Kit 'n Kay Boodle

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Kit 'n Kay Boodle is a Furry Comic begun in 2001 by Richard Katellis. It features a married couple of foxes -- named, of course, Kit and Kay Boodle -- who live in the community of Yiffburg. They are always getting into small problems that are solved in one way and one way only]]: by having sex Yiffing.

It turns out that they eat a special kind of berry which not only keeps their sex yiff drives up, but also acts as a contraceptive. Upon finding out that their garden grows exceptionally large Boinkberries, Kit and Kay begin to realize that they are the avatars of the Gods of Yiff, which means that their calling is to do what they've been doing (that is, encouraging people to go around naked in the fur and have sex yiff) every minute of every day, only on a grander scale.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world seems (comparatively) normal, but the fact that they're not screwing each other senseless every waking moment causes them to be treated as pariahs by the Yiffburgians; everyone else disdains their furry ways, but the enlightened folk of Yiffburg know in their hearts that if only they opened their minds to constant public sex yiffing, they would understand.

The exception to this is the Karostropov Dictatorship, which is one part communist Russia caricature, two parts furry-fandom indignation. Run by an absurdly evil body-hopping spirit entity called Karostropov (who-- horror of horrors-- demands chastity from his host body in return for loosely-defined power), it is an Evil Empire down to the last man, openly and gleefully oppressing and murdering its own citizens for no reason but to highlight how evil and bad it is, and how horrible abstinence is, and how good and pure and innocent the residence of Yiffburg are.

Strangely, the comic opts for a cute, cartoonish style, which is a stark contrast to the constant sexual themes.

WARNING]]: This page contains many NSFW links.

  • Added Alliterative Appeal: "And [Yiffburg's perpetually pounding population] isn't the real surprise!"
  • Adult Child/Man Child: Many of the protagonists come across as this.
  • Always Someone Worse: You thought Karostropov was The Big Bad? Think again.
  • Animal Stereotypes: In the furry fandom, foxes are considered the most oversexed. It should come as no surprise that Kit and Kay play that stereotype as straight as possible.
  • Art Style Dissonance: A common complaint amidst its detractors.
  • Author Avatar: Katellis' fursona is a cat. Then there's his girlfriend, Shirlee Mouse.
  • Author Tract: It is entirely a vehicle for Richard Katellis' views on free love, yiffing, and the plight of the furry community. The world outside of idyllic, nudist Yiffburg is full of monstrous dictatorships and ruthless capitalist states that criticize Yiffburg for being horny layabouts. Any character who doesn't constantly want sex with total strangers is either an evil fascist or a repressed soul, and the answer is invariably anonymous sex, either to defeat or convert them to the yiffy way of life. It doesn't help matters that the story is occasionally interrupted by the author describing the sexual exploits he and his wife have with their parents.
    • In case one didn't notice the yiff evangelism element, "Outfox the Tyrant" contains apparent references to God's Smuggler. Boinkberries sound like more fun than bibles, but still!
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Perhaps most notable with Hokumm, Fleecer, and Bunko; before they convert to Yiff-ism, for lack of a better word, they're wrinkly, warty, fun-house-mirror-like renditions of their animal types; as soon as they start getting laid, however, it's all big cartoon cutesy eyes and smiles.
  • Bile Fascination: The main reason a lot of people keep reading it.
  • Broken Aesop: The comic's main theme, if it has one, is that sex yiffing is good and should be appreciated, celebrated, and enjoyed. But then you have Skamm, who tries to keep ahold of his link with Karostropov by reaffirming that the sin of Greed is more powerful than the sin of Lust. By itself that's not so bad, since Skamm's a villain and his views aren't supposed to be seen as the right ones-- but his "lust" is just as sugary and darling as any of the rest of the cast's, and no one protests the use of the term even as they're literally tempting him with sex to get him to join their cult understand their viewpoint and free him from Karostropov. So, sex is good, clean, wholesome fun-- but it's still sinful.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Kir Kiridan.
