, would you be so kind to post a review again ?


5,000 years ago when Spira achieved space flight capabilities it got introduced to the Galaxy League. Spira starts trading with the Guado, Ronso and others. One thousand years later a galaxy wide war erupts. .Top secret research starts on uses for Spira’s pyreflies that that can win the war. All references to Spira and it’s pyreflies are deleted from the Galaxy records and all non research traffic to the Spira system is closed. At the end of the war Spira’s space station and all but one of it’s space ships are destroyed in a battle. After 300 years without news from the League, Spira’s council decides to hide the last functioning spaceship.

Spira's History: 5,000 through 1,000 BG BG Before Game FFX happens

5,000 years ago (5,000 BG)

The people in Spira successfully launch a space rocket that reaches their moon and returns safely. The Ronso, the planet’s closest neighbors in that space quadrant, had a scout ship in synchronous orbit with Spira’s Sun since they had been guarding Spira from space poachers observe the flight and communicate Spira's milestone achievement to the Galaxy League. . After it’s first documented space flight Spira is introduced to the Galaxy League. Spira starts exporting fruits and chocobos to the whole galaxy. Pretty soon Spira's pyreflies are the latest fad at the galaxy. Pyreflies are energy like entities produced by every living being in Spira when they die, the energy spheres love to float above water resembling fireflies flying over a lake.

4,500 years ago (4,500 BG)

After 500 years on the League, the people from Spira have their own hyperlight spaceship fleet, bought with profits from their exports. The 500 years of trading brings much prosperity to Spira and several large cities have appeared around the planet The Guado request permission to Spira and the League to set up a pyrefly processing center in Guadosalam to process the Thunder Lake pyreflies into small drinkable packets that restore a person's magic points. They call their concoction "Ether".

4,400 years ago (4,400 BG)

The Hypello request permission to join the Guado at Spira's surface, setting up a pyrefly mining post near Moonflow city. They breed gentech versions of their beasts of burden adapted to the local Thunder Lake waters. The gentech beasts - shoopufs - start roaming across Spira. Guadosalam grows to be the main pyrefly processing center in Spira and exports Ether to the Galaxy.

4,300 years ago ( 4,300 BG)

With the increased commerce brought by the Guado and Hypello posts Spira starts to receive a steady stream of space visitors, and with it, troublemakers. The Ronso and Spira's Council decide to set up a Ronso post in the Gagazet Mountains, near Spira's capital - Zanarkand - to better defend the planet from poachers who come from all over the galaxy to hunt chocobos and cactuars and to collect pyreflies floating around Spira's lakes to grace the Galaxy's fancy water fountains with their beauty

4,200 years ago ( 4,200 BG)

Curiously enough, the Guado, Ronso and Hypello that have been living in Spira for the past 300 years have all started shedding pyreflies when they die. Even the shoopuf beasts release pyreflies! The Guado theorize that by drinking Spira's water and eating Spira's food for so many years even the non local species get saturated with pyreflies and start releasing them when they die.

4,100 years ago ( 4,100 BG)

After 400 years of eating and drinking local fare the 3rd generation Guado, Ronso and Hypello who have been living in Spira's alien posts start being born with a built in natural cache of magic points. They now have the power to cast magic spells without having to drink Ether first. Again, the culprit must be their bodies saturation with Spira's pyreflies. The new development worries the Ronso, sworn protectors of Spira against greedy poachers and troublemakers: This news will raise a lot of interest in the Galaxy. Being able to breed mages at will, starting from any species - even races as non-magical as the Hypello or the Ronso - can be a very profitable business, if the process can be sped up and one is ruthless enough. They beg the Galaxy Council to keep the news confidential.

4,000 years ago ( 4,000 BG)

Galaxy wars with the evil Angra Mainyu start. Being very removed from the galaxy center, the wars don't affect Spira much except from a downturn on the steady stream of space visitors Spira has been getting. Spira's pyrefly experts in Bikanel and Bevelle start working with the Guado to develop weapons using the strongest kind of pyrefly: the ones left behind by humans, Ronso, Guado and Hypello when they die. They call them humanoid pyreflies or "h-pyrefly" for short

3,900 years ago ( 3,900 BG)

The Guado and the people at Bikanel discover a design that may allow them to use humanoid pyreflies as a fearsome weapon that could end the 100 year war. The Guado, Ronso, Hypello, Spirans make a pact with the Galaxy League Council: They will shut down all trading and work exclusively on the weapon. All h-pyreflies will be harvested to the Guado storage center in Guadosalam and then it's energy harnessed at Bevelle's processing center. Bikanel and Bevelle will work on the weapon's development and testing

3,850 years ago ( 3,850 BG)

The war goes badly for the League. A decision is made by the War Council: Spira's location and it's h-pyreflies will be stricken from Galaxy records and all Spira's spaceports shut down, to protect the League's last hope: The h-pyrefly weapons being developed by Spirans in Bevelle and Bikanel. A large continent of Ronso, Guado and Hypello arrives at Spira to speed up their developing. Those are the last spaceships allowed in Spira's spaceport before the shutdown.

