"Have you seen my dildo?"

From Torg Adventure

"Uhhh... umm." It's my turn to stumble over my words. "Your dildo?" I can't help but notice that her nipples are visibly hard under her tank top.

Penny blushes even brighter red. "Yeah, it's a pink and big, like ... like you, and it's got a suction cup on the end." It's my turn to blush.

I look around and do see something big and pink mixed in with all the soaps and shampoos. I reach over and grab it, as I do I notice something scrawled on the side in marker. "Is this it?"

Penny's face lights up. "There he is!" She reaches out at grabs the dildo from me. As she holds the big rubber dildo in her hand her eyes bounce between the pink phallus and my bouncing manhood. This reminds me that I'm still standing here naked in front of my daughter.

I'm just about to shoo her out of the room, when she says, "Daddy?"


"Can I ... Can I compare my dildo to your..." She gestures at my cock with her pink friend.

"You want to compare my penis to your dildo?"

Penny smiles at me.

"Ok, baby"

Penny smiles a big smile and lowers her dildo towards my crotch. She lines the big pink phallus up next to my cock. As she tries to line up the dildo just right she inadvertently brushes her fingers against my cock, it twitches. She giggles and glances up at me.

"Well, they look similar, but it looks like yours might be thicker." She wraps her fingers around they dildo and they don't quite meet. She takes her other hand and brings it up to my cock and slowly wraps her fingers around the base of my shaft. Her fingers don't quite reach. She looks up at me and smiles, "They're the same, but which do you think is longer?"

What's next?

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