
From Top Trumps

Revision as of 17:49, 27 June 2007 by I Lion Heart I (Talk | contribs)
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Below is the syntax used in MediaWiki software

  • '''Text'''

This makes "Text" bold.

  • ''Text''

This makes "Text" italic.

  • '''''Text'''''

This makes "Text" bold & italic.

  • [[Marvel Comic Heroes]]

Appears as: Marvel Comic Heroes

  • [[Marvel Comic Heroes|First Marvel Pack]]

Appears as: First Marvel Pack but when clicked goes to Marvel Comic Heroes' page.

  • []

Appears as [1], and when clicked goes to TT's website.

  • [ My Website]

Appears as My Website, but when clicked goes to TT's website. Notice the single space between the URL and the text.

  • ----

This makes a line across the page, used to seperate things- use sparingly.

  • *Marvel Comic Heroes

The star makes a bullet point.

  • = Text =

Makes "Text" appear as a Main title with a seperater line

  • == Text ==

Makes "Text" appear as a sub-main title with a seperater line. Basically, the more equal signs you put, the less high ranked the title is.

  • [[Image:Example.jpg]]

This puts an uploaded image on the page.


If you want to display an off-site picture, all you have to do is paste it's URL onto the page.

  • [[Image:Marvel_Comic_Heroes.gif|right]]

This makes the embedded picture move to the right of the page, and the text will go around it. Likewise you can also choose left or center instead of right. However, you can only use this feature with uploaded images, it doesn't work with off-site pictures.

  • [[Image:Marvel_Comic_Heroes.gif|frame|Here is the first Marvel pack]]

This makes the picture appear in a frame with a comment below it saying "Here is the first Marvel pack". You can leave out the comment if you want.

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