Attention We have moved to Userpedia. But The User Wiki is still being used! and please don't edit anyones fan-games without permission.

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From User Wiki

Revision as of 22:20, 14 June 2007 by PLDS (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the User Wiki, the User-base that anyone can edit.

We're currently working on 1 articles about the complete Mario series.

Want to expand an article? Try checking out the short pages list.
Want to start your own project from scratch? Try checking out the most wanted pages.

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The User Wiki is about any user-based games, comics, and stories!


  • Users - All user from Mario wiki!
  • Fan-fiction - Fan-fiction about users by users!
  • Fangames - Videogame ideas about users by users!
  • Comics - Tons of comics are waiting for you here.
  • Stories - Share stories here.



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