3,800 years ago ( 3,800 BG)

A large enemy battleship manages to follow the Galaxy League envoy all the way to Spira. Spirans, Ronso, Guado and Hypello do a last desperate effort to protect the secret: they blow up Spira's jump gate and space station, to cut all access to Spira, to avoid having the Angra Mainyu fleet following their battleship. All space station residents are transferred to Spira's larger industrial city: Bikanel City. War rages through Spira's skies.

Luckily and unbeknown to Spirans, the enemy ship is damaged: all it's hyperlight functions are down - so it was not able to jump back to warn it's fleet, nor it was able to send it's location to Headquarters.

The enemy ship attempts to drain Thunder Lake to collect all pyreflies from Spira. Obviously their spies have not uncovered the whole secret: only humanoid pyreflies can be used as weapons. Their plan fails halfway and all they manage to do is to move the waters to nearby Moonflow City which is utterly destroyed and now stands at the bottom of a large lake. Thunder Lake is now a large plain field where nothing will grow, thanks to the enemy's blasting. The fierce storms that gave the lake it's name now rage nonstop, bathing the plains with non stop thunder. Several cities and all Spira's spaceports are destroyed during the battle to destroy the enemy ship.

Finally, at their last stand in Bikanel Island, the Spirans and their allies manage to defeat the enemy ship, but not before it deploys a small landing shuttle. Thankfully the cactuar in Bikanel desert manage damage the enemy shuttle. The last Angra Mainyu shuttle is unable to leave the planet and the cactuars proceed to seal it under the desert sands. The Angra Mainyu shuttle is kept buried in the desert for the next 3,900 years…

After the last Angra Mainyu shuttle is buried under the desert sands Spira is in a sorry state of affairs. Many died, not a city was left standing, the space station and it's jump gate are gone, all but one of the remaining spaceships are damaged beyond repair and the Spirans and their allies have lost all hyperlight functions. No message from Spira will reach the Galaxy for the next 4,000 years.

3,500 years ago ( 3,500 BG)

Despite all efforts to rebuild, the last remains of Spira's glorious space age are crumbling. There are no repair parts. There are no energy cellpacks. No one from the Galaxy League or from the Angra Mainyu fleet has ever contacted Spira and Spira has no way to initiate contact. The last remaining spaceship is too damaged and it will only be able to fly all the way over to the next trading post. But that is not 100 certain. They may die trying. Also, Spirans have no way to know what happened to the Angra Mainyu war in the last 300 years. They may make the risky voyage in vain and perhaps even manage to guide more enemy ships to Spira.

At the Zanarkand Council the Spirans and their allies conclude that the Galaxy League was successful in it's attempt to remove Spira references from all charts and maps. And that the few who knew about Spira's secret weapon and it's location are gone. The Zanarkand Council decides to bury the last remaining ship under the ice waiting for a time when they are needed once more at the Galaxy. For now all they can do is live their life in Spira, as well as they can manage.

The spacers living in Bikanel island start converting their space suits into deep sea diving suits, and start exploring Spira’s oceans hoping to find some left over cellpacks, repair parts, a space ship… The spacers manage to repair two space shuttles for low orbit air travel. Alas, the cellpacks that the airships require are going to be depleted in just 100 years and Spira’s sky won’t see airships for the next 2,500 years.

3,000 years ago through 1,000 years ago ( 1,000 BG date of Bevelle / Zanarkand Machina war)

Spira's glorious space age has started to feel more like a legend than reality. The new generation Guado, Ronso and Hypello being born want to belong to the planet they live and reject the elders teachings of their traditions and their past in other planets. The Ronso gradually stop keeping a record of Spira's affairs, the Guado and Hypello cease to keep track of their galactic accounts. The spacers at Bikanel spread around Spira’s oceans in boats moved by animal power: Chocobos. Without cellpacks and any fuel available they prefer the cleaner chocobo propelled engines to wood burning engines.

Gradually all memory of Spira’s ancient history fades away, even for the non-native alien species. The Ronso, Guado and Hypello and the spacers at Bikanel forget their glorious past and start believing they have always been in Spira..

--- Footnote

(1) The "Author's Notes chapter with details of how / why I chose this particular plot line – aliens in Spira - are now in my user forum to comply with the Fan Fiction Net rules. The short version of "why aliens" is that it allowed me to write a sequel that included new places to go. Read my notes and see if you agree that I managed to make it fit well with the both FFX and FFX2 story lines!

Chapter 2 The Machina War & Sin

Chapter 3 Jecht: They call me Sin

Chapter 4 Tidus and Yuna save the day

5. Chapter 5 Beyond FFX2, Tidus returns

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