Birthday Gift

From Tv Tropes

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* [[Character Development]]:  For better or worse, the girls go through it, especially Maggie and Sherry, being the [[Main Characters]] of the comic.  See [[Birthday Gift (Characters)|the character page]] for more.
* [[Character Development]]:  For better or worse, the girls go through it, especially Maggie and Sherry, being the [[Main Characters]] of the comic.  See [[Birthday Gift (Characters)|the character page]] for more.
** Peter's mother explains her own as she gets demoted from her husband's almost-equal tormentor of lower-level pets to barely being noticed. [[Take That|As pissed as she may be, she can't really comment on that out loud, make a fuss or do anything about it.]]
** Peter's mother explains her own as she gets demoted from her husband's almost-equal tormentor of lower-level pets to barely being noticed. [[Take That|As pissed as she may be, she can't really comment on that out loud, make a fuss or do anything about it.]]
**: ''First he stopped touching me, [[Stay in the Kitchen|then he confined me to the kitchen]], [[Humiliation Conga|and now I'm just a piece of furniture for him to rest his feet on]], while his new favorites suck his cock. I must admit, [[We Want Our Jerk Back|I even miss his cock in my ass and his whip on my back.]]''
**: '''Molly''': ''First he stopped touching me, [[Stay in the Kitchen|then he confined me to the kitchen]], [[Humiliation Conga|and now I'm just a piece of furniture for him to rest his feet on]], while his new favorites suck his cock. I must admit, [[We Want Our Jerk Back|I even miss his cock in my ass and his whip on my back.]]''
* [[Citizenship Marriage]]: Actually, enslavement marriage. Paul marries {{spoiler|Sherry}} so she can be kept as a slave of the house.
* [[Citizenship Marriage]]: Actually, enslavement marriage. Paul marries {{spoiler|Sherry}} so she can be kept as a slave of the house.
* [[Cliffhanger Copout]]: Subverted with more than one cliffhanger: they'll apparently be ignored in the next number, but they'll be followed up in other issues.
* [[Cliffhanger Copout]]: Subverted with more than one cliffhanger: they'll apparently be ignored in the next number, but they'll be followed up in other issues.
* [[Cold Blooded Torture]]: Obligatory for Fansadox.
* [[Cold Blooded Torture]]: Obligatory for Fansadox.
* [[Color Coded For Your Convenience]]: When two or more girls will be in a situation together, they'll be dressed in different colors, even if in similar clothes. This becomes useful if no heads are shown and their bodies look too similar.
* [[Color Coded For Your Convenience]]: When two or more girls will be in a situation together, they'll be dressed in different colors, even if in similar clothes. This becomes useful if no heads are shown and their bodies look too similar.
* [[Come With Me If You Want to Live]]: Miss Cummings tries to pull a [[Big Damn Hero]] moment... in an otherwise [[Obvious Trap]].
* [[Come With Me If You Want To Live]]: Miss Cummings tries to pull a [[Big Damn Hero]] moment... in an otherwise [[Obvious Trap]].
* [[Coming Of Age Story]]: Mostly deconstructed, including the following, also ''all'' deconstructed:
* [[Coming Of Age Story]]: Mostly deconstructed, including the following, also ''all'' deconstructed:
** [[The Hero's Journey]]
** [[The Hero's Journey]]
** [[Growing Up Sucks]]
** [[Growing Up Sucks]]
** [[Sex Ss Rite Of Passage]]
** [[Sex As Rite Of Passage]]
* [[Complete Monster]]: Most of the men and "boys" turn into this when the law is on their side.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Most of the men and "boys" turn into this when the law is on their side.
* [[Conscience Makes You Go Back]]: Miss Cummings comes back for Miss Cox. It was a trap.
* [[Conscience Makes You Go Back]]: Miss Cummings comes back for Miss Cox. It was a trap.
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: From the sixth part, Erenisch introduces 3Dish drawings. They look like oil paintings and it appears for now, not much integration in the story for them is possible.
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: From the sixth part, Erenisch introduces 3Dish drawings. They look like oil paintings and it appears for now, not much integration in the story for them is possible. The author seems to have realised that and only used one page as cover in said CG.
* [[Corrupt Hick]]: How the Slave Registration Act passed. Lampshaded in Part 7:
* [[Corrupt Hick]]: How the Slave Registration Act passed. Lampshaded in Part 7:
*: '''Jeff''': ''Let's drink to the Slavery Law, brothers! Thanks to those thieving, old, fat politicians, we are blessed with the best pussy available!''
*: '''Jeff''': ''Let's drink to the Slavery Law, brothers! Thanks to those thieving, old, fat politicians, we are blessed with the best pussy available!''
