Iron Warriors (Characters)

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Characters among the ''[[Iron Warriors]]'' novel series and background.
Characters among the ''[[Iron Warriors]]'' novel series and background.
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One of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind for the Great Crusade, Perturabo and his brothers were scattered to the stars by the forces of Chaos. Landing on Olympia, Perturabo found by the guards of Dammekos, the Tyrant of Olympia, while crawling in the mountains. Recognizing he was no ordinary child, Dammekos took Perturabo in and raised as his own son. While Dammekos gave the boy warmth and affection, Perturabo never returned it. When the Emperor came to Olympia, Perturabo submitted to him and overthrew Dammekos. The fallen Tyrant would try to mount a resistance, but it would fail. Perturabo was given command of the IV Legion of the Adeputs Astartes, the Iron Warriors.
One of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind for the Great Crusade, Perturabo and his brothers were scattered to the stars by the forces of Chaos. Landing on Olympia, Perturabo found by the guards of Dammekos, the Tyrant of Olympia, while crawling in the mountains. Recognizing he was no ordinary child, Dammekos took Perturabo in and raised as his own son. While Dammekos gave the boy warmth and affection, Perturabo never returned it. When the Emperor came to Olympia, Perturabo submitted to him and overthrew Dammekos. The fallen Tyrant would try to mount a resistance, but it would fail. Perturabo was given command of the IV Legion of the Adeputs Astartes, the Iron Warriors.
During the Great Crusade, the Iron Warriors became masters of siege warfare, developing a rivalry with Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the ImperialFists, with a similar mastery of sieges. The Iron Warriors were eventually relegated to single squads being expected to keep control of planets with millions of inhabitants. Perturabo resented this, and when Olympia rebelled, the Iron Warriors launched a savage reprisal. Soon called to Isstvan V to deal with the beginning of the HorusHeresy, the Iron Warriors defected to the Chaos Space Marines, and later reveled in destroying the ramparts of the Imperial Palace. After the Horus Heresy, the Iron Warriors defeated the Imperial Fists in the Iron Cage incident, and Perturabo ascended to Daemon Prince, ruling over the Daemon World of Medrengard in the Eye of Terror.
During the Great Crusade, the Iron Warriors became masters of siege warfare, developing a rivalry with Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the [[Imperial Fists]], with a similar mastery of sieges. The Iron Warriors were eventually relegated to single squads being expected to keep control of planets with millions of inhabitants. Perturabo resented this, and when Olympia rebelled, the Iron Warriors launched a savage reprisal. Soon called to Isstvan V to deal with the beginning of the ''[[Horus Heresy]]'', the Iron Warriors defected to the Chaos Space Marines, and later reveled in destroying the ramparts of the Imperial Palace. After the Horus Heresy, the Iron Warriors defeated the Imperial Fists in the Iron Cage incident, and Perturabo ascended to Daemon Prince, ruling over the Daemon World of Medrengard in the Eye of Terror.
* [[Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence]].
* [[Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence]].
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{{quote|''[[Self Deprecation|I have no such impressive titles, human. I am called Honsou. Half-breed, mongrel, filth, scum.]] [[Badass Boast|I will cross blades with you.]]''}}
The leader of the Warsmith's third company. Has not been named Captain despite holding the post for two centuries, due to his status of having some Imperial Fists gene-seed in with his Iron Warriors gene-seed.
The leader of the Warsmith's third company. Has not been named Captain despite holding the post for two centuries, due to his status of having some Imperial Fists gene-seed in with his Iron Warriors gene-seed.
