Main Page

From Vectorcalcumb

Revision as of 22:41, 3 February 2006 by (Talk)

Welcome to the WikiWikiWeb for Math 354 Vector Calculus.

The main idea behind this site is to give us a place where we can collaborate, share notes, make bad jokes etc. We already have one in the form of the WebCT forums, but this is quicker and easier to use. Wiki is Hawiian for quick, and the essence of this whole thing is that it's fast and easy to edit and publish. Up at the top of the page, you should see a variety of little tabs saying things like article, discussion and such. One of them says edit. You can click on that edit tab and change what it says.

Help doing stuff

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Basically, when you go to edit a page, you are entering text in really simple markup language. That just means that some characters have special powers. For example, putting '' around some words makes those words italic.

You can start a new page by putting its name in square brackets. Saving the page you inserted the link on and then clicking the new link will allow you to edit your new page.

If you want to learn all the magic tricks, go check out

Entering Math

<m>e^{i pi} + 1 = 0</m>
<m>int{partial M}{} omega = int{M}{} d omega</m>
We've got a built in capacity to handle Don Knuth's TeX language for laying out formulas. I don't know how to use this yet, but it doesn't look super difficult. To learn more go to

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