  • Depraved Homosexual: Skamm.
    • Though it's worth mentioning that he's not evil because he's gay, he's evil because he represses his sexuality.
      • More like he's closeted because he thinks it will get him more clients and represses his sexuality because the evil force he allied himself with requires it of him. At this point, any evil in him is just there for the sake of it.
  • Designated Villain: The lawyers and Karostropov. What court and in what case would anyone's "testimony" matter in regards to anything, and what legal agreement, made outside of Yiffburg and with no connection to anyone in it, could make or break Yiffburg's cultural relevance (and I use the term loosely) in the rest of the world? We don't know, but since the only legislation that affects Yiffburg is the sale of boinkberries (which are drugs) it comes off as being similar to the idea of crack dealers nobly fighting back against the evil legislation that makes crack-dealing illegal.
  • Deus Sex Machina: Almost every plot line resolves in the title characters having sex yiffing.
  • Does This Remind You Of Anything: Fleecer looks like a walking penis. Perhaps the author had finally decided to be honest with his readers and just anthropomorphized a cock?
  • Epileptic Trees: At one point in one of the side-stories revolving around the author's family, Gene Catlow reminds Shirlee Mouse that their ancestors "used to EAT mice!", which raises a number of questions about the world the comic takes place in-- if they evolved from ordinary animals, what happened to the humans? Or were they bred out of existence when humans started producing viable offspring with their pets?
    • Kit and Kay's world is superficially the same as the one Gene Catlow has in his comics, at least in the context of character cameos. In Gene's comic world, furries and humans coexist (an ongoing plot point that invokes MANY Race Tropes on its own), so this is sort of an extra-canonical remark (within the superset of shared canon between the two authors, who are friends). Kit 'n Kay generally stays away from Fantastic Racism in favour of its own themes.
  • Everybody Has Lots Of Sex: Duh!
  • Expy: Gene Catlow and his yiff-mate occasionally appear in the comic.
  • Fantastic Drug: Boinkberries. Imagine if grapes were made of Depo-Provera and Xtasy.
  • For The Evulz: Karostropov. So far there's no indication that he/it as an entity actually gains anything by forcing his hosts to be celibate, or even gives any real benefit to his hosts by possessing them, since he seems to prefer people who already have business sense and a general lack of decent ethics anyway. Mostly it seems like he just wants to kick puppies.
  • Gosh Dang It To Heck: The most potent exclamation in Yiffburg seems to be "gosh." The villains, particularly Skamm, show no such restraint.
  • Haiku:
    Welcome to Yiffburg,
    Home of nudist animal
  • Hard Gay: Kir Kiridan.
  • Huge Guy Tiny Girl: Bunko and Angela.
  • Hurricane Of Euphemisms: The Slanguage arch.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: Kit has one that literally propels Kay upward out of the hole they fall into.
  • Insistent Terminology / Unusual Euphemism: The comic uses a lot of Furry Fandom slang.
  • Interspecies Romance: Strangely averted, except for Katellis' cat Author Avatar and mouse girlfriend.
  • It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It: Tawny, Kit, and Kay astrally-raping Queen Serena in order to frame the lawyers, both as "rape-by-trick" and "starting-to-enjoy-it-afterward".
  • Ki Attacks: Less laser-like than is traditional but "yiff energy" is a weapon on its own.
  • Loads And Loads Of Characters: Although the primary focus is Kit and Kay, nearly every storyline seems to introduce more and more secondary characters.
  • MacGuffin: Just about any plot-centric (usually legal) item the characters are after/opposed to. They're treated as drastically important-- in particular the agreement the lawyers were signing with Queen Serena, the contract being negotiated at the Copulation Club, Bill Blaine's testimony-- but the audience is never shown how any of this even relates to Yiffburg, let alone how they could be so important it's worth rearranging the lives of total strangers for.