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* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Losses his right arm in the siege.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Losses his right arm in the siege.
* [[Bald Of Evil]].
* [[Bald Of Evil]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Less from the [[Chew Toy]] status those around him put him into, and more on confronting those responsible for his heritage. When he actually meets {{spoiler|the Imperial Fists}}, cue [[Unstoppable Rage]] ''and'' [[Demonic Possession]].
* [[Bond One Liner]]: Inadvertently:
*: {{spoiler|'''Vauban'''}}: ''Damn you...'' he whispered.
*: '''Honsou''': ''That happened a long time, human.'' hissed Honsou, but {{spoiler|Vauban}} was already dead.
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: Wields a chainsword.
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: Wields a chainsword.
* [[Dark Chick]]: Among the Warsmith's other lieutenants.
* [[Dark Chick]]: Among the Warsmith's other lieutenants.
* [[Demonic Possession]]: Gets possessed by a minor Daemon during the battle for Hydra Cordatus. The Warsmith is impressed.
* [[Demonic Possession]]: Gets possessed by a minor Daemon during the battle for Hydra Cordatus. The Warsmith is impressed. He however realises it was dumb luck that got the thing out of him, and thus spared his life.
* [[Dragon Ascendant|{{spoiler|Dragon Ascendant}}.
* [[Dragon Ascendant|{{spoiler|Dragon Ascendant]]}}.
* [[Empathic Weapon]]: Demon-bound chainsword, probably the same with his metallic arm.
* [[Good Thing You Can Heal]]: His metallic arm can heal.
* [[Hair Trigger Temper]]: At the start of ''Heraclitus effect'', for several reasons.
* [[Half Breed]]: And it's why the other captains hate him.
* [[Half Breed]]: And it's why the other captains hate him.
* [[Hidden Depths]].
* [[Jerkass Façade]]: To a lot of people. Only through the narrator and maybe Forrix we realise he's more than he lets on.
* [[Nostalgia Filter]]: Goes through this after {{spoiler|he loses Forrix, Kroeger and the Warsmith}} and remembers their own Nostalgia Filter.
* [[Oblivious To Love|Oblivious To Brotherly Acceptance]]: Forrix has to point out this to him, but he's daft enough not to get the hint even when it's spelled out for him. Forrix leaves rightfully annoyed.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: After losing an arm to {{spoiler|Vauban}}, The Warsmith, impressed with a past performance of his, gives him a special metalic hand that can stop ''missiles'' in mid-friggin-air or axes, and [[Good Thing You Can Heal|it can heal, too]].
* [[Second Hand Storytelling]]: Explains rather clumsily both the events between ''The Enemy of my Enemy'' and ''The Heraclitus Effect'', as well as the events from ''Storm of Iron''.
* [[Self Deprecation]]: Because all of the ''centuries'', if not millenia of being put down, he doesn't have much self esteem. He compensates by being an ass to anyone close to being an enemy. Even his introductory line is sad, but ends in a [[Badass Boast|Badass manner]]:
*: ''I have no such impressive titles, human. I am called Honsou. Half-breed, mongrel, filth, scum. [[Badass Boast|I will cross blades with you.]]''
* [[Self Exile]]: After some sour events on Medrengard, he realises staying there to build fortresses just to be attacked by his brother who have something to prove will end in wasted life and a work lost.
* [[The Unchosen One]]: From all the captains, {{spoiler|he's the only one to survive and get the title of Warsmith. Possibly an inversion of the trope, since although he's unlikely and unwilling to become this, The Warsmith groomed him for it for his idealism.}}
* [[Unfazed Everyman]]: Even if he fights for the future where [[Cosmic Horror]]s will help humanity evolve, even if he'll accept some help from demons and live in a [[Reality Warper|Reality Warping and Warped]] world, he's more of a [[Combat Pragmatist]] and will leave those things up to those who actually know how to deal with such things. He's just content with smashing fortresses, Ultramarines and anything else in his way through his training.
