Birthday Gift
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Birthday Gift or Birthday Girl is a Webcomic subseries of the Fansadox publishing franchise. It stretched eight issues (which is impressive for Fansadox's record, which barely has two stories in the same continuity) with several Shared Universe stories entitled "Slave Fair", "Slavecop", "Sluts in Training", "The Clinic", (and similar titles), all of which explore the world from other characters' perspective.
The story follows Peter and his crush Maggie, a woman who doesn't even notice him. As his 18th birthday approaches, he notices some of his colleagues started owning women, as part of the Slave Registration Act, which allows the selling of women over 18. A bit distraught by these changes in his life, Peter goes home, for his father to give him they key to something he really wanted. He expects a new car, but finds... Maggie!
Also has a Character page.
Warning: Vulgar language (can't be helped, most of the series contains Cluster F Bombs and references to sexual organs) and High Octane Nightmare Fuel ahead.
Birthday Gift provides examples of the following tropes:
- Abhorrent Admirer: Peter, Steve and Jeff are seen as this. They look more like Hollywood Homely.
- Abusive Parent: Fathers sell their daughters for the price of a new car in the very best case.
- Acme Products: Torture devices versions.
- A Day In The Limelight: The soon-to-be-slaves, also Peter and Paul.
- Ain't Too Proud To Beg: Many spiral downwards from Type 1 to Type 2. Some just start at Type 2.
- All Abusers Are Male: Played straight.
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders
- All Take And No Give: The owners to the slaves. Then they accuse the slaves of living off their back.
- All There In The Manual: Erenisch Special 1 (for Sherry) and 2 (for Maggie). Others may be coming.
- All Women Are Prudes: Needed for the Break the Cutie material.
- Alternate Character Interpretation:
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil: For most girls that act like a Complete Monster themselves;
- Peer Pressure Makes You Evil for the males.
- All Women Are Lustful for Maggie, Sherry and the rest (less likely for their mothers) and that they actually like it. Lampshaded in the disclaimer pages.
- Jerk With a Heart of Gold/Fair For Its Day: The guys/men, compared with the State's methods in the Expanded Universe.
- Bastard Boyfriend/Spectacled Sadist: Peter and Maggie, possibly Peter and Sherry ... Peter's father and his mother? ... Well, more accurate would be the master and slave relationships in general.
- Am I Just a Toy to You: Maggie finds herself in this position often. It's implied Steve didn't even do the "courtesy" thing of telling Gwen he had a crush on her, like Peter told Maggie. It Makes Sense in Context
- A Million Is A Statistic. We don't need the EU to tell us Maggie and Sherry are not the worst off. Then again, throughout the series the worse fates of other women are shwon. Indeed, the schoolgirls are actually mostly lucky.
- Amoral Attorney: The one advising Paul how to keep Sherry, and betraying Potts.
- Anger Montage: Steve and Peter have their share.
- A Real Man is a Sadist: It's so much a rule and an empowering feeling, that even girls like Anna or Peter's mom want to get in on it.
- A Party Also Known As An Orgy: Half the plot of the sixth issue.
- Author Catchphrase: The author always uses the phrase "I have a bad feeling about this", as an homage to Star Wars.
- Awesome Yet Practical: The tools used to break women.
- Aw Look They Really Do Love Each Other: Peter and Maggie. This trope is usually played for laughs and/or deconstructed.
- Bad Job Worse Uniform: First the slaves, then the teachers.
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Most likely Peter's mom and possibly Anna.
- Bald Of Awesome: Inverted, it's for humiliation.
- Bald Women.
- Band Of Brothels: The BFA/Slave-Cops. In the usual subversion, they're not the good guys or out for the women's good.
- Badass Teacher: The male teachers will not shy from getting physical if their slaves, female teachers or female students piss them off. See also Sadist Teacher below.
- Before And After Pictures: The Bureau has these of slaves.
- Beta Couple: A rather unexpected version between Maggie and Sherry. Alternately, Steve and Gwen.
- Big Lipped Alligator Moment: The whole Gwen's mother sleeping with Acme Products around her, not to mention the Narmy cartoonish letter received from the BFA.
- Bigger Is Better In Bed: Inverted: The bigger it is, the more uncomfortable the girls are.
