
From Torg Adventure

"You know too much about me, I think I have to choose Dare."

Becka smiles, what to me looks like a fiendish smile. "Perfect. Then your dare, oh brother of mine is to kiss someone at this table."

"That's not that so bad, lean on in Penny, let your dad give you a little peck."

"How daring! You do realize I mean a real kiss?"


"On the lips, tongue, passion."

"You didn't say any of that." I feel both dejected and defiant.

"I thought it was obvious."

"Yeah, Dad it's really not much of a dare otherwise." Penny gives her two cents.

"Well.. in that case." I look around the table, maybe cousin or my sister would be a better option. Maybe a drink would be the best option.

What's next?

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