* [[Villain Protagonist]].
* [[Villain Protagonist]].
* [[Visionary Villain]]: Genuinely believes in the dream of Horus of uniting humanity under the power of Chaos to protect it from Xenos threats.
* [[Visionary Villain]]: Genuinely believes in the dream of Horus of uniting humanity under the power of Chaos to protect it from Xenos threats.
* [[Well Done Son Guy]]: Towards the end of ''Storm of Iron'', he receives the Warsmith's approval, to his immense wonder and happiness, as well as {{spoiler|the title of Warsmith itself}}.
* [[You Are In Command Now|{{spoiler|You Are In Command Now]]}}: {{spoiler|I do not name you Captain. I name you Warsmith."}}
* [[You Are In Command Now|{{spoiler|You Are In Command Now]]}}: {{spoiler|I do not name you Captain. I name you Warsmith."}}
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An ancient Warsmith of an Iron Warriors Grand Company, leading the siege on Hydra Cordatus. {{spoiler|He is planning to capture the gene-seed within to assure his status as a Daemon Prince.}}
An ancient Warsmith of an Iron Warriors Grand Company, leading the siege on Hydra Cordatus. {{spoiler|He is planning to capture the gene-seed within to assure his status as a Daemon Prince.}}
* [[An Axe To Grind]]].
* [[An Axe To Grind]].
* [[Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence|{{spoiler|Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence]]}}: {{spoiler|Goes onto become a Daemon Prince.}}
* [[Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence|{{spoiler|Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence]]}}: {{spoiler|Goes onto become a Daemon Prince.}}
* [[Big Bad]].
* [[Big Bad]].
* [[Bling Of War]]: Wears Terminator Armour.
* [[Bling Of War]]: Wears Terminator Armour.
* [[Brown Note]]: Just looking at him causes nausea in his own underlings. {{spoiler: It's because of his transformations.}}
* [[Brown Note]]: Just looking at him causes nausea in his own underlings. {{spoiler|It's because of his transformations.}}
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Before the final battle, he proves [[A Father To His Men]], recognizes [[Well Done Son Guy|Honsou's ability]] and even has an [[Honor Before Reason]] (yet still [[Combat Pragmatism|pragmatic]]) boast in which he apparently genuinely declares to ''[[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|not consume the souls of his foes]]'' if they commit suicide before his army attacks. He is shown to also been one of the few [[Well Intentioned Extremist|idealists]] that [[The Dark Side Makes You Forget|didn't forget what he fought for, or at least remembered again]] and {{spoiler|gives Honsou his title because he's the closest one with the idealist ambitions still burning in his heart from his captains.}}
* [[I'm A Humanitarian]]: {{spoiler|Begins feeding on Progenoids after breaking into the Citadel.}}
* [[I'm A Humanitarian]]: {{spoiler|Begins feeding on Progenoids after breaking into the Citadel.}}
* [[Karma Houdini|{{spoiler|Karma Houdini]]}}.
* [[Karma Houdini|{{spoiler|Karma Houdini]]}}.
* [[Large And In Charge]]
* [[Large And In Charge]].
* [[One Winged Angel]]: Well, {{spoiler|he had two and ''they could fly'', but they weren't really ''material''.}}
* [[Power Gives You Wings|{{spoiler|Power Gives You Wings]]}}.
* [[Time Abyss]]: Originally came from Olympia, and took part in the Great Crusade. {{spoiler|He even helped design the Citadel on Hydra Cordatus.}}
* [[Time Abyss]]: Originally came from Olympia, and took part in the Great Crusade. {{spoiler|He even helped design the Citadel on Hydra Cordatus.}}
The First Captain of the Warsmith's Grand Company. Once eagerly believed in Horus's dream of uniting the galaxy under Chaos, but has become jaded over ten thousand years.
* BifurcatedWeapon: A combi-weapon.
* TheCynic
* TheDragon: He's the Warsmith's chief lieutenant.
* [[spoiler: KarmicDeath]]
* PowerFist
* TimeAbyss
The Captain of the Second Company of the Warsmith's Grand Company. Slowly falling into the grips of [[War God|Khorne]].