- Biggus Dickus: Gwen comments Peter's bigger than Steve's.
- Black Comedy/Dead Baby Comedy: Characteristic.
- Blonde Brunette Redhead: Maggie, Sherry, Gwen. Comes full circle in some cameos and in Part 7, where Peter owns all of them.
- Boarding School Of Horrors: Erenisch High School is, but only for girls.
- Brand X: All comics in the EU uses the same fake brands of products from soft drinks to state-of-the-art medical equipment.
- Break The Cutie: Obligatory for Fandsadox.
- Brick Joke: Probably a couple, but that nasty incident where female students were made to suck teachers' dicks for not learning their sex-slave-homework is referenced in part 8 with Natalie.
- But Thou Must: Part of the Break the Cutie ploy: they're ironically asked what they want, but they're either Bound and Gagged or tortured (worse) if they give the "wrong" answer.
- Calling Your Orgasms: Men force women to do this. Men do this too (even more often).
- Catholic School Girls Rule: Anna tries this on new student, Ginger, For the Evulz.
- Character Development: For better or worse, the girls go through it, especially Maggie and Sherry, being the Main Characters of the comic. See the character page for more.
- Peter's mother explains her own as she gets demoted from her husband's almost-equal tormentor of lower-level pets to barely being noticed. As pissed as she may be, she can't really comment on that out loud, make a fuss or do anything about it.
- Molly: First he stopped touching me, then he confined me to the kitchen, and now I'm just a piece of furniture for him to rest his feet on, while his new favorites suck his cock. I must admit, I even miss his cock in my ass and his whip on my back.
- Peter's mother explains her own as she gets demoted from her husband's almost-equal tormentor of lower-level pets to barely being noticed. As pissed as she may be, she can't really comment on that out loud, make a fuss or do anything about it.
- Citizenship Marriage: Actually, enslavement marriage. Paul marries Sherry so she can be kept as a slave of the house.
- Cliffhanger Copout: Subverted with more than one cliffhanger: they'll apparently be ignored in the next number, but they'll be followed up in other issues.
- Cold Blooded Torture: Obligatory for Fansadox.
- Color Coded For Your Convenience: When two or more girls will be in a situation together, they'll be dressed in different colors, even if in similar clothes. This becomes useful if no heads are shown and their bodies look too similar.
- Come With Me If You Want To Live: Miss Cummings tries to pull a Big Damn Hero moment... in an otherwise Obvious Trap.
- Coming Of Age Story: Mostly deconstructed, including the following, also all deconstructed:
- Complete Monster: Most of the men and "boys" turn into this when the law is on their side.
- Conscience Makes You Go Back: Miss Cummings comes back for Miss Cox. It was a trap.
- Conspicuous CG: From the sixth part, Erenisch introduces 3Dish drawings. They look like oil paintings and it appears for now, not much integration in the story for them is possible. The author seems to have realised that and only used one page as cover in said CG.
- Corrupt Hick: How the Slave Registration Act passed. Lampshaded in Part 7:
- Jeff: Let's drink to the Slavery Law, brothers! Thanks to those thieving, old, fat politicians, we are blessed with the best pussy available!
- Corrupt The Cutie: Anna to Ginger, the Preacher's Daughter.
- Crapsaccharine World / Uncanny Village: If you conveniently skip over the background narration of the first "Birthday Gift" number, you'd expect it's a normal world, with all the teenage angst, "class" and cliches. Something appears to be very wrong when Peter casually enters a room with his parents torturing some girls they call "slaves" without even blinking. It goes down hill from there.
- The life-filled colors and general good lighting of the show help this trope too.
- Crapsack World: It's stated it wasn't like that at first (at least not for the women) and at the beginning of the series, only one slave was shown and the school was mostly "normal" and unaffected. Several weeks later...
- Crazy Awesome: The entire world, From a Certain Point of View.
- Creepy Uncle: Maggie's uncle, who sells both her and her mother. He even has Rape The Dog moments with her mother. Maggie's uncle at least only treats Maggie as a commodity and claims he never was interested in her (and indeed sold her as a virgin). Cindy's uncle, on the other hand, takes her as his wife after forcing her to perform and have sex for him, and as a last solution of making her profitable.
