Thirsty Desert

From Tv Tropes

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* The setting of "The Longest Joke In The World".
* The setting of "The Longest Joke In The World".
==Anime and Manga==
* [[One Piece|Alabasta]]. [[It doesn't help]] that it's basically controlled by a [[Villain with Good Publicity]] who is making matters worse for the kingdom - making rain scarce - and can literally suck the bodily fluids out of you and turn you into dry flesh and bone. The heroes make it less [[Crapsack World|crapsacky]], at least to the level it was before said arc's [[Big Bad]] stuck his nose in it.
* [[One Piece|Alabasta]]. [[It doesn't help]] that it's basically controlled by a [[Villain with Good Publicity]] who is making matters worse for the kingdom - making rain scarce - and can literally suck the bodily fluids out of you and turn you into dry flesh and bone. The heroes make it less [[Crapsack World|crapsacky]], at least to the level it was before said arc's [[Big Bad]] stuck his nose in it.
** In the Impel Down arc, Luffy and his whacky (re)acquaintances run into an artificial desert and are as thirsty and annoyed by it. [[The Reveal|The kicker]] is that [[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|the sand is made from the bones of the dead, and the heat come from ''below'', where there seems to be a '''literal hell''' going on.]]
** In the Impel Down arc, Luffy and his whacky (re)acquaintances run into an artificial desert and are as thirsty and annoyed by it. [[The Reveal|The kicker]] is that [[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|the sand is made from the bones of the dead, and the heat come from ''below'', where there seems to be a '''literal hell''' going on.]]
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[[Category:Tropes of Nature]]
[[Category:Tropes Of Nature]]
[[Category:The Ground Beneath Our Feet]]
[[Category:The Ground Beneath Our Feet]]
[[Category:All Tropes]]

Revision as of 15:33, 16 April 2012

The desert. A parched, barren wasteland stretching for miles in every direction. If the maddening heat doesn't drive you into a Mushroom Samba or just kill you, the lack of water or one of the desert's many hostile inhabitants probably will. Basically, this trope is to Shifting Sand Land as Hungry Jungle is to Jungle Japes or Lovecraft Country is to Hollywood New England - a nastier, more serious portrayal of the same region.




  • The setting of "The Longest Joke In The World".

Anime and Manga



Tabletop Games


  • The Twilight Zone TOS:
    • The Libyan desert in episode "King Nine Will Not Return".
    • An (unnamed) American desert in "The Rip Van Winkle Caper".
  • The Prisoner (2009) had the desert surrounding the Village, filmed in Namibia.

Video Games

Web Original


  • Saharan, Subsaharan and generally middle-eastern countries in various Fansadox stories.

Real Life

  • Generally averted in Real Life, since desert biomes are often teeming with life despite the harsh climate.
  • Parts of the Atacama Desert in South America havn't received rainfall in hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. Some areas receive moisture from coastal fog, other areas are as dead and barren as Mars.
    • In its most desolate regions the Atacama is allegedly sterile, as not even bacteria can survive there. When the TopGear boys crossed the Atacama on a road trip, Jeremy Clarkson mentioned this - primarily to illustrate that co-host Richard Hammond was currently the smallest organism within a hundred miles.

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