The Captain of the Second Company of the Warsmith's Grand Company. Slowly falling into the grips of [[War God|Khorne]]. {{spoiler|Later, he is replaced by The Avatar of Khorne}}.
* [[The Berserker]]: And he doesn't even realize it.
* [[The Berserker]]: And he doesn't even realize it.
* [[The Brute]].
* [[The Brute]].
* [[Chainsaw Good]].
* [[Chainsaw Good]].
* [[spoiler: EyeScream]]
* [[Dead Person Impersonation|{{spoiler|Dead Person Impersonation]]}}: At the middle of the novel, {{spoiler|he gets killed off by Larana and the demon in his armour. For the rest of the story, ''it'' goes on pretending to be Kroeger, and in the final battle finishes off its "duty" and leaves to other planes to fight until the end of time.}}
* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|{{spoiler|Dropped a Bridge on Him]]}}: He gets unceremoniously and [[Offscreen Death|{{spoiler|offscreen]]}} {{spoiler|killed off}} by Larana and the demon in his armor around the half of the story.
* [[Eye Scream|{{spoiler|Eye Scream]]}}.
* [[Foil]]: To The Warsmith. While the Warsmith goes on {{spoiler|to become a demon prince and enjoy tremendous power in the Warp}}, Kroeger slowly descends into uncontrollable bloodlust and {{spoiler|is unceremoniously killed and stuffed in his own tent while his bound demon armor wreaks havok in his name.}}
* [[General Failure]]: Honsou claims this from the beginning about him.
* [[General Failure]]: Honsou claims this from the beginning about him.
* [[Hair Trigger Temper]]: And gets worse and worse.
* [[Names To Run Away From Really Fast]]: Kroeger is a [[Names To Run Away From: K Names|K Name]] sounding a lot like [[War Is Glorious|Krieg]][er] and has that [[All Germans Are Nazis|Germanazi]] sound to it.
* [[Names To Run Away From Really Fast]]: Kroeger is a [[Names To Run Away From: K Names|K Name]] sounding a lot like [[War Is Glorious|Krieg]][er] and has that [[All Germans Are Nazis|Germanazi]] sound to it.
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]: Let's see: he has a [[All Germans Are Nazis|German]]-ish name, he hates [[Half Breed]]s, he's feared from inside his group as a [[General Failure]]...
** {{spoiler|The Avatar of [[War God|Khorne]]}}.
* [[A Nazi By Any Other Name]]: Let's see: he has a [[All Germans Are Nazis|German]]-ish name, he hates [[Half Breed]]s, he's feared from inside his group as a [[General Failure]], he lives in a regime that [[Social Darwinist|pits its finest men against each other to enhance their abilities]]...
* [[Nice Job Fixing It Villain]]: He breaks from guarding the Daemon Engines to get his slaughter on.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It Villain]]: He breaks from guarding the Daemon Engines to get his slaughter on.
** Almost does it before:
*: '''The Warsmith''': ''You would cost me my victory, Kroeger?'' [...] ''The servant of the machine with only one hand. He is important to me, Kroeger. And you almost killed him.''
* [[Not Himself]]: For the last half of the novel, he becomes taciturn and a lot more restrained. Some of his brothers believe he went insane, Honsou tries to talk to him but it almost kills him, and most of the Warsmith's champions are more interested in [[Thirty Xanatos Pileup|Xanatos Pileups]] than crazy Kroeger, but we know [[The Reveal]] that {{spoiler|Kroeger is dead}}.
* [[Paper Thin Disguise]] with [[Newspaper Thin Disguise]] ({{spoiler|in the form of his helmet}}) to boot. {{spoiler|The Avatar of Khorne}} acts [[Not Himself]], doesn't talk to anyone, is close to ''biting off one of his {{spoiler|impersonator's}} equals'' and generally acts [[Out Of Character]] long days. The only reason nobody caught on was because Kroeger was a [[Bad Boss]] with a [[Hair Trigger Temper]], and presumably The Warsmith knew and didn't say anything because he knew the guy was still useful in the coming battle and his Captains wouldn't have seen it with good eyes.
