Let the kids go

From Torg Adventure

I let the kids go, watching until the topless Jenny and Hallie are out of sight. I lose interest as Kenny runs towards the house after them, and I turn back to the grill.

I see that the meat is almost done. "Josh, I'm gonna go see when they will be ready inside. This looks to be just about done out here."

I get to the patio door and begin to call out, "Meg, when...." I abruptly stop talking as I see my wife and my sister in law topless on the other side of the kitchen. Sam's breasts are a little small, but just as pert as I always imagined they would be. I pull my eyes away from her breasts and turn my gaze to my wife. I see that Kenny, Jo's teenage 'boyfriend', has both of his meaty hands on Meg's breasts and is slowly kneading them. Meg has her eyes closed and her mouth is slightly open, she seems to be enjoying herself.

Everyone seems to be engrossed in the action and they didn't notice my entrance.

What do you do?

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