Dave freaks out

From Torg Adventure

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Dave looked at his sexified mum, then back at Jake, “I… I can’t take this!” Dave said as his breathing started to get heavy, “Thi… this is too much!” he adds, “I’ve got to get out of here!” he concludes, still holding the bone in his hand, “Don’t follow me!” he states as he closes the door behind him, oblivious to the bone throbbing in his hand. Dave quickly got into his car and drove off, a couple of blocks later he pulled over to the side. “What the fuck man?!” he asked himself, “What the fuck was that?!” he asked again, Dave realised that he was still holding the bone and looked down at it, “This thing can’t be magic?” he thought to himself, “It’s just a freaking bone!” he added still staring at the bone. Eventually he looked up and spotted a man walking towards his car, “Perhaps a test is in order” Dave mused to himself, he grasped the bone tightly in his hand, “Cross the road” he thought to himself, looking at the man as the bone lightly throbs in his hand.

Dave breathed in sharply as the man crosses the road, “That doesn’t prove anything!” Dave reasoned with himself, struggling to rationalise the power of the bone, just then he spotted an attractive woman on the other side of the road, “You will come and sit in my car” he thought to himself looking intently at the girl as the bone heated up in his hand, “Huh that’s weird” he said to himself noticing the heat from the bone. Dave looked back up and saw the girl halfway across the road; she was looking at Dave’s car with a purpose, “No way is this happening?” Dave pondered to himself as the woman got closer to the car; moments later she opened the passenger side door and sat down.

“What am I doing in here?” the woman asked, slightly confused, Dave just looked at her his jaw open.

“The bone worked” he hushed to himself, finally accepting its power, “I don’t believe it” he added.

“Excuse me? What am I doing in your car?” the woman asked again, getting a little freaked out, Dave was in shock, realising the potential for the bone, “That’s it I’m going” the woman stated opening the door.

“No, wait!” Dave stated, the bone pulsing in his hand, the woman sat back down and closed the door. Dave got a big grin on his face.

What does Dave do to the woman?

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