* [[Riddle For The Ages]]: In-universe example on what the hell happened to him. ''Twice''. The audience knows [[The Reveal]] that {{spoiler|he was killed and replaced by the demon in his armor}}, but his brothers only see {{spoiler|"him" go through a portal into other worlds - well, hell knows where is what they see}}. To add insult to injury, {{spoiler|they find a Space Marine corpse in his tent, died for some time, which seemed to be him but dead longer than the Living Armor has been running around with his identity}}. The narrator subverts this in claiming Honsou is wrong about this trope applying to him.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Of which most of his brothers are aware of, but few dare talking to him about it.
* [[Time Abyss]]: Ironically, Forrix still calls him a newblood. Even he lampshades how ironic it it.
* [[Time Abyss]]: Ironically, Forrix still calls him a newblood. Even he lampshades how ironic it it.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: To {{spoiler|the demon in the armor}}. While his instincts tell him there's something wrong with keeping Larana, he's too thick to just kill her on the spot, and that comes back to bit him ''hard''.
* [[You Have Failed Me]]: Vents his frustrations on the [[Red Shirt]]ed human minions. This becomes [[Fridge Logic]] when you realise he's a Khorne follower and needs to spill blood often.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|{{spoiler|You No Longer Entertain Me]]}}.
The First Captain of the Warsmith's Grand Company. Once eagerly believed in Horus's dream of uniting the galaxy under Chaos, but has become jaded over ten thousand years.
* [[Animal Nemesis]]: With the Titans. Hell, ''everyone'' holds the [[Idiot Ball|Ahab Ball]] with the Titans.
* [[Bifurcated Weapon]]: A combi-weapon.
* [[Crowing Moment Of Awesome]]: Fighting {{spoiler|a Warhound}} ''with his bare hands and winning''.
* [[The Cynic]].
* [[The Dragon]]: He's the Warsmith's chief lieutenant.
* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|{{spoiler|Dropped a Bridge on Him]]}}: After his CMOA, he gets unceremoniously {{spoiler|killed by another Warhound to which he has no time to react.}} Ouch.
* [[Karmic Death|{{spoiler|Karmic Death]]}}.
* [[Power Fist]].
* [[Shoot The Shaggy Dog|{{spoiler|Shoot The Shaggy Dog]]}}: He's been the [[Chew Toy]] for the entirety of the novel, all his plans failed and his hard-worked respect shattered, and he finally has the chance to pull a [[Crowning Moment Of Awesome]] by defeating a {{spoiler|Warhound, only to be killed by another.}} For [[Bonus Effects]], {{spoiler|even in death}} he's not recognised his CMOA, as Honsou's [[Second Hand Storytelling]] claims {{spoiler|he took on a Warhound... and got killed by it.}}
* [[Time Abyss]].
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]].
==Jharek Kelmaur==
==Jharek Kelmaur==
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The Sorcerer of the Warsmith's Grand Company.
The Sorcerer of the Warsmith's Grand Company.
* [[spoiler: AndIMustScream]]
* [[And I Must Scream|{{spoiler|And I Must Scream]]}}.
* [[Bald Of Evil]].
* [[Bald Of Evil]].
* [[Evil Genius]].
* [[Evil Genius]].
* [[Evil Sorcerer]].
* [[Evil Sorcerer]].
* [[Eye Scream]]: His eyes have been permanently shown shut.
* [[Eye Scream]]: His eyes have been permanently shown shut.
* [[spoiler: FateWorseThanDeath]]
* [[Fate Worse Than Death|{{spoiler|Fate Worse Than Death]]}}.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|{{spoiler|You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]}} is the official reason the Warsmith gives to {{spoiler|turning him into a devolved piece of tentacles}}, but most likely is [[You Have Failed Me|{{spoiler|You Have Lied To Me]]}}.
* [[Ambiguous Gender]].
* [[Dark Chick]].
* [[Dark Chick]].
* [[Death Of A Thousand Cuts]]: His favorite fighting style, to prolong the fight. Comes to bite him in the ass at least twice... but since he liked his ass being bitten, he got his wish.
* [[Deprived Bisexual]]/[[Anything That Moves]]: Well, he is a Slaneesh worshiper.
* [[Dumbass Has A Point]]: Ends up seeing at one point a tactical opening better than ''siege masters'' around him. The irony? He only thinks of it and suggests it [[For The Evulz|for the pleasure the thought of such death gives him]] and caring generally little for the strategical advantage of such a maneuver.