- Custom Uniform Of Sexy.
- Daddy's Girl: Used ironically between Sherry's father and her sister, as he "uses" her at the office.
- Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday: Eighteenth actually. That's when a woman (girl) can be sold... because it's the legal age in the US to include a naked character into.
- Deconstruction Fleet: You will not see another Coming Of Age Story with the same understanding eyes again.
- Deliberate Value Dissonance.
- Demoted To Extra: Jeff seemed to be Peter's best friend, while Heather was supposed to be Maggie's. Their presence fades away by each number.
- Did Not Eat The Mousse: All of a master's slaves will usually be punished for one's transgressions (or worse, as Peter suggests, one slave will pay for the loss of another). In the wider sense, all the technically free women have less and less chances of being treated fairly (or at least not outright abused) as time passes.
- Dirty Old Man: The girls' fathers or uncles, who are also Covert Perverts.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Don't you dare cum without my approval or you'll get 20 whips. Talking back? 40!
- Don't Tell Mama: Strongly deconstructed with the girls and what they're forced to do (Maggie and Gwen, as far as we know). Subverted with the boys, who don't seem to care, as their mothers are living rugs for their fathers anyway.
- Double Meaning Title: "The Exchange". The twins for Maggie's mother (obvious) and Gwen for Anna (double unwillingly).
- "Vengence" has (at least) Triple Meaning: Maggie's revenge on Molly, Molly's revenge on Maggie (convincing Paul to have her bought for revenge against her mother and Anna's revenge on Steve.
- Dystopia: For women over 18.
- Dystopian Edict: Turned into a dystopia by the "Compulsory female slavery law" of 2022.
- Earth Drift.
- Epiphanic Prison: The girls aren't kept in line by the chains or the ropes -- those are just "for fun" (as Peter points out in the first number) and maybe to distract them from the actual prison -- but by that of the laws and fear of them. A girl could sneak out of a house in the middle of the night if she wanted to -- that's not a big problem, the big problem is what to do after and the punishment that awaits them if getting caught.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Probably subverted by Peter. While he seems to treat his mother okay, he has greater respect for his father. Anna doesn't talk about her folks either.
- Even The Girls Want Her: Anna. Maggie, Sherry and Gwen may count.
- Evil Costume Switch: The slaves after they've been bought.
- Evil Teacher: See Sadist Teacher below.
- Eviler Than Thou: Zig-Zagged. Peter is seen throughout the series as treating Maggie and Sherry like crap. But there are worse monsters in that world, especially in the shared/Expanded Universe. But Anna is worse, because she betrays "her own kind" for cheap thrills. And Steve too, because he's treating Gwen, his first love, even worse. But then Steve kidnaps Anna and treats her even worse. Discussed here.
- More recently, Paul Stevenson and Potts.
- Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: Type 2.
- Evil is Sexy: Anna. Maybe Peter's mom.
- Paul tried to Mind Rape Sherry into thinking this.
- Evilly Affable: Most dominant characters will try to keep their calm.
- Exalted Torturer.
- Faceless Goons: A variation used for High Octane Nightmare Fuel for the rest of the teachers whose faces don't appear in the series at all who will face-rape the girls in detention. They're first shown with black background and red eyes, and then just the top part of the face, up until under the jaw, is shown.
- Fair For Its Day: Peter is actually fair to his slaves in comparison even with his colleagues. Much fairer than the state actions described in the Expanded Universe, which basically kills women who don't perform to the standard, while others are sent to be dog food (literally) or in government-approved places which result in the death of women as a sport.
- Fake Band: The Juices.
- The Family That Slays Together: Enforced by the laws.
- Family Values Villain: And they love bragging about that... when it's their own families. The young ones don't even have that.
- Fetish Fuel Future.
- Fictional Document: "How To Forge A Document". Apparently For Dummies version.
- Fiery Redhead: Gwen. Despite brown hair, Sherry too.
- Fluffy Fashion Feathers: Some women who are dressed up in ridiculous outfits may have this.
- For the Evulz: Peter and most of the boys' actions.
- Freaky Fashion Mild Mind: Inverted with men, played straight with the enslaved women.