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* [[Crazy Awesome]]: The entire world, [[From a Certain Point of View]].
* [[Crazy Awesome]]: The entire world, [[From a Certain Point of View]].
* [[Creepy Uncle]]: Maggie's uncle, who sells both her and her mother. He even has [[Rape The Dog]] moments with her mother. Maggie's uncle at least only treats Maggie as a commodity and claims he never was interested in her (and indeed sold her as a virgin). Cindy's uncle, on the other hand, [[Old Man Marrying A Child|takes her as his wife]] after forcing her to perform and have sex for him, and as a last solution of making her profitable.
* [[Creepy Uncle]]: Maggie's uncle, who sells both her and her mother. He even has [[Rape The Dog]] moments with her mother. Maggie's uncle at least only treats Maggie as a commodity and claims he never was interested in her (and indeed sold her as a virgin). Cindy's uncle, on the other hand, [[Old Man Marrying A Child|takes her as his wife]] after forcing her to perform and have sex for him, and as a last solution of making her profitable.
* [[Custom Uniform of Sexy]].
* [[Custom Uniform Of Sexy]].
* [[Daddy's Girl]]: Used ironically between Sherry's father and her sister, as he "[[If You Know What I Mean|uses]]" her at the office.
* [[Daddy's Girl]]: Used ironically between Sherry's father and her sister, as he "[[If You Know What I Mean|uses]]" her at the office.
* [[Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday]]: Eighteenth actually. That's when a woman (girl) can be sold... [[Real Life Writes the Plot|because it's the legal age in the US to include a naked character into]].
* [[Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday]]: Eighteenth actually. That's when a woman (girl) can be sold... [[Real Life Writes the Plot|because it's the legal age in the US to include a naked character into]].
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* [[Deliberate Value Dissonance]].
* [[Deliberate Value Dissonance]].
* [[Demoted To Extra]]: Jeff seemed to be Peter's best friend, while Heather was supposed to be Maggie's. Their presence fades away by each number.
* [[Demoted To Extra]]: Jeff seemed to be Peter's best friend, while Heather was supposed to be Maggie's. Their presence fades away by each number.
* [[Did Not Eat the Mousse]]: All of a master's slaves will usually be punished for one's transgressions (or worse, as Peter suggests, one slave will pay for the loss of another). In the wider sense, all the technically free women have less and less chances of being treated fairly (or at least not outright abused) as time passes.
* [[Did Not Eat The Mousse]]: All of a master's slaves will usually be punished for one's transgressions (or worse, as Peter suggests, one slave will pay for the loss of another). In the wider sense, all the technically free women have less and less chances of being treated fairly (or at least not outright abused) as time passes.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: The girls' fathers or [[Creepy Uncle|uncles]], who are also [[Covert Pervert]]s.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: The girls' fathers or [[Creepy Uncle|uncles]], who are also [[Covert Pervert]]s.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Don't you ''dare'' cum without my approval or you'll get 20 whips. Talking back? 40!
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Don't you ''dare'' cum without my approval or you'll get 20 whips. Talking back? 40!
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* [[Epiphanic Prison]]: The girls aren't kept in line by the chains or the ropes -- those are just "for fun" (as Peter points out in the first number) and maybe to distract them from the actual prison -- but by that of the laws and fear of them. A girl could sneak out of a house in the middle of the night if she wanted to -- that's not a big problem, the big problem is what to do after and the punishment that awaits them if getting caught.
* [[Epiphanic Prison]]: The girls aren't kept in line by the chains or the ropes -- those are just "for fun" (as Peter points out in the first number) and maybe to distract them from the actual prison -- but by that of the laws and fear of them. A girl could sneak out of a house in the middle of the night if she wanted to -- that's not a big problem, the big problem is what to do after and the punishment that awaits them if getting caught.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: Probably subverted by Peter. While he seems to treat his mother okay, he has greater respect for his father. Anna doesn't talk about her folks either.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: Probably subverted by Peter. While he seems to treat his mother okay, he has greater respect for his father. Anna doesn't talk about her folks either.
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: Anna. Maggie, Sherry and Gwen may count.