* [[Dumbass Has A Point]]: Ends up seeing at one point a tactical opening better than ''siege masters'' around him. The irony? He only thinks of it and suggests it [[For The Evulz|for the pleasure the thought of such death gives him]] and caring generally little for the strategical advantage of such a maneuver.
* [[Go Out With A Smile|{{spoiler|Go Out With A Smile]]}}: And that's one of the [[Kama Houdini|{{spoiler|''best'']]}} ways a Chaos Marine (especially a hedonist like himself) can get in {{spoiler|death}}.
* [[Go Out With A Smile|{{spoiler|Go Out With A Smile]]}}: And that's one of the [[Kama Houdini|{{spoiler|''best'']]}} ways a Chaos Marine (especially a hedonist like himself) can get in {{spoiler|death}}.
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* [[The Hedonist]].
* [[The Hedonist]].
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Is implied it's the reason {{spoiler|he lost the fight and his life}}. Still, probably [[Worth It]].
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Is implied it's the reason {{spoiler|he lost the fight and his life}}. Still, probably [[Worth It]].
* [[Master Swordsman]].
* [[Punny Name]]: Would be appropriate to believe it comes from [[The Immodest Orgasm|"ecstasy"]].
* [[Punny Name]]: Would be appropriate to believe it comes from [[The Immodest Orgasm|"ecstasy"]].
* [[Too Kinki To Torture]]: Straight example.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Invokes this trope, waiting for the right warriors to fight.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Invokes this trope, waiting for the right warriors to fight.
==Guardsman Hawke==
* [[Air Vent Escape|{{spoiler|Air Vent Escape]]}}.
* [[Allergic To Routine]]: Bordering on [[Tempting Fate]].
* [[Crowning Moment Of Awesome]]: Just about his entire story, especially since he's a "simple" human.
* [[Dedication]]: "To all the Guardsmen Hawkes out there [[Anvilicious|and the idea of getting a second chance. Don't waste it.]]
* [[Doomed Protagonist]]: {{spoiler|Well, at least twice subverted}}.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Possibly the point of his character.
* [[Earn Your Happy Endings|{{spoiler|Earn Your Happy Endings]]}}: {{spoiler|At the end, he's rescued by the Imperial Fists.}}
* [[Failed A Spot Check]]: [[Mauve Shirt]] as he is, he does it repeatedly, though in his defense he acts pretty level-headed for a "[[Insistent Terminology|mortal]]" and even manages to {{spoiler|take out two Space Marines and inadvertently trick the survivor that he was dead}}.
*: ''"[[Tempting Fate|You just messed with the wrong guy!]]" he yelled.''
*: ''Dust blew in his face, filling his mouth and he angrily spat it clear. Then he-''
*: ''Dust? He glanced quickly at the door.''
*: ''[[Oh Crap|Oh no...]]''
** He later {{spoiler|gets himself stuck in the tail of a ''missile'' and is only saved by dumb luck.}}
* [[Grenade Hot Potato]]: Hawke throws ''two'' grenades that were "left at his door" away from him ''and has time to take rudimentary cover''. {{spoiler|He survives, but it's revealed that this is barely, as}} [[Reality Ensues|he didn't manage to throw the second.]]
* [[Hot Blooded]].
* [[Indy Ploy]]: Really, half the time he doesn't know what he's doing, but he gets through a lot mostly on luck and good reflexes and observation of the environment.
* [[Life Or Limb Decision]]: [[Takes A Third Option]]: {{spoiler|the other guy's limb, which is conveniently mechanical.}}
* [[Madness Mantra]]: ''Oh damn, oh damn, oh damn...''
** Later ''No no no...'' when {{spoiler|a possible escape ship leaves him stranded. He's probably lucky he didn't catch it.}}
* [[Mauve Shirt]].
* [[Rebellious Rebel]].
* [[Sir Swears A Lot]].
* [[Spanner In The Works]]: Proves trouble for the Iron Warriors, and later, his superior calls him this in an entire wrong context.
* [[Taking You With Me]]: A Chaos Marine tries to do this to him {{spoiler|in the missile hangar. It doesn't work.}}
[[Category:Character Sheets]]
[[Category:Character Sheets]]
[[Category:Warhammer 40,000 Characters]]
[[Category:Warhammer 40,000 Characters]]

