Training My Slave-Girl

From Tv Tropes

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* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Robert.
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Robert.
* [[Acceptable Targets]]: For the comic, Arabs, models and lesbian models.
* [[Acceptable Targets]]: For the comic, Arabs, models and lesbian models.
* [[Adaptation Decay]]: The main character of the webcomic is the Arab shop owner that sells Robert tools of the trade and someone Robert actually ''[[The Scrappy|hates the guts out of]].'' The main character isn't a bitchy everygirl, but a [[Pandering to the Base|model]]. And she also has [[Les Yay|an interesting relationship with another model]].
* [[Adaptation Decay]]: The main character of the webcomic is the Arab shop owner that sells Robert tools of the trade and someone Robert actually ''[[The Scrappy|hates the guts out of]].'' The main character isn't a bitchy everygirl, but a [[Pandering To The Base|model]]. And she also has [[Les Yay|an interesting relationship with another model]].
* [[Adaptation Induced Plot Hole]]: What exactly does an Arab has with a blonde model to treat her like this is anyone's guess. Why he wears a Batman mask is even weirder. Without the dynamics between Robert and Marianne, the story just presents the Arab as a sadist for sadism's sake (although this wouldn't be too much of a stretch).
* [[Adaptation Induced Plot Hole]]: What exactly does an Arab has with a blonde model to treat her like this is anyone's guess. Why he wears a Batman mask is even weirder. Without the dynamics between Robert and Marianne, the story just presents the Arab as a sadist for sadism's sake (although this wouldn't be too much of a stretch).
* [[Ain't Too Proud To Beg]].
* [[Ain't Too Proud To Beg]].
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* [[Asian Store Owner]].
* [[Asian Store Owner]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Robert loves pushing these on Marianne and punishing her when she reacts.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Robert loves pushing these on Marianne and punishing her when she reacts.
* [[Break the Haughty]]: At least from Robert's POV.
* [[Break The Haughty]]: At least from Robert's POV.
* [[Cold Blooded Torture]]: 'course.
* [[Cold Blooded Torture]]: 'course.
* [[Cosplay]]: Robert feels more powerful when dressing up as Batman.
* [[Cosplay]]: Robert feels more powerful when dressing up as Batman.
* [[Cruel and Unusual Punishment]].
* [[Cruel And Unusual Punishment]].
* [[Crying Wolf]]: Doubles as a strange case of [[Did Not Eat the Mousse]]: Marianne's father reported her missing often to get the police to find her. This leeds to the otherwise natural scene where, when she really gets kidnapped, the police officer is just running through routine and doesn't actively search for suspects or foul play. [[Bring My Brown Pants|Or notice that guy that just pissed his pants.]]
* [[Crying Wolf]]: Doubles as a strange case of [[Did Not Eat the Mousse]]: Marianne's father reported her missing often to get the police to find her. This leeds to the otherwise natural scene where, when she really gets kidnapped, the police officer is just running through routine and doesn't actively search for suspects or foul play. [[Bring My Brown Pants|Or notice that guy that just pissed his pants.]]
* [[Fate Worse than Death]]: Marianne often comments that, if there's a hell, it can't be worse than where she's been.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: Marianne often comments that, if there's a hell, it can't be worse than where she's been.
* [[Fictional Documents]]: Both books are actually Robert's notes on the matter, and inserted in them chronologically (presumably after he finds them on Marianne) are part of Marianne's makeshift journal.
* [[Fictional Documents]]: Both books are actually Robert's notes on the matter, and inserted in them chronologically (presumably after he finds them on Marianne) are part of Marianne's makeshift journal.
** Also the SS manual on torture.
** Also the SS manual on torture.
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* [[Loves My Alter Ego]]: Robert fears the respect he's getting when putting on the Batman suit is becoming more prominent than '''[[Pride|Robert T. Wilson]]'''.
* [[Loves My Alter Ego]]: Robert fears the respect he's getting when putting on the Batman suit is becoming more prominent than '''[[Pride|Robert T. Wilson]]'''.
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Angela has shades of this.
