The Great Invasion
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It's 2131 and the world has gone to hell. Women are scarce because of a virus, and only the US stands free. That doesn't last. All the other continents gang up against it for their women. Monique, an 18 year old with the body of a model, is caught up in fleeing for the war, and for a year, she manages to hide in the sewers like an animal. When she's caught, she's sold to a Fat And Proud Morales. So starts her hell... The B story revolves around a group of La Resistance Amazon Brigade, who are caught and forced to entertain the new regime.
- Abhorrent Admirer: The main kind of abusers. Women find them repulsive.
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: Women hide in these in The Great Invasion. The Twenty Minutes Into The Future isn't much of an excuse - it's still Los Angeles.
- Ain't Too Proud To Beg: The girls.
- All Abusers Are Male: As of the three issues, no woman abuser ever appeared.
- All Men Are Perverts.
- All Your Base Are Belong To Us: The US has been invaded.
- Alternate History Wank: China Takes Over The World.
- Amazon Brigade.
- Authority Equals Asskicking:
- What do you think of this, amigo? A platinum-grade ID! It means I can fuck your wife and daughters if I don't like the way you talk to me.
- Awesome Yet Practical: The tools used to break women.
- Bad Job Worse Uniform.
- Badass: You can say a lot about Morales, but he's bad to the bone in all meanings...
- Badass Boast.
- Badass Grandpa.
- Big Beautiful Man: Fat And Proud too. Possibly justified in that, in such a Dystopia, having some extra pounds means you can afford the food and loosening up.
- Biggus Dickus.
- Bikini Bar.
- Bondage Is Bad.
- Bound And Gagged.
- Bounty Hunter.
- Break The Cutie: Poor Monique.
- Break The Haughty Amazon Brigade.
- Calling Your Orgasms: Men like to do this, but they'll force women to, too.
- Chained By Fashion.
- Chained To A Bed.
- China Takes Over The World: China invades the US to get their women (and not die out as a race). Bonus points for most of the Chinese having more Mongolian facial treats than Chinese (weak, small, etc).
- Cold Blooded Torture.
- Cool And Unusual Punishment: Having one of your slave masturbate and cum at the sight of you raping another one. Establishments have women dancing and strapped electrical devices on the genitals, and if they don't put enough effort, they're electrocuted. And so on.
- Crapsack World.
- Custom Uniform Of Sexy: Employees (for now, nurses, cooks, gladiators...)
- Darkest Africa: Going there in part 4.
- Dirty Old Man: Morales of course.
- Eagleland: The US, before the invasion, is said to have remained the same like at the start of the millenium.
- Electric Torture.
- Exalted Torturer: The old man that tortures the Amazon Rebel Leader some time after she told all she knew, just for the fun of it.
- Face of a Thug: Fernando (the author) gets these right better than others. Other characters wearing Morales' face in other works have been drug dealers, Pervert Dads and it always worked.
- Fetish Fuel Future.
- For The Evulz: Morales seems to play this more often than others. At least most of the men he encounters are just doing their job, he's actually threatening most of them too. Though on whims, he also rewards them if he sees fit.
- Forced Prize Fight: Invaders Wild Orgy has former free women gladiator fights, other issues too.
- Gene Hunt Interrogation Technique: La Resistance female captured members.
- Gladiator Games: That's entertainment!
- Going Commando.
- Great White Hunter. Spoofed: it's a woman hunter.
- Guns In Church: Played scarily straight where big men with spears and "hunting tools" prowl an otherwise apparently civilized city for runaway females.
- Huge Guy Tiny Girl: Morales. Is. HUGE.
- Improbably Cool Car.
- Inner Monologue: Monique both tells her story, and rants in her mind.
- Jerkass: Morales; borders on Card Carying Villain.
- La Resistance: Made of Amazon Brigade, of course. It doesn't last.
- Les Yay.
- Los Angeles: The story is set there.
- Mad Scientist: Chu Lun Li, the Chinese scientist that invented the anti-man virus.
- Made A Slave.
- Not So Harmless: Even as Morales' past slowly reveals some bad things he's been part of, he still seems a pretty harmless Retired Badass, even when he threatens the employee of an establishment to skip the line in... until he casually shoots a woman for the simple "offense" of screeming.
- One Gender Race: The rest of the world faces this because of venerical diseases (30:1 men:women), so they invert their condition on the US (kill off all the males) to both invade and survive as a species/culture/ideology/w/e.
- Retired Badass: Morales. Dubs as Authority Equals Asskicking.
- Sequel Escalation: From the generally benign owning of a slave to gladiator fights next number.
- This Is My Story: Monique's story.
- Twenty Minutes Into The Future.
- You Cant Go Home Again: Monique runs away for her freedom, but she's taken in one of her friends' (now repossessed) house, only half a mile from her own. Obviously, she didn't want to stay there...