Current revision as of 10:40, 24 April 2012

Characters among the Iron Warriors novel series and background.


[edit] Perturabo

One of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind for the Great Crusade, Perturabo and his brothers were scattered to the stars by the forces of Chaos. Landing on Olympia, Perturabo found by the guards of Dammekos, the Tyrant of Olympia, while crawling in the mountains. Recognizing he was no ordinary child, Dammekos took Perturabo in and raised as his own son. While Dammekos gave the boy warmth and affection, Perturabo never returned it. When the Emperor came to Olympia, Perturabo submitted to him and overthrew Dammekos. The fallen Tyrant would try to mount a resistance, but it would fail. Perturabo was given command of the IV Legion of the Adeputs Astartes, the Iron Warriors.

During the Great Crusade, the Iron Warriors became masters of siege warfare, developing a rivalry with Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, with a similar mastery of sieges. The Iron Warriors were eventually relegated to single squads being expected to keep control of planets with millions of inhabitants. Perturabo resented this, and when Olympia rebelled, the Iron Warriors launched a savage reprisal. Soon called to Isstvan V to deal with the beginning of the Horus Heresy, the Iron Warriors defected to the Chaos Space Marines, and later reveled in destroying the ramparts of the Imperial Palace. After the Horus Heresy, the Iron Warriors defeated the Imperial Fists in the Iron Cage incident, and Perturabo ascended to Daemon Prince, ruling over the Daemon World of Medrengard in the Eye of Terror.

[edit] Honsou

I have no such impressive titles, human. I am called Honsou. Half-breed, mongrel, filth, scum. I will cross blades with you.

The leader of the Warsmith's third company. Has not been named Captain despite holding the post for two centuries, due to his status of having some Imperial Fists gene-seed in with his Iron Warriors gene-seed.

  • Artificial Limbs: Losses his right arm in the siege.
  • Bald Of Evil.
  • Berserk Button: Less from the Chew Toy status those around him put him into, and more on confronting those responsible for his heritage. When he actually meets the Imperial Fists, cue Unstoppable Rage and Demonic Possession.
  • Bond One Liner: Inadvertently:
    Vauban: Damn you... he whispered.
    Honsou: That happened a long time, human. hissed Honsou, but Vauban was already dead.
  • Chainsaw Good: Wields a chainsword.
  • Dark Chick: Among the Warsmith's other lieutenants.
  • Demonic Possession: Gets possessed by a minor Daemon during the battle for Hydra Cordatus. The Warsmith is impressed. He however realises it was dumb luck that got the thing out of him, and thus spared his life.
  • Dragon Ascendant.
  • Empathic Weapon: Demon-bound chainsword, probably the same with his metallic arm.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: His metallic arm can heal.
  • Hair Trigger Temper: At the start of Heraclitus effect, for several reasons.
  • Half Breed: And it's why the other captains hate him.
  • Hidden Depths.
  • Jerkass Façade: To a lot of people. Only through the narrator and maybe Forrix we realise he's more than he lets on.
  • Nostalgia Filter: Goes through this after he loses Forrix, Kroeger and the Warsmith and remembers their own Nostalgia Filter.
  • Oblivious To Brotherly Acceptance: Forrix has to point out this to him, but he's daft enough not to get the hint even when it's spelled out for him. Forrix leaves rightfully annoyed.
  • Red Right Hand: After losing an arm to Vauban, The Warsmith, impressed with a past performance of his, gives him a special metalic hand that can stop missiles in mid-friggin-air or axes, and it can heal, too.
  • Second Hand Storytelling: Explains rather clumsily both the events between The Enemy of my Enemy and The Heraclitus Effect, as well as the events from Storm of Iron.
  • Self Deprecation: Because all of the centuries, if not millenia of being put down, he doesn't have much self esteem. He compensates by being an ass to anyone close to being an enemy. Even his introductory line is sad, but ends in a Badass manner:
    I have no such impressive titles, human. I am called Honsou. Half-breed, mongrel, filth, scum. I will cross blades with you.
  • Self Exile: After some sour events on Medrengard, he realises staying there to build fortresses just to be attacked by his brother who have something to prove will end in wasted life and a work lost.
  • The Unchosen One: From all the captains, he's the only one to survive and get the title of Warsmith. Possibly an inversion of the trope, since although he's unlikely and unwilling to become this, The Warsmith groomed him for it for his idealism.
  • Unfazed Everyman: Even if he fights for the future where Cosmic Horrors will help humanity evolve, even if he'll accept some help from demons and live in a Reality Warping and Warped world, he's more of a Combat Pragmatist and will leave those things up to those who actually know how to deal with such things. He's just content with smashing fortresses, Ultramarines and anything else in his way through his training.
  • Villain Protagonist.
  • Visionary Villain: Genuinely believes in the dream of Horus of uniting humanity under the power of Chaos to protect it from Xenos threats.
  • Well Done Son Guy: Towards the end of Storm of Iron, he receives the Warsmith's approval, to his immense wonder and happiness, as well as the title of Warsmith itself.
  • You Are In Command Now: I do not name you Captain. I name you Warsmith."

