From Tv Tropes
Incarceration is a hardcore BDSM fan fic by hoop. It follows the "adventures" of some girls, first 2, then 3 and then 4 (possibly 5 with 212) that are sequestered in an underground facility and trained as Sex Slaves by a sadistic "mistress".
Incarceration contains examples of these tropes
- Black Comedy: The end of chapter 12, especially. Mostly averted otherwise.
- Bound And Gagged.
- Brand Of Shame.
- Break The Cutie / Break The Haughty.
- Cold Blooded Torture.
- Cool And Unusual Punishment.
- Electric Torture.
- Gladiator Games: "The Gimp".
- Heroic Albino: Emma.
- Hypocritical Humor: The attendant who's insulting Emma in many ways for her skin color is actually getting turned on by her. He most likely thinks it's this trope.
- Made A Slave.
- Sex Slave.
- Shameful Strip... and more shameful dress... and more shameful strip... and...
- She Knows Too Much: Zoe.
- Why We Can't Have Nice Things: An Attendant laments that after Zoe's attempt escape after one of the guards was careless, none of the guards can have their way with the girls (at least not unsupervised).
- You Are Number Six.
- You're Drinking Breast Milk: At the end of "Milk", the girls are given milk and snowflakes. Laura's milk...
- Zoe: This milk tastes kinda weird. See what you think.
- Claire: I don't know. It's really strange! Is it UHT or something?Template:2013