Pick 3...

From Torg Adventure

The costume fits you pretty well, but then it is spandex. It does surprise you how well the gloves and boots fit, almost like they were tailored for your body. You finish the costume off with a simple Lone Ranger style mask and check out the results in the mirror in the changing room.

Every bit of you is accentuated. Your lean body looks more muscular in the suit than you would have imagined, and the cool, breathable fabric is having an obvious effect on your manhood. It presses out proudly along the top of your thigh, and every detail is present. A grin crosses your face and you look down to check out the boots. While doing so, you spy a piece of paper on the floor. It says in an odd script reminiscent of the runes on your costume's chest, "Pick 3 Powers"

After thinking for a second, you come up with the 3 powers that you have always wanted:

Which 3?

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