* [[Even The Girls Want Her]]: Anna. Maggie, Sherry and Gwen may count.
* [[Everybody Hates Mathematics]]: But not the sexy math teacher! Well, they're ok with raping her at least.
* [[Evil Costume Switch]]: The slaves after they've been bought.
* [[Evil Costume Switch]]: The slaves after they've been bought.
* [[Evil Teacher]]: See [[Sadist Teacher]] below.
* [[Evil Teacher]]: See [[Sadist Teacher]] below.
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* [[Sadist Teacher]]: The male teachers, including the Principal and vice-principal, but only to female students and female staff.
* [[Sadist Teacher]]: The male teachers, including the Principal and vice-principal, but only to female students and female staff.
* [[Scarpia Ultimatum]]: (Male) Teachers actually give these to mothers of girls in detention. The issue is actually [[Jaywalking Will Ruin Your Life|pretty serious]] since if they don't release the girls back, there's the risk they'll be confiscated by the State.
* [[Scarpia Ultimatum]]: (Male) Teachers actually give these to mothers of girls in detention. The issue is actually [[Jaywalking Will Ruin Your Life|pretty serious]] since if they don't release the girls back, there's the risk they'll be confiscated by the State.
* [[School Bullying Is Harmless|School Bullying Is Rape]].
* [[Seemingly Wholesome Fifties Girl]]: The Cheerleader squad first; the highschool in its whole is soon to be filled by these (many against their will, though).
* [[Seemingly Wholesome Fifties Girl]]: The Cheerleader squad first; the highschool in its whole is soon to be filled by these (many against their will, though).
* [[Sensible Heroes Skimpy Villains]]: Inverted: The girls are made to dress slutty, while the men dress ordinary. Played straight with Anna and Peter's mom.
* [[Sensible Heroes Skimpy Villains]]: Inverted: The girls are made to dress slutty, while the men dress ordinary. Played straight with Anna and Peter's mom.
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* [[Buffy Speak]]: Surprisingly, "professionals" like doctors or slave trainers speak more simple than their 18-35 year old costumers and slaves that they belittle.
* [[Buffy Speak]]: Surprisingly, "professionals" like doctors or slave trainers speak more simple than their 18-35 year old costumers and slaves that they belittle.
* [[C List Fodder]] / [[Cerebus Ending]]: A lot of secondary or tertiary girls from the main series are thrown into this for sometimes the sole purpose of killing them and "tying up loose ends". Characters first created for the EU are even [[Red Shirts|more expandable]].
* [[C List Fodder]] / [[Cerebus Ending]]: A lot of secondary or tertiary girls from the main series are thrown into this for sometimes the sole purpose of killing them and "tying up loose ends". Characters first created for the EU are even [[Red Shirts|more expandable]].
* [[Come With Me If You Want To Live]]: Women in desperate situations are given a choice (unbeknown to them, [[Sadistic Choice|Sadistic]]), to go with them and be rescued from their owners and join a group/cult, or be slowly tortured to death by their masters.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: Some pages go out of their way to show that the stories are in the same universe as the ones in "Birthday Gift". Maggie, Peter and Sherry make two, respectively one appearance.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: Some pages go out of their way to show that the stories are in the same universe as the ones in "Birthday Gift". Maggie, Peter and Sherry make two, respectively one appearance.
* [[Custom Uniform Of Sexy]]: Why the uniform is bad.
* [[Custom Uniform Of Sexy]]: Why the uniform is bad.

Revision as of 15:14, 15 May 2012

Birthday Gift or Birthday Girl is a Webcomic subseries of the Fansadox publishing franchise. It stretched eight issues (which is impressive for Fansadox's record, which barely has two stories in the same continuity) with several Shared Universe stories entitled "Slave Fair", "Slavecop", "Sluts in Training", "The Clinic", (and similar titles), all of which explore the world from other characters' perspective.

The story follows Peter and his crush Maggie, a woman who doesn't even notice him. As his 18th birthday approaches, he notices some of his colleagues started owning women, as part of the Slave Registration Act, which allows the selling of women over 18. A bit distraught by these changes in his life, Peter goes home, for his father to give him they key to something he really wanted. He expects a new car, but finds... Maggie!

Also has a Character page.

Warning: Vulgar language (can't be helped, most of the series contains Cluster F Bombs and references to sexual organs) and High Octane Nightmare Fuel ahead.

Birthday Gift provides examples of the following tropes:

The expanded Universe contains examples of:

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