- Girl In A Box: Apparently it's a "ritual" to gift-wrap slaves, or less often, put their heads in a cardboard box. Happens to Gwen and Anna. Most of the slaves are also kept in boxes, cages, cupboards and desk drawers.
- Girl Next Door: Maggie, Sherry, Gwen etc etc
- Girl Of The Week "... in this number, introducing [girl to be enslaved]"
- Girl On Girl Is Hot.
- Give Geeks a Chance: Enforced. Peter and his friends.
- Going Commando: Girls are forced to do this. Or... worse.
- Goodbye Cruel World: Variation of the "To whom it may concern" note, which is now a note in a letter made by the government. It apparently relies on the victim's stupidity or dumb luck (maybe someone lives in the house or passes by and sees it, but still, being in a sealed envelope, that brings up even more questions) and it states a woman's termination status as a free woman.
- Good Is Old Fashioned: Enforced by the state: It's implied the men against the law are "fair game" to kill for those who want their daughters or even wives. Even more suspicious is the level of Parental Abandoment and dead fathers of girls in only one neighborhood.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Played as straight as it could be, very little blood ever involved.
- The Government: The (risen from) ineptitude, necessity, and sheer size of the economic crash. While it's presented more thoroughly in the Expanded Universe, all these traits are exaggerated rather than show direct malevolence or planning to get to what it is.
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have: Peter's parents, Paul's (possibly new steady) mistress.
- Growing the Beard: It's trying to distance itself from the Strictly Formula Fansadox employs, while still trying to appeal to its readers. As said above, it's already "old and wise" compared to the comics' other titles.
- Harem Seeker: Peter is, literally. Actually most men in the Erenischverse are.
- His dad deconstructs this as "costly" and hard to manage. On the other hand, it may be just their way of humor.
- Heartwarming Orphan: Deconstructed with Miss Cox. May still fit with The Principal's secretary.
- The Hero's Birthday: Maggie's birthday. Peter doesn't stop reminding her of her 19th.
- Hope Spot: It was recently introduced that the closest male relative of a sold woman can buy her back within a year with the same sum of money. For most though, it doesn't happen.
- If It Tastes Bad, It Must Be Good For You: Variation: Food for slaves is intentionally made to taste "like puke", but it is said to contain vitamins and "everything a slave needs to do her job" and it's very likely it does. Girlfodder is a popular brand of slave food that looks as disgusting as advertised...
- I Kiss Your Foot.
- I'm Taking Her Home With Me: The extreme of the tropes: boy sees girl, boy likes girl, boy talks to father to buy her, or just kidnaps her or rapes her in her sleep.
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: The main characters (the villains, anyway) are said to be geeks, and owning people is their way of taking their frustrations out on others weaker.
- Initiation Ceremony: Although not much into religion, there seems to be a ritual called "baptism of cum".
- Inner Monologue: The girls' way of coping with things. Older slaves, like Peter's mother, learned to keep to themselves always. Others, like Gwen (or even Maggie and Sherry), tend to forget this from time to time, and once it proves very dangerous for Gwen. It doesn't help that, as Ginger puts it, most girls' mouths are gagged (we don't actually see this too often, she probably means they're constantly stuffed.)
- Instructional Dialogue: Often used subtly in order to explain the intricacies of the alternate universe the stories take place in.
- It Gets Worse: Skipping the "little" daily things, every college and presumably high school in the country turning into state-endorsed brothels in something between a few weeks and a few months definitely counts.
- Jack Attack: Jack, the Jerk Jock.
- Jail Bait Wait: Can't touch them until they're 18, but you can sure wait and make contracts for when they hit that age...
- Jaywalking Will Ruin Your Life: Close to aberrant rules like if a girl is punished at school and nobody comes to pick her up the next day, she's state property (or the teacher's), if a free woman over 18 breaks any law she's automatically sold and so on.
- Jerkass.
- Jerk Jock: Jack. He seems to diss Peter off in the beginning, but then he comes around (or Peter becomes more Badass in the context).
- Les Yay: In all its variations, but mostly BDSM related.
- The Libby: Deconstructed with Maggie, probably fits better to Sherry and Gwen, or the cheerleader squad.
- Lightmare Fuel.
- Long Hair Is Feminine: Most recurring characters have long hair for some reason.