[edit] The Warsmith

An ancient Warsmith of an Iron Warriors Grand Company, leading the siege on Hydra Cordatus. He is planning to capture the gene-seed within to assure his status as a Daemon Prince.

[edit] Kroeger

The Captain of the Second Company of the Warsmith's Grand Company. Slowly falling into the grips of Khorne. Later, he is replaced by The Avatar of Khorne.

  • The Berserker: And he doesn't even realize it.
  • The Brute.
  • Chainsaw Good.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: At the middle of the novel, he gets killed off by Larana and the demon in his armour. For the rest of the story, it goes on pretending to be Kroeger, and in the final battle finishes off its "duty" and leaves to other planes to fight until the end of time.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: He gets unceremoniously and offscreen killed off by Larana and the demon in his armor around the half of the story.
  • Eye Scream.
  • Foil: To The Warsmith. While the Warsmith goes on to become a demon prince and enjoy tremendous power in the Warp, Kroeger slowly descends into uncontrollable bloodlust and is unceremoniously killed and stuffed in his own tent while his bound demon armor wreaks havok in his name.
  • General Failure: Honsou claims this from the beginning about him.
  • Hair Trigger Temper: And gets worse and worse.
  • Names To Run Away From Really Fast: Kroeger is a K Name sounding a lot like Krieg[er] and has that Germanazi sound to it.
  • A Nazi By Any Other Name: Let's see: he has a German-ish name, he hates Half Breeds, he's feared from inside his group as a General Failure, he lives in a regime that pits its finest men against each other to enhance their abilities...
  • Nice Job Fixing It Villain: He breaks from guarding the Daemon Engines to get his slaughter on.
    • Almost does it before:
    The Warsmith: You would cost me my victory, Kroeger? [...] The servant of the machine with only one hand. He is important to me, Kroeger. And you almost killed him.
  • Not Himself: For the last half of the novel, he becomes taciturn and a lot more restrained. Some of his brothers believe he went insane, Honsou tries to talk to him but it almost kills him, and most of the Warsmith's champions are more interested in Xanatos Pileups than crazy Kroeger, but we know The Reveal that Kroeger is dead.
  • Paper Thin Disguise with Newspaper Thin Disguise (in the form of his helmet) to boot. The Avatar of Khorne acts Not Himself, doesn't talk to anyone, is close to biting off one of his impersonator's equals and generally acts Out Of Character long days. The only reason nobody caught on was because Kroeger was a Bad Boss with a Hair Trigger Temper, and presumably The Warsmith knew and didn't say anything because he knew the guy was still useful in the coming battle and his Captains wouldn't have seen it with good eyes.
  • Riddle For The Ages: In-universe example on what the hell happened to him. Twice. The audience knows The Reveal that he was killed and replaced by the demon in his armor, but his brothers only see "him" go through a portal into other worlds - well, hell knows where is what they see. To add insult to injury, they find a Space Marine corpse in his tent, died for some time, which seemed to be him but dead longer than the Living Armor has been running around with his identity. The narrator subverts this in claiming Honsou is wrong about this trope applying to him.
  • Sanity Slippage: Of which most of his brothers are aware of, but few dare talking to him about it.
  • Time Abyss: Ironically, Forrix still calls him a newblood. Even he lampshades how ironic it it.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To the demon in the armor. While his instincts tell him there's something wrong with keeping Larana, he's too thick to just kill her on the spot, and that comes back to bit him hard.
  • You Have Failed Me: Vents his frustrations on the Red Shirted human minions. This becomes Fridge Logic when you realise he's a Khorne follower and needs to spill blood often.
  • You No Longer Entertain Me.

[edit] Forrix

The First Captain of the Warsmith's Grand Company. Once eagerly believed in Horus's dream of uniting the galaxy under Chaos, but has become jaded over ten thousand years.

[edit] Jharek Kelmaur

The Sorcerer of the Warsmith's Grand Company.

[edit] Etassay

[edit] Guardsman Hawke

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