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Angela has shades of this.
* [[Made a Slave]].
* [[Made A Slave]].
* [[Most Annoying Sound]]: Played for laughs with Angela's... laughter.
* [[Most Annoying Sound]]: Played for laughs with Angela's... laughter.
** Played for drama with the siren Robert keeps turning on.
** Played for drama with the siren Robert keeps turning on.
* [[Police Are Useless]]: For now, they struck out twice. First, justified by a [[Crying Wolf]] father. Second, they went right after the legitimate boyfriend.
* [[Police Are Useless]]: For now, they struck out twice. First, justified by a [[Crying Wolf]] father. Second, they went right after the legitimate boyfriend.
* [[Politically Incorrect Villain]]: Robert: Where to begin...
* [[Politically Incorrect Villain]]: Robert: Where to begin...
* [[Punk In The Trunk]]: Played for '''[[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|absolute drama]]''' (and a bit of [[Black Comedy]] for the perpetrators): Marianne is put in a trunk, bound in latex and locked there for 24 straight hours, put ''[[Squick|straws down her throat so she won't suffocate]]'' and injected with a cocktail that'll keep her awake the entire trip.
* [[Punk In The Trunk|Bitch In The Trunk]]: Played for '''[[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|absolute drama]]''' (and a bit of [[Black Comedy]] for the perpetrators): Marianne is put in a trunk, bound in latex and locked there for 24 straight hours, put ''[[Squick|straws down her throat so she won't suffocate]]'' and injected with a cocktail that'll keep her awake the entire trip.
* [[Rape as Drama]].
* [[Rape As Drama]].
* [[Rape is Love]]: Robert actually expresses his love this way. And sometimes his hate.
* [[Rape As Love]]: Robert actually expresses his love this way. And sometimes his hate.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Marianne gives Robert a heart-chilling one at the end of book two, expecting to be killed for it but frankly not caring anymore.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Marianne gives Robert a heart-chilling one at the end of book two, expecting to be killed for it but frankly not caring anymore.
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Angela becomes this to Robert, as well as one of the few stability pillars for his ever-increased erratic actions. She started as a [[Secret Secret Keeper]].
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Angela becomes this to Robert, as well as one of the few stability pillars for his ever-increased erratic actions. She started as a [[Secret Secret Keeper]].
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* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Robert.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Robert.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Apparently at the end of book 2.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Apparently at the end of book 2.
* [[Wig, Dress, Accent]]: Robert describes using the first two masterfully, although from what we know of him (and the fact that Negrita recognised him), it was probably a [[Paper-Thin Disguise]].
* [[Wig Dress Accent]]: Robert describes using the first two masterfully, although from what we know of him (and the fact that Negrita recognised him), it was probably a [[Paper-Thin Disguise]].
* [[You Fail Biology Forever]]: Averted by Angela in-world: she's a veterinarian and she knows how to keep her pets alive.
* [[You Fail Biology Forever]]: Averted by Angela in-world: she's a veterinarian and she knows how to keep her pets alive.

Current revision as of 04:17, 17 February 2013

Training my Slave-Girl is a Takamura creation (illustrated by Badia) in the Fansadox franchise about Robert T. Wilson, a psycho who abducts women for sexual pleasure. His partner in crime becomes Angela, a horny woman worse than Robert himself who discovers his little kink and decided to help him out, all for a profit.

The series contains two novels, which claim to be based on a real story on the notes of the real Robert T. Wilson. At the end of the second story, it cryptically states "The facts don't end here. Robert T. Wilson wrote a fourth and fifth journal... Please help us to find them." The story has also been adapted (somewhat pragmatically) in two illustrated novels/Webcomics, #123 - Snatched Model and #128 - Top Model's Hell. The female protagonist here is a blonde model, and the man is "Ali", a generic Arab.

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