This Troper (Web Original)
From Tv Tropes
- I came from the future to document what humans once called "The Internet". I was forced to work on the assignment named "TV Tropes". These are my reports to the future.
- -- Plainwalker Gwynn
A Youtube] series about TV Tropes and why the site is horrible. It can be found here.
This series started gaining momentum in early 2011 with currently 17 episodes dedicated to this very site.
Keep in mind: This series is a satire. Though it may direct some of its episodes towards posts for certain users, it's all for laughs. So just watch and have fun with it! After all, you've got to laugh at yourself every once in a while.
Features these tropes:
- Accentuate The Negative: While not every single Troper Tales featured in the series can be rightfully called trashy, the series generally picks up on the worst of the worst entries ever to have been recorded. Occasionally, TT entries mocking the other Troper Tales or sarcastic entries will be read aloud as well. Whatever it is, the comments obviously apply as well.
- The creators believe everything but trope and work pages should be deleted (and honestly, after some of the stuff they've seen in Troper Tales, who can blame them?). They believe "There Is No Such Thing As Notability" allows for all kinds of unacceptable things to creep in without being noticed, especially obscure webcomics. They also think that classic literature and films and such should be given more attention than anime and Sonic the Hedgehog.
- A Day In The Limelight: HaggisMcCrablice Episode 5, Carthestian Episode 6, and SpiriTsunami Episode 7 feature a single notorious troper each. Ol' Haggis got another one which says a lot about him, doesn't it?
- Bread Eggs Milk Squick: The opening to Episode 19: Moment Of Awesome.
- This Troper's family tends to be filled with Moments of Awesome, such as her grandmother's eightieth birthday party (held at a ski resort). or her other grandmother's solo escape from the Holocaust that killed her parents and thirteen siblings.
- Break The Cutie: In contrast to the cynicism of the first two hosts, Plainwalker Kirstie started her run rather optimistically. It was shattered by episode 37, "Asexuality".
- ColbertBump - Busy Street gave them one, as they and this series hate tropers.
- As did ChipCheezum. Vivitheg also gave them one in its infancy.
- Crapsack World: The creator speculates that this is what the world was like in Episode 4, Loners are Freaks.
- Cliffhanger: There was a cliffhanger in episode 12, "Fetish Fuel Vol. 2" when "Fetish Fuel Vol. 3" was put into question. They decided to drop the Fetish Fuel series shortly after it was split into a separate wiki.
- Crapsack World: The creator speculates that this is what the world was like in Loners are Freaks Episode 4.
- Creator Breakdown: You can hear it in Episode 16, Raging Stiffie.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: This Troper wants to think that whoever was in SpiriTsunami Episode 7 is this trope.
- Deadpan Snarker - Ellis's comments.
- (In response to a channel commenter who called TVTropes a productive waste) Congrats, it's still a waste!
- Deconstructive Parody: Of TVTropes as a whole, but mainly just Troper Tales and Sex Tropes.
- Door Stopper: According to Episode 15, a selection of all the tropes from Avatar: The Last Airbender, the Wild Mass Guessing page and the "Headscratchers" page proved to be 2.3 times longer than Lord Of The Flies.
- Dramatic Reading.
- Driven To Suicide:
- Episode 20, "Break The Cutie" was too much for Plainwalker Gwynn.
- Gwynn's replacement Plainwalker Ellis succumbed in episode 30, "All Girls Want Bad Boys".
- Plainwalker Kirstie decided to join her friends after going through episode 40, "Heroic Blue Screen of Death".
- Having finished the final report in episode 49, " "Cloudcuckoolander", Plainwalker Reilly took his life.
- Growing The Beard: Some people felt Fetish Fuel Vol. 1 Episode 3 is when the series got noticeably good.
- Humans Are Ugly: Potty Failure Episode 11 is especially this.
- Jumping The Shark: Some people felt Troper Dating Service Episode 14 jumped the shark.
- Internet Tough Guy: Made Of Meat and the infamous "33 Pencil Kid".
- Last Of His Kind: Plainwalker Reilly, the final host.
- Mockumentary: The uploader comments certainly serve this purpose.
- Narm: A favourite target of the series. The Badass Creed page is probably the worst.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: They crop up frequently in the series, mostly being mocked for trying too hard to appear edgy or badass. As one commenter put it, "Nerds who consider themselves cold, emotionless badasses are the worst kind of nerds."
- Nightmare Fuel: This Troper thought that HaggisMcCrablice Episode 5 was scary because that person is on this very site!
- Pilot: Panty Shot Episode 1 was created as a test to see if people liked it.
- Running Gag: Between the title screen and the actual episode, there are usually quick quotes that appear.
- Season Fauxnale: Episode 50, following Plainwalker Reily's suicide, the credits thanks the people who watched the show, the people who provided the voices and the people who read through the pages. Then it adds thanks to those who continue the series.
- Screw This I'm Outta Here: At one point, once of the readers suddenly yells "Fuck, I can't do this anymore" in the middle of the dramatic reading of Tsundere.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Sonic the Hedgehog Part 1 Episode 9 and Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2 Episode 10 have many people use this trope.
- Solo Character Run: Carthestian Episode 6 has only one person in it.
- Squick: Foot Focus Episode 2 gave This Troper a bad feeling.
- Take ThatThe whole thing to the... stranger members of TvTropes, along with the rest of the site in general. Though it should be noted that most Tropers who watch the series seem to enjoy it.
- The Teaser: The creator started using it beginning with Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 15.
- Trilogy Creep: Was supposed to end at fifty. Then seventy. Then Goggs considers it to be going to 100 and swears he'll end it there.
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life: It certainly caused the end of at least two lives. Fittingly, the topic of episode 50.
- Unreadably Fast Text: A quote related to a featured trope was displayed for a split second near the beginning of the episode, mostly in the episodes before Episode 50.
- Very Special Episode:
- Episode 13, "What To Do Now: Fetish Fuel" is the first episode to go through the fora. (The second was 51, regarding the Troper Furry Club on the fora.) The hosts have promised to return to mocking regular Troper Tales in episode fifty-five.
- Episode 50, "TV Tropes will Ruin your Life".
- Word Of God: Claims that this isn't a Something Awful thing and the only one associated with such is Shiny Marshtomp and various other volunteers and that it's occasionally organized via said board.
- Your Mileage May Vary: This Troper believes Acceptable Lifestyle Targets Episode 8 is the worst episode in the series.