  • Mary Sue Topia: All of the couples are happily married heterosexuals (except for a single gay couple who showed up only once) with cozy lives who love each other lots and lots and are mutual in their responsibilities and relationships and always offer each other the last chocolate in the box and all that lovey-dovey drivel. The characters are such dull, pleasant people.
    • According to the main characters, the difference between Yiffburg and the outside world is that the outside world has crime and war and sex in private. And no, it's not meant as a joke.
  • Meaningful Name: Vic Timm (victim) and Dee Muir (demure), the only two residents of Yiffburg who prefer to have sex yiff in the privacy of their own homes rather than in public and (at first) refuse to engage in substance abuse eating boinkberries. While the characters' first names are Vic and Dee, they're nearly always referred to by their full names, just in case you might miss the significance.
  • Mind Rape: Well, how else would you describe what Kit n' Kay did to Queen Serena.
  • Moral Dissonance: Kit and Kay and their friends are pure and good people who would never do anything wrong... except commit long-distance rape just to frame a law firm. Yep. Pure and good.
  • Name And Name.
  • Names To Run Away From Really Fast: Hokumm, Fleecer, Bunko, & Skamm Law Services, Inc. Also, Deceiva and Kuruptus.
  • Narm: Anytime something bad or "dramatic" happens, to varying degrees. The Nameless Vixen's wordless freak-out when Kit and Kay express their mild disappointment is probably the most extreme.
    • The cosmic orgasms. That is all.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Aunt Matilda... (shudder)
    • "Don't I always go slow and careful as I pass the heart?" * Sob*
    • The way the artist draws kissing, the faces seem molded together as though the artist was intentional on doing the Zalgo meme.
  • Non Mammal Mammaries.
  • NSFW.
  • Odd Job Gods: At least we can only hope they're Odd Job Gods and not, you know, the only gods.
  • Only Six Genitals.
  • Parental Incest: Richard's fursona and Shirlee have a three-way with his mother-in-law. The author apparently considers these moments to be cute and charming...
    • The Squick reponse is understandable, but in the context of the in-universe outlook towards sex, it's much closer to a platonic love with... um... squick-inducing shared intimacy.
      • Which is why it might not be so bad, if these things only happened in-universe. Instead, the author devoted a full arc to describing what might be a real life incident.
  • A Party Also Known As An Orgy.
  • Planet Of Hats.
  • Plot With Porn.
  • Pun Based Title.
  • Puppy Dog Eyes: Skamm, of all people, as seen here.
  • Rape As Redemption: We don't see much of Queen Serena after the incident with the lawyers, but she is mentioned as having become as horny as everyone in Yiffburg, which is considered a good thing, and not the result of any kind of psychological trauma on her part (especially since she has the mind of a child).
  • Real Life Writes The Plot: Multiple story arcs featuring Kat Ellis, Shirlee Mouse, and Shirlee's mother. We really hope they're subversions.
  • Really Gets Around: Averted, incredibly enough. Although everyone's always banging each other, the relations tend to be almost exclusively monogamous and heterosexual.
    • A conscious choice on Kit & Kay's part, as "mutuality" keeps their connection to the Gods Of Yiff (no, really) stronger. Everyone else, on the other hand...
      • Later strips break away from this pattern somewhat by including polyamorous and homo/bi-sexual activities on occasion (but that's only a good thing if you really want to see sappy cartoon-characters getting it on in even more ways).
  • Schedule Slip: Over the course of the comic, Katellis got progressively less prolific. Nowadays, the comic only updates three or so Tuesdays a month.
  • Sensible Heroes Skimpy Villains: Inverted and exaggerated.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Pretty much every pair in the comic, though some of that is due to the cutesy art style.
  • Sliding Scale Of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Quite Idealistic.
  • STD Immunity: Um, yeah. Definitely.
  • Stealth Parody: There is a possibility that the comic is nothing but a giant satire of the sexual side of the Furry Fandom.