- Love Hurts: Strangely enough, played often straight. Depending on your interpretation, it may be also a very fucked up Space Whale Aesop: either it's "you hurt girls, you get your love stolen", or "you're not supposed to love in a world where you can have all the fuck you need".
- Love Obstructing Parents: Girls' parents, but not for long, not as long as they need money badly...
- Made A Slave.
- Madness Mantra: Twanie has "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God..."
- Mass Oh Crap: Especially shown when the girls see the "party" and "party treats" (women to be used until death).
- My Girl Is a Slut .
- Nerds Are Virgins: At least before your family buys you a girl... no, not like that.
- The New Depression: Why things went like this.
- The Nicknamer: The State through the BFA. And as such, those names stick and have legal value.
- N-Word Privileges: Inverted: Men can call women what they want, women on the other hand, at least as by morality terms, don't usually address bad to each other.
- No Holds Barred Beatdown: Peter does this to Sherry, and Steve is highly implied to do this to his slaves, too. Steve to Anna too recently. Earlier even, the principal to Miss Cox.
- Not Very Pretty Now Is She: The bald girls. Recently, Anna. She bounces back relatively fast considering.
- No Womans Land: There is a compulsory female enslavement law in effect.
- Oh Crap: Girls have this reaction from time to time.
- Omake: At the start and the end of the comic, characters claim they're professional BDSM models out of Executive Meddling. The author makes them into sorts of Omakes, sometimes giving previews for future series. The Maggie and Sherry specials may also be seen as this (as well as Evil Counterparts to the disclaimers), tripling as All There In The Manual.
- Once An Episode: A(t least one) woman will be enslaved, a few sex scenes will occur and someone will say they have a bad feeling about this.
- "It was basically just surprise sex, surprise sex, humilation, surprise sex, torture, surprise sex, surprise sex." [1]
- One Steve Limit: Enforced. It gets ironic when you consider Peter's family name is Stevenson, his friend is Steve.
- Orphans Ordeal: Every orphaned girl will have it even worse because of perverted adults always leering around waiting for them to turn 18.
- Outlaw Couple: Anna and Cathy after Anna murders Steve at the end of BG9.
- Pair The Spares: Rather, give the free women to boys.
- Peer Pressure Makes You Evil: An Alternate Character Interpretation to why everyone seems to turn sex-crazed nuts.
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Peter and Maggie end up as this.
- Pervert Dad: Again, everyone. Except this one guy that refused to sell his daughter or enslave his wife and got offed for his troubles.
- Plain Name: Peter's full name is revealed in the second number as Peter Stevenson. The others have plain names too, but filled with irony.
- Please I Will Do Anything: Mothers will plead for their daughters like this sometimes. It never works.
- Plot Hole: See Voodoo Shark below.
- Preacher's Kid: Ginger, the one Anna starts seducing as part of her thrill-seeking Corrupt The Cutie.
- Pretty Freeloaders: Deconstructed.
- Pride: All the men are prone and even required to have it. Arguably, Steve's turns out to be too large.
- Prophetic Names: Miss Cummings, Miss Cox, Maggie Sweetie...
- Protagonist Journey To Villain: Peter, Steve and Jeff.
- Punny Name: See Theme Naming. Also Jack.
- Rape In the Butt Is a Special Kind of Evil: Just ask the girls.
- Rape Is Love: For some of the men. When it's not hate.
- Refusal Of The Call: Most of the slaves really. Except Maggie, almost surprisingly.
- The Reveal: Doubled with a Wham Line from Steve.
- Right Behind Me: Tragic example (Played for Laughs): Gwen comments on wanting a less sadistic master (but doesn't manage to say the "s" word). Steve is behind her and assumes she meant "ugly", and procedes on mercilessly raping and hurting her. Anna and Peter Pass The Popcorn.
- Sadist Teacher: The male teachers, including the Principal and vice-principal, but only to female students and female staff.
- Scarpia Ultimatum: (Male) Teachers actually give these to mothers of girls in detention. The issue is actually pretty serious since if they don't release the girls back, there's the risk they'll be confiscated by the State.
- School Bullying Is Rape.
- Seemingly Wholesome Fifties Girl: The Cheerleader squad first; the highschool in its whole is soon to be filled by these (many against their will, though).
