From Tv Tropes
Incarceration is a hardcore BDSM fan fic by hoop. It follows the "adventures" of some girls, first 2, then 3 and then 4 (possibly 5 with 212) that are sequestered in an underground facility and trained as Sex Slaves by a sadistic "mistress".
Incarceration contains examples of these tropes
- Amnesia Danger: At the beginning, it was implied the girls didn't know why they were there or who they were, for that matter. Later, one of them seems to bring up the subject to Helen, who silences her. Since then, the whole matter has been dropped.
- Black Comedy: The end of chapter 12, especially. Mostly averted otherwise.
- Bound And Gagged.
- Brand Of Shame.
- Break The Cutie / Break The Haughty.
- Cold Blooded Torture.
- Complete Monster: Helen sure seems like this.
- Cool And Unusual Punishment.
- Elaborate Underground Base.
- Electric Torture.
- Evilly Affable: Helen.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Though not this herself, Helen (as a tool of the author, though not obviously an Author Avatar per se) is bent on showing the girls (and us) the most bizarre fetishes in existence.
- For Science!/For The Evulz: Helen's outspoken reasons to do most of what she does. Is implied to however be mostly about money.
- Gladiator Games: "The Gimp".
- Hannibal Lecture: Given by a good guy no less. Zoe manages to convince her succesor that she'll soon be in her position. Having helped Zoe, that may very well become a Self Fulfilling Prophecy. But it got Zoe in a position to make her escape.
- Heroic Albino: Emma.
- Hot Scientist: Zoe and her successor.
- Hypocritical Humor: The attendant who's insulting Emma in many ways for her skin color is actually getting turned on by her. He probably thinks it's this trope, though it's also possible he's a dumb hick not realising how transparent he is.
- Locked In A Dungeon.
- Psycho Lesbian: Helen. She's not seen sexually interacting with men (though she does give them something to look at).
- Sex Slave.
- Shameful Strip... and more shameful dress... and more shameful strip... and...
- She Knows Too Much: Zoe.
- Shock Collar: Emma gets one, and it comes with timed electroshocks. It's the last straw that finally subdues her.
- A Taste Of The Whip.
- Uniqueness Value: The entire reason Emma is there, being a young attractive female albino. She's not too happy about it.
- Why We Can't Have Nice Things: An Attendant laments that after Zoe's escape attempt after one of the guards was careless, none of the guards can have their way with the girls (at least not unsupervised).
- You Are Number Six... and just when you hoped there're only six or seven or ten of you, there are a few hundreds. It is strongly implied that they are often rotated. Oh Crap.
- You're Drinking Breast Milk: At the end of "Milk", the girls are given milk and snowflakes. Laura's milk...
- Zoe: This milk tastes kinda weird. See what you think.
- Claire: I don't know. It's really strange! Is it UHT or something?
- You Monster: If it weren't said, it wouldn't be the type of work you know it is.