  • Sugar Bowl: Disturbingly so.
  • Squick: Both diners and staff vigorously screw in places where food is being served.
    • The side-plots about Katellis' home life have been described as "While it may not be entirely true, it cannot be read as anything other than a reflection of the author's deepest Freudian issues."
    • One person's Squick is another's Fetish Fuel...
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: Every time the characters substitute "foxies" (or worse, "lil' foxies") for "foxes."
  • Too Dumb To Live: It's supposed to be a Kick The Dog moment, but the death of the guy on the train in the Karostropov Dictatorship is really just because he's a moron. PROTIP: If you know your government has a tendency to kill threats to its leadership, don't commit treason and then brag about how no one would ever hurt you.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Anyone who likes wearing clothes outside of work uniforms in Yiffburg (or just prefers not to have anonymous sex in public while on mind-altering substances) is treated as being repressed or somehow deviant, and must be either converted to the Yiffy way of life or destroyed as directed by the Gods of Yiff, of whom the main characters are avatars. They're like Sugar Bowl Furry Chick tracts.
    • Not to mention the (mostly) averted idea of small children being exposed, near 24-7 to this sexuality. Or that sex without Boinkberries is portrayed as just "okay", even with the title couple.
      • Or how about the only modest characters in Yiffburg embracing constant sex when it was previously against their beliefs and calling it "growing up"?
  • Unmoving Houndstooth:To the point where the lawyers start to look like one really big Eldritch Abomination at points.
  • What Do You Mean Its Not For Kids: The artwork could be very misleading.
  • Yiff: It could not be more obvious.
  • Yiffing Is Mandatory: "Why aren't you yiffing? Everybody must yiff!"
  • You Fail Biology Forever: Well, apart from the myriad problems that would normally be associated with an entire population of an area having constant unprotected sex that Yiffburgians magically don't deal with, often with total strangers with no exchange of personal information beyond names, there's Boinkberries. Males eat the blue ones, females eat the pink ones... but gay bottoms eat the pink ones also, because they have female libidos.
    • Then what would a switch or Hermaphrodite eat? Half of each type berry?
    • Fleecer is a proteus/olm, a type of cave-dwelling amphibian that is actually blind and has various other means to sense things in its environment, and it is in fact an endangered species, but their vision has nothing to do with their mating rituals.
    • Wait, Skamm's a lizard? Despite the external ears?
    • Where does it say that Skamm's a lizard? So far he's only been identified as a "Ridgetail", some creature of the author's creation.
      • Google-fu shows us the ridgetail monitor, which does look sort of like Skamm except for the aforementioned problems, so he's probably meant to be one.
    • Some animals have penises who clearly shouldn't have them in real life, like this bird.
  • You Fail Economics Forever: The town's economy is sustained entirely by its single export, a combination aphrodisiac/contraceptive fruit that everyone in town eats on a daily basis and grows in their homes, to the point where the average citizen doesn't need to work to pay for things and use a credit system. The few characters who actually have jobs in Yiffburg seem to be volunteers in service industries. Despite this, Yiffburg is said to have the lowest unemployment rate in a city of its size. It's possible that having sex yiffing counts as a day job.
    • Not sure if this is the author's fail or just the world's, but the rest of the world sees Yiffburg as "an arrested economy" with "no money going into it," despite the fact that Yiffburg is effectively the world's biggest drug dealer. The sheer amount of money it would take to keep Yiffburg running the way it does when no one works would require them to trade boxes of boinkberries for three times their weight in gold bricks.
    • It seems some of them have jobs... they just don't work very hard, and freely stop to have sex yiff. This article said it best..."I also have no clue how anything gets done in this town if everyone gets to take fuck breaks every ten minutes. The post office is slow enough when those guys just go outside to smoke."
This page uses content from TV Tropes. The original article was at KitNKayBoodle.
The list of authors can be seen in the page history. The text of this article is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
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