- Sensible Heroes Skimpy Villains: Inverted: The girls are made to dress slutty, while the men dress ordinary. Played straight with Anna and Peter's mom.
- Series Hiatus: Birthday Girl is suffering more and more from this as a result of the author making more EU spin-offs. The world's still there, some BG characters too, but the main story is progressing a lot slower...
- Servile Snarker: Some of the girls talk (or think... oh the nerve) behind the masters' back... until they learn what's good for them.
- Sex Slavery: Legalized in the near future, no less.
- Sexual Karma: Since everyone gets all the sex they want, it's actually inverted in Love Karma. You do bad things, you lose your love. Well, Anna falls victim to both.
- Sexy Back: The girls are sometimes made to wear backless dresses.
- Slasher Smile: SWEET JESUS! Peter and his friends display these too, although to a lesser extent.
- Slave Brand: Maggie and her mother get branded with distinctive tattoos to signify their owners.
- Slave Collar: More of a choker.
- Slave Rape License.
- Small Town Boredom: Till you hit 18, boy or girl, you'll be bored out of your wits (though as the world "evolves", the age may be lowered, at least unofficially). If you're a girl, you risk being sold off, if boy, you'll have a lot more things and experiences to share with your college friends.
- Song Parody: By "The Juices":
- I've been a little coy
- Before I met a young boy
- I wanted to die a virgin
- But he made me his fucktoy.
- Spell My Name With an S: Maggie's name is so simple, it's easy to forget it's spelled "Sweetie". Anna with two "n"s.
- Stalker With A Crush: Mild versions in Peter and Steve, for Maggie, respectively Gwen.
- Standard '50s Father: Paul, Peter's dad most obviously, Sherry's dad and presumably most parents of the school they're in.
- Stay In The Kitchen: Again, lampshaded and Played For Laughs. See Character Development above.
- STD Immunity: They do it everywhere, all the time.
- Stepford Suburbia: That's what Erenischville is, except that sexual slavery is not a secret.
- Suddenly Sober: Peter and Steve after talking on the phone. Also brings up the question how did Steve manage to overpower a woman after he probably drank as much as Peter, and kept awake probably all night and was more than ok in the morning.
- Super Fun Happy Thing Of Doom: The Bureau of Female Affairs is not in the business of solving women's problems.
- A Taste Of The Lash: Favorite punishment technique.
- Tenchi Solution: The Stevensons are fans of this.
- Terms of Endangerment: Men often call women "slave" or other nasty words. Since it's a No Womans Land, this is allowed legally and even encouraged by society.
- Theme Naming: They come in two general categories: Sexual puns (Miss Cox (cocks) and Miss Cummings) and Break The Cutie (full use of Irony: Maggie Sweetie).
- To Be Continued.
- Theme Twin Naming: Sherry and Cherry.
- Three Plus Two: Peter, Steve and Anna, with Maggie and Sherry taking the rear.
- To the Pain.
- Took A Level In Badass: Peter and Steve as part of their Character Development.
- Torture Cellar: Usually they don't need it, since the law leaves them in the open and the house/the boy's room serves the same purpose. Except Steve with Anna.
- Tragedy: The girls in general, Sherry in particular, and lately Peter and Anna.
- Triangle Relations: Through a complicated series of events, Peter, Maggie and Sherry settled down into one of these. Honestly, that's the best thing a master can hope for. They're usually stuck on type one, and they don't need it requited to have it.
- Truth In Television: In a Shown Their Work Fridge Brilliance, the events of the series/world are not so far-fetched (although Exaggerated). See the description of the Marital Rape License trope/page.
- Twenty Minutes Into The Future: Year 2038.
- Twin Threesome Fantasy: The main character's father had twin slave girls to enjoy in the mornings.
- Two Person Pool Party: Actually, it 's a three person pool party at the end of the second episode.
- Two Teacher School: More prominently shown are Miss Cox and Miss Cummings, as they're going to be turned into slaves. The principal and vice-principal make some appearences as well, as well as a few female teachers abused and The Faceless teachers that abuse Gwen and Tawnie, but mostly Miss Cox and Cummings teach classes.
- Unholy Matrimony: Peter and Anna. Match made in fetishists' hell indeed.
- Up To Eleven: Arguably, the series takes Fansadox's recent years self-imposed limitations and tries to cross the fine line, including blurring the Even Evil Has Standards notions that "buggering" a family member (specifically blood daughter) is okay or that girls shouldn't be killed.
- Vapor Wear: Girls forced to wear revealing clothes.
- Villainous Incest: Sherry's father, with her sister.
- Villain Protagonist: Peter.
- Villain World: For twenty years and counting.
- Voodoo Shark: By the more recent strips, it's suggested Peter's father could just go and buy slaves as many as he wanted, like shopping, but until then, he has to buy Peter's slaves for big prices and his income looks rather modest anyway. Peter's mother is reported to have been bought, that means the slave law should be in effect for a good 20 years, but the effects of the law are spreading like wildfire just when see the character. Also, if Peter's dad was so prolific in buying girls, why is Peter the only one without a girlfriend/slave? Peter's dad could have kept one for his own until he was 18, and -- ah screw it!
- Wake Up, Go to School, Suck Cock: Recently girls turned slaves are still taken to school while expected to perform their other duties. Inversion of the usual morality meter of the situation.
- Wedding Day: Paul and Sherry.
- And in a Flashback, Molly and Paul.
- Wham Line: More like wham panels.
- Steve's Reveal about Anna (to the audience, so far).
- Paul Stevenson: Ah, Potts! I'm so glad you could make it... my poor little bride waited for you to arrive for hours.
- What Measure Is A Non Human: What measure is a slave in this world.
- Your Normal Is Our Taboo: My Species Doth Protest Too Much type of men tend to... disappear or have accidents. Generally, in 20 years of Earth Drift, a lot of (especially) sexual (and) morality tropes have been twisted or inverted.
The expanded Universe contains examples of:
- The Aggressive Slave Dealer: Virgins are given as freebies in Slave Fairs. Hot, 18-year-old ones whose value should go through the roof. 20 years after the law has passed. This is insane.
- Amusement Park Of Doom: Slave Fair stories.
- Arc Welding: Every issue in the EU has repercussions back and forth with the main series. The only one that seemed too far-fetched to be included in that world - Frankiesteinns - is shown as a movie poster in Peter's room.
- Bad Job Worse Uniform: Every female job in the expanded universe; Slave cops especially.
- Bald Of Awesome: Actually played straight with the main character of "Slave Fair".
- Biker Babe: We see one in Slave Fair 2. Read: Girl turned into a bike.
- Blonde Brunette Redhead: At the beginning, the blond protagonist has her 18th birthday party, with her brunette and redhead friends. Maggie, Sherry, Gwen may have been based on this.
- Breast Expansion: The Clinic has a special ward for that.
- Buffy Speak: Surprisingly, "professionals" like doctors or slave trainers speak more simple than their 18-35 year old costumers and slaves that they belittle.
- C List Fodder / Cerebus Ending: A lot of secondary or tertiary girls from the main series are thrown into this for sometimes the sole purpose of killing them and "tying up loose ends". Characters first created for the EU are even more expandable.
- Come With Me If You Want To Live: Women in desperate situations are given a choice (unbeknown to them, Sadistic), to go with them and be rescued from their owners and join a group/cult, or be slowly tortured to death by their masters.
- Continuity Nod: Some pages go out of their way to show that the stories are in the same universe as the ones in "Birthday Gift". Maggie, Peter and Sherry make two, respectively one appearance.
- Custom Uniform Of Sexy: Why the uniform is bad.
- Dr. Jerk: World's full of them... of course.
- Drowning Pit: Women in/as urinals. Life expectancy: low. Also the cum pit.
- Early Installment Weirdness: The first issue introducing this world is Bureau of Female Affairs. It's weirdly (plainly bad) drawn, even for the norms of the time, and has two Agents, one named Smith, and a slave trainer, after showing his face, puts a mask on, probably to get into atmosphere.
- Evil Vs Evil: The Government vs. a weird cult in Slave Cop that steals women to give them as sacrifices to a giant raping monster. Lampshaded at the end, where the girls thank for being saved, but they're promised as bad as a life, if not worse, as before. It doesn't help their agent now knows and will tell them that the cult gave the girls the choice to leave their masters in the first place.
- FBI Agent: Slave Cops serve this role for the Bureau of Female Affairs.
- Fed To The Beast: Women of Slave Cop vs. The Cult, after they've been thoroughly raped.
- Forced Prize Fight: A popular "fair" freebie viewing.
- Furry Fandom: "Dude, you know what my thing is? It is chicks dressed as animals... we must check this out."
- Girls Behind Bars: And in cages.
- Going To See The Elephant: Slave Fair(s) tend to do this with men.
- Gold Digger: A girl from The Kennels has the Background Story of having been this, and then sent to reeducation.
- The Guards Must Be Crazy: In this world, they just don't care, neither do the owners (who aren't exactly paid to watch over their slaves). Technological breakthroughs and (mis)applications of current technology make sure to keep the system as "clean" as possible.
- Played straight (and the subversion of the above example) in Slave Cop, where the guards of a Doctor No-esque facility are crazy to fall asleep after abusing their "guests". They probably figure there'd be no danger from the inside, but when you're a facility that steals prized goods from the citizens of an Ax Crazy government, you should probably be Properly Paranoid.
- Human Sacrifice: Why the women were gathered in Slave Cop. Why would they need to do this? Who cares.
- Hunter Of His Own Kind: The poor Slave Cops.
- I Don't Like The Sound Of That Place: Snatchfield, Maidenfair, Harlotport, Chickston...
- It Gets Worse: You thought that letter left to Gwen's mother would have been the end of it? As shown in Slave Fair 2, the authorities have the dates of all who did not pay their free women fees, and so staying in your house and trying to forge documents is stupid beyond thought, and so they would have gotten caught rather sooner than later anyway.
- Karmic Transformation: Miss Cox becomes this... well, partly. She doesn't become a slave owner, but she does become a stupid person, contrary to her education and her beliefs.
- La Resistance.
- Locked Away In A Monastery: A hair to the throne of some European country was sent by her uncle to a Pony Farm to be tamed in time for his crowning ceremony.
- Naughty Tentacles: We see them in "The Clinic".
- Not Distracted By The Sexy: Hell, they got used to it pretty quick (the male workers, that is).
- Path Of Inspiration: The whole world is presented as something great and supreme. Obviously, it's not.
- Pizza Boy Special Delivery: Inverted, including Gender Flipped. Here, pizza delivery girls are delivered.
- Police State: The Slavecops are efficient (and the reason a lot of goods, including an ambulance transporting slaves, is not secured).
- Rape In The Butt Is A Special Kind Of Evil: Taken to its Logical Extreme where an owner in "Slave Fair" sows his girls' vaginas because he doesn't think they deserve sex in there.
- Religion Of Evil: The Cult in Slave Cop, bordering on Cargo Cult. Worst thing is that the monster wasn't even revealed to be supernatural in any way, it was just big and it liked raping women.
- Room 101: The room where the The Big Bad Wolf "consumes" young girls in Slavecop vs The Cult.
- Secret Police: The police sent to recover lost slaves.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: The doctors in ”The Clinic” use this kind of language when referring to some of their work.
- Other times, though, they just use plain Buffy Speak.
- Sexy Stewardess: Deconstructed with the slave cops, as well as various stewardesses now forced into sexual serving.
- Show Within A Show: The author introduces his relatively unrelated world into the settings as one of Peter's wall papers as a film named "Frankiesteinns". Dubs as an extreme form of Arc Welding.
- STD Immunity: They do it everywhere, all the time.
- Super Prototype: The new batch of mind-controlled slaves in The Clinic.
- The Spartan Way: How the state treats women. Those who don't rise to the level are swiftly (or not so swiftly) killed.
- Tragedy: Implicit for the women.
- Trauma Conga Line.
- Utopia: What the women in Slave Cop are promised. It's not.
- Villain World: For twenty years and counting.
- Visual Pun: The author likes Literal Minded puns, including making girls literal "bike-women".
- Worst! Rescue! Ever!: Lampshaded by a Slave Cop in "The Clinic". The hijacker is running in open territory, with a hot car and a freakin' helicopter on their tail. It is implied organized rebels at least have more common sense than them.